Parish Council |
Next Bodham Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Bodham Parish Council will take place on
Monday 2nd September at 7.30pm. All residents are welcome to
attend. |
Bodham - All Saints Church
Our Services are as follows.
All are welcome to them.
Sunday 1st September- 4.00 pm - Afternoon Praise - Bodham Village Hall
Sunday 8th September- 4.00 pm - Afternoon Praise - Bodham Village Hall
Sunday 15th September 4.00 pm - Afternoon Praise - Bodham Village Hall
Sunday 22nd September - 4.00 Harvest Festival at Bodham Church
It would be lovely to see you and you are most welcome
Our Afternoon Praise Services are informal and take place in the Village Hall
with tea and biscuits afterwards.
Bodham Playing Field |
Bodham Car Boot Events
These are taking place on Bodham Playing Field every Sunday. [Weather
From 10.00 am to 2.00 pm and will continue until Sunday 1st September
Enquiries to
Our other events this month are
Friday 9th August Mind, Body and Spirit Fair 6.00 - 9 pm in the Village Hall
Sunday 18th August 10.00 - 12.00 Car Boot and ‘Village Yard Sales’ followed by a
picnic on the field. Anyone interested can email
We would ask for £2 per Yard to cover the cost of maps for the houses hosting
the sales. |
Churches Trust Sponsored Cycle Ride |
The Annual Norfolk Church’s Trust Cycle Ride in on Saturday 14th September
between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm. If anyone would consider taking part to sponsor
Bodham Church forms can be obtained from Ann Digby. Telephone 01263 588409.
Proceeds are shared between the National Church Trust and the Church.
Callum and Kathryn are once again taking part in the N.C.T sponsored cycle ride.
The premise is simple. Cycle to as many churches as possible on the day.
Churches across the county will be open. Money raised by Callum and Kathryn this
year will be shared between the Trust and St Helen’s and All Saints East with
West Beckham. They usually alternate with Bodham.
Do contact Callum if you’d like to donate or visit their Just Giving page
Bodham Playing Field
The Playing Field Committee would like to thank everyone in the village who
supported our first combined Yard Sale and Car Boot. To say that we were caught
off guard by the sheer volume of stalls and visitors would be an
understatement. Thanks go to Roger, Fiona, Kent, Karen and Jemma who came along
to take a look and ended up donning the Hi-Vis jackets and helping out. We
literally could not have done this without you. We raised a massive £575 after
expenses, a big dent in our target. We plan to have another one, possibly two
next year.
For those of you who do not know, we came second in the Tesco Blue Token scheme,
this was specifically to get new recycled plastic picnic benches for everyone to
use. These will be installed once we know exactly where to place them. Thank
you to all who put their tokens in our box.
The Playing Field is going to be used as an overflow car park on the 1940's
weekend 21st and 22nd September, this is a huge break for us as it is a means of
raising what we hope will be a significant amount for the fund. To do this we
will need four people from 9am - 6pm, we are not asking anyone to do all of it,
but if you can volunteer for an hour or so I can then put together a rota. It
will involve directing people from the gate to the payment booth and a further
person to show them where to park and we are going to open the Cafe at the same
time, so if you are happy to do a stint in there, that would be great.
As we have our first Bazaar on Saturday 21st (1940's weekend moved their date!)
Paul, Kerri and myself will be tied up for a few hours on the first day.
We are not going to be having any more Tuesday Jumble Sales with Tabletops,
these involved a great deal of work for minimal income. Instead we are going to
be having Bodham Brunch Club 10am until noon. The first one will be on Tuesday
1st October and we hope that you come along for some refreshments and a chat.
We will work out from talking to you all what, if anything, you would like us to
provide on those Tuesdays.
Following our consultations with the village, we have asked for three quotations
and designs for the field to include everything that was asked for. Once we get
these, we will have a better idea of how much we need to raise. The plan will
be to fund raise for individual items and get them installed as soon as we can.
Lastly, a huge thank you to M&J's Plant Paradise, Becky, Tyrone and their
children who have donated some fruit bushes and trees to be planted on the
field. The plan is to have some fruit for people using the field to munch, any
not used will naturally be eaten by the birds and wildlife or will rot into the
ground. They will be labelled so that people will know what they are and that
they are safe for human consumption.
We hope to see you at some of our upcoming events. |
Events in Bodham and Beckham Village Hall
There are lots of regular activities in the hall and bookings for your events
are welcomed. For further details please see
Facebook Group: Bodham and Beckham Village Hall
Bodham and Beckham Village Hall Movie Night
Movie Night is Changing
Now Every 2nd Wednesday of the month.
We will usually be showing movie classics.
Doors open at 6.45pm, movie starts at 7.00 pm
Entry is by voluntary donation. Everyone is welcome, just turn
up and bring a drink and snacks if you would like to.
Wednesday 11th September with IMDB’s top rated movie of all time
and celebrating it’s 30th anniversary.
The Shawshank Redemption Starring Morgan Freeman.
Let us know if you have a particular favourite that you would
like us to show. |
Village Craft Club
On alternate Wednesdays 2.00 - 4.00 pm. Bring any craft of your choosing and
join in the conversation. £3.00 per meeting. Refreshments served. Just turn up
or contact Helen Bruford on 01263 588122 or email for more information.
Next meetings are Wednesday 11th and 25th September
Seated Zumba Gold |
New classes starting on Wednesdays at 10.30 with first session on 4th September.
Why not try it out?
For details contact Tina Fuller - 07341 360389
Community cafe
The next event is Saturday 28th September. Join us for a drink,
a snack and a chat.
North Norfolk Photographic Society |
North Norfolk Photographic Society attended the Artists Showcase on August 11th
and were pleased to meet so many people, both visitors and locals, who showed an
interest in the pictures on display as well as purchasing cards and prints. We
would like to thank all the Bodham Village Hall Committee for all their hard
work in putting this together and hope to take part in future events of this
The Society starts its meetings again on September 4th. However the first
meeting is not at the Village Hall because we are having a photographic outing
to Cromer, meeting by the pier entrance at 4 p.m. If anyone would like to come
and join us for a couple of hours of photography you are quite welcome to just
turn up or contact the Membership Secretary to let him know you are coming. His
email is
The first meeting in the hall is on Wednesday 18th September starting at 7.30
when we will be having a speaker talking about photography in Venice, which I am
sure will be very enjoyable whether you have been to Venice or not.
Further details of all the programme are on the website
Special Events in the Village Hall
Click here for full details |
Murder Mystery Evening
Saturday 14 September, doors open 6pm, dine at 6.30pm.
Can you solve the case of “That’ll Teach You”? Tickets £40.
Two-course meal, cooked by the team from the Red Hart, followed
by a murder mystery game hosted and performed by "To Die for
Events". Only a few tickets left.
Our next “Food for Thought” Quiz night will be on Friday
4 October. Doors open at 6:30pm. Quiz starts at 7:30pm. Entry £8
per person including food.
£3 per person for the quiz only. See posters for food options.
For tickets contact our email address or speak to quiz master
Pat Spurgeon.
Showcasing Local Artists
Thanks to everyone who supported our first Art event “Showcasing
Local Artists”. It was very well received, and we’ll advise how
much we’ve raised towards the solar panel fund next month.
The ‘Award Winning’ Red Hart
We are open on Monday from 4.00 pm to 11.00 pm
From Tuesday to Saturday from 11.30 am to 11.00 pm
Sunday 11.30am - 9.00 pm
From Wednesday to Saturday, join us for lunch from 12.00 pm to 2.30 pm
and for dinner from 6.00 pm to 8.30 pm.
Don’t forget on Fridays 5.00 - 7.00 pm we are serving
Takeaway Fish and Chips or Scampi and Chips.
On Sundays, our doors are open from 12.00 am to 4.00 pm
for our famous roasts.
Here are some dates for your diary……..
• Quiz Night - Tuesday 3rd September at 7.30 pm
• Open Mic - Tuesday 10th September at 7.30 pm
• ‘Bingo’ on Tuesday 17th September - Eyes Down at 7.30 pm
• Karaoke Party - Saturday 28th at 8.30
Music Events for your Diary
September - Sunday 1st September - Neil Reeve - 3pm - 6pm
Wednesday 4th September - Blues Jam - 7pm - Late
Sunday 15th September - Devils Cadillac - 3pm - 6pm
Sunday 22nd September Jam Acoustic due - 3pm - 6pm
Sunday 29th September - Peddars Way - 3pm - 6pm |
Community Connectors |
What does an ‘Age Friendly’ Community look like to you? What would make
Sheringham a more ‘Age Friendly’ place to live and visit. We are looking for
opinions and comments on these questions to help the planning of an upcoming
project. It’s possible that your thoughts could be based on the following eight
areas of Healthy Ageing…….
Outdoor spaces and buildings • Transport • Housing • Social
participation • Respect and social inclusion • Civic participation and
employment• Communication and information • Community support and health
services. Or something completely different!
Your opinions on these areas could help us shape our project and contribute to
Sheringham and other towns in North Norfolk becoming ‘Age Friendly’ communities.
There will be questionnaires available in The Red Hart and the Village Hall
for you to complete before a brief presentation on my visit to the Community
Cafe on 24th February [after the scam talk]
Coralie Martin
Community Connector for Bodham and East and West Beckham |
The Michael Sayer Quiz
1. What is the only country bordering Denmark?
2 What are spectacles called without earpieces?
3 What does BUPA stand for?
4 Broom Girl and Lord Kitchener are a variety of which fruit?
5. How does a digit grade animal walk?
6 What is the correct way to address a Duke?
7. What are the protective leather trousers worn by cowboys called?
8 Which is the most easterly city in England?
9. Californian Yellow Horned and Opium are types of what?
10 In which wood did Winnie the Pooh live?
July Answers.1. M62 2. Motor Tyres 3. Tim Vincent 4. Thou shalt not kill.
5. 3 Salesman 6. Lord Longford 7. Organisation of Petroleum Exporting countries
8. Velvet 9.Ears 10. Woburn Abbey
Mobile Library Service
The Mobile Library Van will stop outside 8 Roseacre on a
Thursday once a month.
The next visit to the village will be Thursday 5th September at
11.50 pm - 12.05 pm. |
Mobile Post Office
Mobile Post Office - Please remember the regular weekly visits from Post Office
van to Bodham and Beckham Village Hall. This service is available every Tuesday
from 12.30 pm - 2.30 pm in the Village Hall Car Park.
Dog Fouling
Two bins are provided for the disposal of dog waste. Please do
not throw your plastic bags in the hedgerow, please use the bins
Please also remember that dogs are Not Allowed on the Playing
Field at any time unless they are service dogs.
We have three recycling bins located opposite The Red Hart.
It is possible to recycle clothes, glass and paper in these
Items taken to the recycling site in the village benefit the
Parish Council through credits from the County Council.
The new ‘Blue Bin’ is for paper only , it is clearly labelled
‘no cardboard’ .
Good Neighbour Scheme
Please don’t forget the Community Scheme is still in place.
If you need support please get in touch with Mel Clarke.
Mel’s contact details are 01263 588840 or |
Your Comments and Contributions to this publication would be welcome, please
send to.....
Roger Ward, Holly House, Cromer Road, Bodham, Norfolk NR25 6QG
01263 588627 or 07762 597806
e-mail -
Views expressed are not necessarily the views of the editorial staff or the
Parish Council.