Welcome to: Bodham Village Web Site. Bodham is a village in North Norfolk situated between Holt and Cromer, UK.



Bodham Newsletter

October 2024

Parish Council The next meeting open to residents of the Bodham Parish Council will take place on Monday 11th November at 7.30pm.
Garages- Opposite - The Red Hart

Bodham Parish Council is aware of a decision by Flagship Housing to sell the garages site opposite The Red Hart. The council is in negotiation with Flagship to reach a resolution which retains parking for residents on Little Lane.

Bodham - All Saints Church


Our Services are as follows.
All are welcome to them.
• Sunday 6th October- 4.00 pm - Afternoon Praise - Bodham Village Hall
• Sunday 13th October- 4.00 pm - Afternoon Praise - Bodham Village Hall
• Sunday 20th October 4.00 pm Afternoon Praise - Bodham Village Hall
• Sunday 27th October Holy Communion at West Beckham Church - 9.15
- Afternoon Praise - Bodham Village Hall 4.00 with Holy Communion
Our Afternoon Praise Services are informal and take place in the Village Hall with tea and biscuits afterwards.
  Harvest Festival
Bodham Harvest FestivalIt was so nice to welcome people to Bodham Church for our Harvest Service. The Church looked lovely and many thanks go to those who helped with the decorations and to
The Krusty Loaf in Holt
who kindly donated the Harvest Loaf. The service was lovely
and we all enjoyed the refreshments afterwards!
Seven bags full of donated tins, packets etc was delivered to the Food Bank in Cromer, together with £131 in cash donations. Thank you to everyone who contributed so generously.
Churches Trust Sponsored Cycle Ride Callum and Kathryn (along with JP) cycled to 50 churches on 14th September.  10 more churches than planned!  We have smashed our fundraising target and are nearly at £1000 raised which will be split between Beckham church and the Norfolk Churches Trust.
Annual Norfolk's Church Trust Cycle Ride

Thank you so much to everyone for their huge generosity this year.

Bodham & Beckham OAP Christmas Dinner


Are you or your partner over 70?


If so, Bodham and Beckham Village Hall would like to invite you to our annual Christmas Dinner on Saturday 14th December.

The Dinner will be supplied by the Red Hart with a complimentary glass of wine, and Coffee and Mince Pies to finish.

We will have some news from our Rural Correspondent who will put his own unique spin on local events and a sing along to round off the afternoon.

This year we are asking for a voluntary donation of £5 from those who can afford it, to help us cover some of the costs.

If you would like to accept this invitation please do one of the following:-

Email us at bodhambeckham.villagehall@gmail.com with your name, address and contact number.

Ring Pat or Rachel on 01263 588394

Or write your details on the back of this invitation and post it in the Village Hall post box.

We very much look forward to you company on the day.

Closing Date 30th November 2024

Events in Bodham and Beckham Village Hall

There are lots of regular activities in the hall and bookings for your events are welcomed. For further details please see www.bodhamvillage.co.uk

Facebook Group: Bodham and Beckham Village Hall 
Contact bodhambeckham.villagehall@gmail.com


Bodham and Beckham Village Hall Movie Night

Attendance at movie nights has declined, so we are considering whether to keep it going. This depends on the support we receive from the community.


If we do continue then we must comply with the requirements of our licence.

We would advertise a village social event, and could show a movie during that social, details of which would be displayed at the village hall.

The village social would be every second Wednesday of the month, starting Wednesday 9th October at 6.45pm.

If you are interested in participating, please send an email to the above email address or speak to Nigel Rawlings.

Village Craft Club
Craft Club logo
On alternate Wednesdays 2.00 - 4.00 pm. Bring any craft of your choosing and join in the conversation. £3.00 per meeting.


Refreshments served. Just turn up or contact Helen Bruford on 01263 588122 or email helenbruford@aol.com for more information.
Next meetings are Wednesday 9th and 23rd October

Community cafe

Bodham Community Cafe

The next event is Saturday 26th October. Join us for a drink, a snack and a chat.


Guest speaker from the Sheringham Hedgehog hotel will talk about our little prickly friends and what we can do to help them.


Special Events in the Village Hall Quiz Night
Our next “Food for Thought” Quiz night will be on Friday 4th October.
Doors open at 6:30pm. Quiz starts at 7:30pm.
Entry £8 per person including food. £3 per person for the quiz only.

Food options are chicken & mushroom casserole, or chickpea & sweet potato curry with coconut milk, both with French bread & tortillas.
For tickets contact our email address or speak to quiz master Pat Spurgeon.

Showcasing Local Artists
Our next Art event “Showcasing Local Artists” will be held on Sunday 24th November. We’ll have a wonderful selection of work from local artists. Save the date!

Village Hall Committee We need volunteers to join the Committee. Please contact the Chair Pat Spurgeon 01263 588394 if you are interested.
Solar Panel Fund Putting solar panels on the roof of the village hall will significantly reduce the costs of running the hall, and enable us to keep this community asset open.


We are very grateful to everyone who has supported our efforts to raise funds for this cause, either by attendance at events, donations, or giving up their time to help us.

We’ve raised c.£2,500. We’d also like to thank the Bodham and Beckham Parish Councils who have generously donated to us.

North Norfolk Photographic Society

Kingdom of the Ice Bear

We will be having two meetings this month as usual.
On Wednesday 2nd October starting at 7.30 is our first digital competition of the year. This is a good opportunity to come along and see what happens on a club evening and also see the quality of the photography being shown.
If you have not attended before you can attend as a guest.
The second meeting and open to anyone who would like to attend, is a talk by one of our members, Bob Johnson, who is currently the 2024 Wildlife Photographer of the Year selected by the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain.
The talk is "Kingdom of the Ice Bear" and begins at 7.30.
All information about the club's programme can be found on the website nnps.uk
Bodham Playing Field

Bodham Playing Field Committee would like to say a massive thank you to all those who helped us over the weekend 20th - 22nd September. 


We raised almost £1400 over that weekend which for us is massive.  More to the point, we had a fabulous time and we are hoping that the NN Railway will ask us again next year.

We would also like to thank Kent's Vegetable Stall for their donation of £59.90 which sells fresh vegetables provided by Kent, Annette, John, Becky and Fred.
Another step closer to getting our equipment upgrade.

 Upcoming Events.
 Bodham Brunch Club
1st October 10am - Noon
Mind, Body and Spirit Fayre - Friday 18th October 6pm  - 9pm
Bazaar Saturday19th October 10am - 1pm

Please come along and support us.



Come along, chat and connect
Have a cuppa, chat with people, find out about support and local services.
Free refreshments provided!

Upcoming Events in October
U.2.R.US Women’s Health - Saturday 12th October from 10.00am - 12 pm - The Treehouse , Charles Road, Holt, NR25 6DA -

Living Well in Winter - Thursday 24th October from 1pm - 3pm North Walsham Community Centre, New Road, North Walsham, NR28 9DF

Bodham Bonfire and Fireworks Display. Saturday 2nd November
Gates Open - 5.30
Bonfire Lit - 6.30
Fireworks Display - 7.00 pm
Adults - £5.00
Children - £3.00
BBQ and Refreshments Available

The playing field will be open all day on Saturday 2nd so please bring burnable waste to help build the fire.

The ‘Award Winning’ Red Hart


Red Hart Bodham

We are open on Monday from 4.00 pm to 11.00 pm
From Tuesday to Saturday from 11.30 am to 11.00 pm
Sunday 11.30am - 9.00 pm
• From Wednesday to Saturday, join us for lunch from 12.00 pm to 2.30 pm and for dinner from 6.00 pm to 8.30 pm.
Don’t forget on Fridays 5.00 - 7.00 pm we are serving
Takeaway Fish and Chips or Scampi and Chips.
• On Sundays, our doors are open from 12.00 am to 4.00 pm
for our famous roasts.
Here are some dates for your diary……..
• Quiz Night - Tuesday 1st October at 7.30 pm
• Open Mic - Tuesday 8th October at 7.30 pm
• ‘Bingo’ on Tuesday 15th October - Eyes Down at 7.30 pm
• Karaoke Party - Saturday 26th at 8.30
Medium and Meal Night - Tuesday 29th October

Facebook - Red Hart Bodham
The Michael Sayer Quiz


1.What is a corncrake? 
2. What word can follow black boot and fine?
3 How did Mary Decker trip over in the 1984 Olympics?
4. Which old river keeps Rollin along?
5 For how many years was Robinson Crusoe marooned for?
6 Who told the British public ‘You've never had it so good’?
7. What is the county town of Essex?
8. Which is the largest town on Jersey?
9 What is the world's lightest wood?
10. Which is the most spoken language in Switzerland?   
Answers for September.   1. Germany. 2. Pince - nez 3. British United Provident Association   4. Gooseberries 5. On its toes. 6. Your Grace. 7. Chaps 8. Norwich
9. Poppies 10. Hundred Acre Wood.
Mobile Library Service

The Mobile Library Van will stop outside 8 Roseacre on a Thursday once a month.
The next visit to the village will be Thursday 3rd October at 11.50 pm - 12.05 pm.
Mobile Post Office

Mobile Post Office - Please remember the regular weekly visits from Post Office van to Bodham and Beckham Village Hall. This service is available every Tuesday from 12.30 pm - 2.30 pm in the Village Hall Car Park.
Dog Fouling


Two bins are provided for the disposal of dog waste. Please do not throw your plastic bags in the hedgerow, please use the bins provided.


Please also remember that dogs are Not Allowed on the Playing Field at any time unless they are service dogs.

We have three recycling bins located opposite The Red Hart.

It is possible to recycle clothes, glass and paper in these bins.

Items taken to the recycling site in the village benefit the Parish Council through credits from the County Council.

The new ‘Blue Bin’ is for paper only , it is clearly labelled ‘no cardboard’ .

Good Neighbour Scheme

Face Shields for Bodham, North Norfolk, UK


Please don’t forget the Community Scheme is still in place.


If you need support please get in touch with Mel Clarke.

Mel’s contact details are 01263 588840 or melclarke58@gmail.com


Your Comments and Contributions to this publication would be welcome, please send to.....

Roger Ward, Holly House, Cromer Road, Bodham, Norfolk NR25 6QG
01263 588627 or 07762 597806

e-mail - rogerward2@btinternet.com
Views expressed are not necessarily the views of the editorial staff or the Parish Council.


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