Welcome to: Bodham Village Web Site. Bodham is a village in North Norfolk situated between Holt and Cromer, UK.



Bodham Newsletter

July 2024

Parish Council Next Bodham Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Bodham Parish Council will take place on Monday 8th July at 7.30pm. All residents are welcome to attend.   


Click here for details

Open to all
Sowing and Growing
Baking and Making
Bodham & Beckham Village Hall
Saturday 20th July 2024
Entries accepted on show day from 8.30 to 11.15am ready for judging at 11.30am.
Open for viewing from
2.15 until 3.20pm
Entrance to Show 50p
FREE Entry for Exhibitors
An Auction of donated items will follow at approximately 3.20pm
Raffle and Refreshments
Schedules available from:
Alan and Shirley Prince - 01263 588235 email: aprince@btconnect.com

Please find a schedule with this edition of the Bodham Village News.

Any raffle prizes will be gratefully received.
Bodham Playing Field Bodham Car Boot Events
These are taking place on Bodham Playing Field every Sunday. [Weather Permitting]
From 10.00 am to 2.00 pm and will continue until Sunday 1st September
Enquiries to secretary@bodhamvillage.co.uk

Our other events this month are
Friday12th July
Mind, Body and Spirit Fair
6.00 - 10.00 pm
in the Village Hall

Saturday 13th July
Bazaar - 10.00 am - 2.00 pm
in the Village Hall

We would also like to know if anyone in the village is interested in having a day of ‘Village Yard Sales’ followed by a picnic on the field. Anyone interested can email …
If there is enough interest we will organise this event in August.

We would ask for £2 per Yard to cover the cost of maps for the houses hosting the sales.
Walnut Farm - Garden Open Day Rosemary and Trevor Banks worked very hard in difficult climatic circumstances to share their garden with visitors on Sunday 16th June. The scouts were on hand to provide refreshments.
[They were very nice]. Rosemary and Trevor have kindly donated the gate takings towards the Playground Equipment Fund and the Solar Panel Fund. The £160 raised has been split between the two fundraisers. Thank you.
Bodham - All Saints Church


Our Services are as follows. All are welcome to them.
• Sunday 7th July- 4.00 pm
- Afternoon Praise - Bodham Village Hall
• Sunday 14th July - 4.00 pm
- Afternoon Praise - Bodham Village Hall
• Sunday 21st July
• At 4.00 pm - Afternoon Praise - Bodham Village Hall
 • Sunday 28th July - 4.00 pm
•  At 9.15 am - Holy Communion at Bodham Church
- Afternoon Praise - Bodham Village Hall - 4.00 pm
• It would be lovely to see you and you are most welcome.
Our Afternoon Praise services are informal and take place in the Village Hall with tea and biscuits afterwards.
We are a friendly group and warmly welcome new faces.
• We should also mention that on the 1st July at 7.00pm in Salthouse Church the Bishop will be licensing the Reverend Adrian as an Associate Vicar.
Events in Bodham and Beckham Village Hall

There are lots of regular activities in the hall and bookings for your events are welcomed. For further details please see

Facebook Group: Bodham and Beckham Village Hall

Contact bodhambeckham.villagehall@gmail.com
Bodham and Beckham Village Hall Movie Night

Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. Doors open at 6.45pm, movie starts at 7.00 pm

Entry is by voluntary donation. Everyone is welcome, just turn up and bring a drink if you would like to, the hall is licensed.
It’s family movie month!

Wednesday 10th July - Wonka [PG] 2023
With dreams of opening a shop in a city renowned for its chocolate, a young and poor Willy Wonka discovers that the industry is run by a cartel of greedy chocolatiers. Comedy/Family.
Director Paul King. Stars Timothee Chalamet, Gustave Die and Murray McArthur.

Wednesday 24th July - Aladdin [PG] 2019
Aladdin, a kind thief, woos Jasmine, the princess of Agrabah, with the help of Genie. When Jafar, the grand vizier, tries to usurp the king, Jasmine Aladdin and Genie must stop him from succeeding.
Adventure/Comedy/Family. Director Guy Ritchie. Stars Will Smith, Mena Massoud and Naomi Scott.
Village Craft Club
Craft Club logo
On alternate Wednesdays 2.00 - 4.00 pm. Bring any craft of your choosing and join in the conversation. £3.00 per meeting.

Refreshments served.

Just turn up or contact Helen Bruford on 01263 588122 or email helenbruford@aol.com for more information. Next meetings are Wednesday 3rd and 17th July.


Seated Zumba Gold Mondays from 2.30 - 3.30 pm. Suitable for any age and ability.
Classes. £6.00. Just turn up or contact Julie Weston on 07411 013943.
Last class Monday 22nd July. New class starting soon.
Community cafe

Bodham Community Cafe

Come and join us for a cuppa and something to eat on the last Saturday of each month in the Village Hall from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.


Next event is Saturday 27th July. We also have a tuck shop for those with pocket money and a sweet tooth.

North Norfolk Photographic Society Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm.
Details can be found on nnps.uk.
North Norfolk Photographic Society has officially finished the current season with the meeting on June 19th, which was a social evening with a quiz. Fortunately, that is not the end of our activities as there are two events coming up with an opportunity to see the work of the members.
Firstly the Annual Exhibition takes place during the Holt Festival with members work on display at St Andrews Church Hall, Church Street in Holt from Monday 22nd to Saturday 27th July between 10 am and 4 pm. Entry is free and there are other events taking place in Holt during that period so why not come along?
The Society also has two tables at the Artists Showcase at Bodham Village Hall on Sunday 11th August.
This will be another chance to see work and to buy prints and cards.
Special Events in the Village Hall

Click here for full details

Soul Alliance
Back by popular demand on Saturday 3rd August. Doors open 7.15 pm.
Bar Open or Bring Your Own Drinks.
Tickets £10 from Pat Spurgeon or from the email address below.

Show Casing Local Artists
We are delighted to invite you to an Art Show on Sunday 11th August from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm celebrating the talents of many wonderful local artists. There will be paintings, drawings ceramics, glass photos and more. You can browse, buy, chat with the artists, or just visit our cafe. Entry on the door is £1.50 which includes a drink, accompanied under 16s free.

Murder Mystery Evening
Saturday 14 September, doors open 6pm, dine at 6.30pm.
Can you solve the case of “That’ll Teach You”? Tickets £40, with a free bottle of wine if you book a table for 6 before the end of July. Two-course meal, cooked by Will and his team from the Red Hart, followed by a murder mystery game hosted and performed by "To Die for Events".
These special events are in support of the village hall Solar Panel Fund. For information or tickets please email bodhambeckham.villagehall@gmail.com

Thanks to everyone who supported the Food for Thought Quiz night.
It was a fun evening, a great quiz and tasty food. We raised about £240
towards the Solar Panels project.
The ‘Award Winning’ Red Hart


Red Hart Bodham

We are open from Monday to Saturday from 11.30 am to 11.00 pm
Sunday 11.30am - 9.00 pm

From Wednesday to Saturday, join us for lunch from 12.00 pm to 2.00 pm and for dinner from 6.00 pm to 8.30 pm.
Don’t forget on Fridays 5.00 - 7.00 pm we are serving akeaway Fish and Chips or Scampi and Chips.

On Sundays, our doors are open from 11.30 am to 5.30 pm for our famous roasts.

Here are some dates for your diary……..

Quiz Night - Tuesday 2nd July at 7.30 pm

Open Mic - Tuesday 9th July at 7.30 pm
Friday 12th July - Dan DC 8-10.30pm

‘Bingo’ on Tuesday 16th July - Eyes Down at 7.30 pm

20th - Truescape 8.30-Late PM

Karaoke Saturday 27th July at 9.00 pm

Sunday Music Events for your Diary
July - 7th July - Lou and The Tall Boys 3pm - 6pm
14th July - Vic Salter 3pm - 6pm 
28th July - Eileen & Rob 3pm - 6pm
August - 4th August - Joe & Mary 3pm - 6pm 
11th August - Sam Cook 3pm - 6pm
18th August - Rhythm Travellers 3pm - 6pm
The 1st Holt Scout Group This Scout group are wanting to expand. Sadly, they are the only Scout provision left in Blakeney, Briston and Holt and the respective surrounding villages which includes Bodham. They provide Scouting for boys and girls from 6 - 18 years of age through their Beaver, Cub, Scout and Explorer Scout sections. They would also like to open more sections including a Squirrel Drey for children aged 4 - 6. Scouting offers opportunities for young people to develop and realise their potential through having fun, playing games, working in a team and taking on challenges.
If you have a child or young person who would like to find out more or join then follow the link to the website - www.1stholt.org.uk. If you may be interested in volunteering with the group as a helper or as a member of their leadership team then please follow the link above.
Community Connectors What does an ‘Age Friendly’ Community look like to you? What would make Sheringham a more ‘Age Friendly’ place to live and visit. We are looking for opinions and comments on these questions to help the planning of an upcoming project. It’s possible that your thoughts could be based on the following eight areas of Healthy Ageing…….

Outdoor spaces and buildings • Transport • Housing • Social participation • Respect and social inclusion • Civic participation and employment• Communication and information • Community support and health services. Or something completely different!
Your opinions on these areas could help us shape our project and contribute to Sheringham and other towns in North Norfolk becoming ‘Age Friendly’ communities.

There will be questionnaires available in The Red Hart and the Village Hall for you to complete before a brief presentation on my visit to the Community Cafe on 24th February [after the scam talk]
Coralie Martin
Community Connector for Bodham and East and West Beckham

The Michael Sayer Quiz


1. Mulefoot and Red Wattle are breeds of which animal?
2 Who sang Thanks for the Aintree iron?
3 How many national flags does Scotland have?
4 How many pins are used in skittles?
5. What was Robbie Williams job before joining Take That?
6 On which group of islands is Scappa?
7. Capuchin Howler and Spider are all types of what?
8 On which racecourse is the St Leger run.?
9. What colour was Dyson's first vacuum cleaner?
10  If you are Crapulous what are you?   
June Answers.    1. Magistrate. 2. Puissance. 3. A type of plum. 4. Mull. 5. Glasgow
6. Diners Card. 7. A freshwater fish. 8. A scrape. 9. St Matthew. 10. Harrow school. 
Mobile Library Service

The Mobile Library Van will stop outside 8 Roseacre on a Thursday once a month.

The next visit to the village will be Thursday 11th July at 11.50 pm - 12.05 pm.

Mobile Post Office

Mobile Post Office - Please remember the regular weekly visits from Post Office van to Bodham and Beckham Village Hall. This service is available every Tuesday from 12.30 pm - 2.30 pm in the Village Hall Car Park.
Dog Fouling


Two bins are provided for the disposal of dog waste. Please do not throw your plastic bags in the hedgerow, please use the bins provided.


Please also remember that dogs are Not Allowed on the Playing Field at any time unless they are service dogs.

We have three recycling bins located opposite The Red Hart.

It is possible to recycle clothes, glass and paper in these bins.

Items taken to the recycling site in the village benefit the Parish Council through credits from the County Council.

The new ‘Blue Bin’ is for paper only , it is clearly labelled ‘no cardboard’ .

Good Neighbour Scheme

Face Shields for Bodham, North Norfolk, UK


Please don’t forget the Community Scheme is still in place.


If you need support please get in touch with Mel Clarke.

Mel’s contact details are 01263 588840 or melclarke58@gmail.com


Your Comments and Contributions to this publication would be welcome, please send to.....

Roger Ward, Holly House, Cromer Road, Bodham, Norfolk NR25 6QG
01263 588627 or 07762 597806

e-mail - rogerward2@btinternet.com
Views expressed are not necessarily the views of the editorial staff or the Parish Council.


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