Welcome to: Bodham Village Web Site. Bodham is a village in North Norfolk situated between Holt and Cromer, UK.

Bodham Parish Information

Your Parish Councillors are:
Cllr Cllr Callum Ringer (Chair)
Cllr Roger Ward (vice chair)
Cllr Fred Cable
Cllr JP Ringer 01263 588486
Cllr Paul Suffolk 07765938625
Cllr Jemma Cutting

Bodham Parish Clerk
Dan Futter – CiLCA qualified

Telephone: 07903 055 969

See newsletter for date of the next meeting.

District Councillor: Cllr Callum Ringer callum.ringer@north-norfolk.gov.uk


ANNUAL ACCOUNTS - View pdf here


The Monthly Parish Meeting of Bodham Parish Council on Monday 8th July 2024 in the Village Hall has been cancelled due to health reasons.  New date will follow as soon as possible.

General information
Please ensure that everyone remains respectful at all times. Anyone becoming disruptive during the meeting will be removed.
A large print copy of the agenda can be obtained from the Clerk.
Information for Members of the Public and Press:
Should members of the public or press wish to speak on an item on this agenda would they please submit it via email (contact details above) by 5pm on 5th July 2024. This will then be read out under public participation for members to consider.
Locum Clerk to the council: Dan Futter Date: 3rd July 2024


1. (a) To confirm that this meeting will be recorded, and that Members of the Council and public are reminded they should behave appropriately
(b) To receive and consider apologies
(c) To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items and consider requests for Dispensations
2. Minutes
To approve the draft minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting held on 10th June 2024
3. Public Participation
(a) The meeting will be adjourned to allow correspondence from members of the public and any councillors with prejudicial interests to speak Note that only items on this Agenda are to be discussed – for any other item/subject
please contact the Clerk in writing for submission at a future meeting.
(b) To receive reports from the County Councillor and the District Councillor
(c) To receive reports from the Councillors
(d) Matters arising.
4. Parish Plan
To receive updates on the Parish Plan
5. Planning
(a) To consider the following planning consultation on –
i. RV/24/1082 – Solar Farm, New Road, Bodham
Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission PF/13/0960
(Installation of 3.6MW solar development) to allow installation of 2no. banks of
inverters and associated replacement production substation
(b) To consider planning applications received since the publication of the agenda
(c) To receive updates regarding the garages site
(d) Any outstanding planning issues
6. Finance
(a) To receive any updates from the bank
(b) To note bank reconciliations and accounts summaries
(c) To approve the following invoices for payment
I. D Futter Salary for June £ 402.63
II. D Futter Junes expenses £ 13.60
III. Bodham VH Hall hire (Apr to June) £ 72.00
(d) To approve payment of invoices received since the publication of the agenda
(e) To note the AGAR will be signed off as a result of end of year finances completed
7. Highways matters
(a) To receive the street lighting inspection quotes
(b) To go over outstanding highways issues
8. Allotments
To go over outstanding allotments issues
9. Co-opt Councillor
To co-opt a new councillor to the council –
(a) Applicants can, if they wish, introduce themselves briefly to the councillors and give some
background etc to support their application.
(b) Note that all applicants and members of the public present will need to leave the meeting
whilst the council make their decision
10. Governance
(a) To agree and sign off the draft contract for the Clerk
(b) To receive updates on defibrillators
11. Correspondence to consider and respond to the following:
Items received since the publication of the agenda
12. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting, being Monday 12th August 2024.

Bodham Parish Council
07903 055 969


Latest Parish Council News

Click here for Parish Minutes
Click here for Parish Plan
Click here for Parish Publication Scheme
Click here for Parish Accounts



All the latest information about Bodham can be found on our monthly newsletter. Please click the link on the side menu to access this information.