Bodham Parish Council Minutes
Bodham Parish Council
DRAFT MINUTES of the Monthly Parish Meeting held on Monday 11th November
7.30pm in the Village Hall.
(A large print copy of these minutes can be obtained from the Clerk)
Present: Callum Ringer, Roger Ward, Fred Cable, JP Ringer, Paul Suffolk,
Jemma Cutting and Dan Futter (Clerk)
Also present: None
1. (a) To confirm that this meeting will be recorded, and that Members
of the Council and general public are reminded they should behave
No issues.
(b) To receive and consider apologies.
None. County Councillor not present.
(c) To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items and consider
requests for Dispensations.
Both Cllr JP Ringer and Cllr Cable have allotments.
2. Minutes
To approve the draft minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting held on
14th October 2024.
Both September and October's minutes were approved. Some slight
amendments to October's minutes to be completed firstly. All agreed with
Cllr Ward proposing with Cllr JP Ringer seconded.
3. Public Participation
(a) The meeting will be adjourned to allow correspondence from members
of the public and any councillors with prejudicial interests to speak.
Note that only items on this Agenda are to be discussed for any other
item/subject please contact the Clerk in writing for submission at a
future meeting.
(b) To receive reports from the County Councillor and the District
The District and County Councillor circulated their reports by email to
(c) To receive reports from the Councillors.
Cllr Ward stated that at the next closed meeting to add the Highways
Action Plan, so we can spend some quality time on this. Also printing
costs for the newsletter have risen, with Cllr Ward to investigate this
further. Cllr C Ringer stated that we look into paid advertising. Cllr
Ward stated that there is a request from the church regarding taking
part in an upcoming working party, and would also like to thank Cllr JP
Ringer and Cllr C Ringer regarding cleaning up the leaves last week. The
remaining box files for the filing cabinet have been purchased, and are
in the filing cabinet. Need to work out when all the paperwork can be
sorted out to file away in the cabinet. The Clerk to contact Cllr C
Ringer on dates when next free to complete this.
(d) Matters arising
Cllr C Ringer stated that the bench on the corner is in a bad state.
Cllr JP Ringer to remove bench.
Regarding the church sign that will be added to the corner, the Clerk
will send a letter to the occupiers nearby stating the sign will be
replaced, and it will be positioned where it was before or be it
slightly further forward. This will happen at some point in December.
The Village Hall have cut down the ivy at the back of the hall, with the
new committee completing this.
4. Garage Site
To receive updates on the garage site
Cllr C Ringer stated that the Housing Association have not responded to
us regarding any decision whether the current tenants can stay until the
end of this financial year, but they did state to the tenants that they
need to vacant everything by the 6th December. We need to move quickly
in regards to potentially purchase the land. Since the last meeting it
has been suggested to Cllr C Ringer to investigate the Public Works Loan
Board, to apply for the funds. The decision time for this is quite
short. As we are a Parish Council, we need to seek approval to apply
from the Ministry and Secretary of State for Communities and Local
Government, and that application has to be made to them by Norfolk ALC.
The Clerk to contact the Norfolk ALC s County Officer to contact Cllr C
Ringer. Also, there will be needed relevant documents to go alongside
the application.
5. Parish Plan
To receive updates on the Parish Plan
To be deferred to the next meeting.
6. Planning
(a) To consider the following planning applications on -
i. ADV/24/2151 - Crayford and Abbs, Weybourne Road, Bodham, Holt,
Norfolk, NR25 6QJ
Display of internally illuminated advertisements on wall at entrance to
building and on pole adjacent to site access
It was agreed to support this application, with Cllr C Ringer proposing
and Cllr JP Ringer seconded.
(b) To receive updates on the planning application regarding Pineheath
Care Home
Cllr C Ringer stated that High Kelling PC met last week to discuss this,
and read out a report from their discussion. The report stated they
stronger object to the planning proposal on the account of not complying
to planning policy, and does not help meet approval for the local need
for affordable housing. The access to the development site raised
concerns, with a single-track road not fit for purpose with no separate
path for pedestrians.
In regards to our response then affordable housing would need to be
mentioned alongside echoing some of High Kellings concerns on road
safety but from our perspective it would be on the stretch of road
between Bodham and High Kelling, which is the national speed limit. It
was suggested that the developer be asked to provide a dog fouling bin
at a location to be determined by the Parish Council and NNDC s
Environmental Services department.
Our response would be to object but with the caveat that if our
conditions were met then we would be minded to support the application.
Cllr C Ringer would need to abstain from the vote. It was agreed with
Cllr JP Ringer proposing and Cllr Cutting seconded.
(c) To consider planning applications received since the publication of
the agenda
Regarding CL/24/2325 and the application for a Lawful Development
Certificate for the Stores adjacent The Pightle, Rectory Road, Lower
Bodham. It was agreed that the Parish Council objects to the application
as we do not believe the evidence demonstrates this this site has been
in continuous use as a commercial container storage operation for in
excess of ten years, and that as the operation has grown within the last
ten years that it should not be deemed lawful.
(d) Any outstanding planning issues
7. Finance
(a) To receive updates on the bank
The Clerk stated that even though no notification has been sent, the
bank has stated that new councillors have been added to the mandate.
(b) To note the bank reconciliation and the accounts summary to -
I. 31 October 2024
Bank statement not received so cannot complete the bank reconciliation.
(c) To approve the following invoices for payment
I. D Futter Salary for October £402.63
II. Bodham VH Hall hire (Oct to Dec) £67.50
October salary approved but the hall hire payment to be deferred for
payment until January. Clerk to make the village hall aware.
(d) To approve payment of invoice received since the publication of the
I. R Ward Expenses £167.97
This one invoice/payment was approved to be paid.
(e) To discuss the proposed budget for 25/26
The Clerk sent around a draft budget to all councillor prior to the
After discussing the budget in more detail, it was agreed that the
proposed precept will be £12,000 for 25/26.
The Clerk to send around the revised budget to all councillors, and will
be finalised in the next meeting.
As a result of the proposed budget, it was stated in theory that we are
in a position to go ahead with the load regarding the garages site. Cllr
C Ringer was given permission to barter on the land, if possible, and
will keep us all updated on this.
8. Highways matters
(a) To confirm potential bids for the Parish Partnership Scheme 25/26
It was agreed for councillors to think about potential bids and get back
to the Clerk by the 6th December.
(b) To receive updates on the urban grass cutting
To be deferred to the next meeting.
(c) To go over any outstanding highways issues
Cllr C Ringer stated that he had a useful meeting with the Highways
The hedge around the 30mph sign needs to be cut back further. The Clerk
to send on original letter to Cllr C Ringer.
Planters at the entrance to the bottom of Hart Lane can be added.
Various pot holders have been identified. The entrance to the playing
field is going to be completed. The pavements on the main road to be
swept and cut back. Various original letters regarding issues on
Weybourne Road to be sent onto Cllr C Ringer. The speeding issue on the
junction of Gipsy Lane, the Highways Officer will contact the Highways
Safety Partnership Group for tips and guidance.
9. Allotments
(a) To note the allotment invoices have been sent
It was noted that all allotment invoices have been sent.
(b) To go over any outstanding allotments issues
It was agreed to send the relevant allotment holder a letter regarding
end of tenancy by end of this year.
10. Fishing Lake
To receive updates on the fishing lake
To be deferred to the next meeting.
11. Governance
(a) To agree and sign off the draft contract for the Clerk
To be deferred to the next meeting.
(b) To receive any updates on the Community Resolution report from the
No updates from the Police. The Clerk to chase this up.
(c) To confirm the dates for 2025 parish council meetings
It was confirmed we would start with a meeting in January and then a
meeting every other month.
12. Correspondence to consider and respond to the following:
Items received since the publication of the agenda
13. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting, being Monday
9th December 2024
It was confirmed that the next meeting will be on Monday 9th December.
At this point Cllr C Ringer closed the meeting.
November 2024 |
DRAFT MINUTES of the Monthly Parish Meeting held on Monday 14th October
7.30pm in the Village Hall.
(A large print copy of these minutes can be obtained from the Clerk)
Present: Callum Ringer (via Zoom), Roger Ward, Fred Cable, JP Ringer,
Paul Suffolk, Jemma Cutting and Dan Futter (Clerk)
Also present: Eight members of the public
1. (a) To confirm that this meeting will be recorded, and that Members
of the Council and general public are reminded they should behave
No issues.
(b) To receive and consider apologies.
Apologies from Cllr C Ringer for not being physically present, but was
present via Zoom. Cllr Ringer can contribute to the meeting but cannot
vote on items.
(c) To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items and consider
requests for Dispensations.
2. Minutes
To approve the draft minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting held on
2nd September 2024.
The Clerk stated that one of the sections was not complete so will be
deferred to the next agenda.
3. Public Participation
(a) The meeting will be adjourned to allow correspondence from members
of the public and any councillors with prejudicial interests to speak.
Note that only items on this Agenda are to be discussed for any other
item/subject please contact the Clerk in writing for submission at a
future meeting.
Various residents brought up about the garages site issue. The general
consensus was that residents are happy for the Parish Council to
purchase the site, and the main issue is making sure the relevant
residents have enough parking in this area.
(b) To receive reports from the County Councillor and the District
The District Councillor to send on their report.
(c) To receive reports from the Councillors.
(d) Matters arising
4. Planning
(a) To consider the following planning applications on -
i. RV/24/1903 - Hill Farm, Rectory Road, Lower Bodham
Erection of new dwelling and garage, retention of T-shaped building for
purposes incidental to the use of the dwellinghouse and demolition of
other farm buildings without complying with condition 2 (approved plans)
of planning permission (PF/22/3012) to allow repositioning of dwelling
and removal of garage
It was agreed to support this application.
ii. PF/24/1892 - Pineheath Care Home, Cromer Road, High Kelling, Holt
Change of use of existing buildings from care home to 35 dwellings with
associated landscaping, bicycle storage and refuse and recycling storage
It was agreed that Cllr C Ringer will draft a response and bring this
back to the next meeting.
5. Finance
To receive any updates on the bank
The Clerk stated that a bank reconciliation has been completed to the
end of September, so statements are now being posted onto the Clerk.
After speaking to the TSB, the mandate form has been sent onto the
relevant department to be finalised. Another mandate form to be
completed for Cllr C Ringer and Cllr Suffolk to be added as signatories.
Any issues with the bank reconciliation and accounts summary paperwork
get in touch with the Clerk.
6. Garages Site
To discuss the way forward with the garages site
Cllr C Ringer sent around information regarding the site prior to the
It was agreed that the Parish Council would explore purchasing the site,
with Cllr JP Ringer proposing and Cllr Suffolk seconded.
To move forward would need to explore various funding grant options. The
demolition of the garages, including the asbestos will be Flagship
Housing s responsibility. Cllr C Ringer to have conversations with NNDC
on way forward. It was confirmed there is 5K (earmarked) in the current
account to be used on a community project. The Parish Council will take
into account all of the resident's needs, as stated earlier. The
recycling units are on Flagship land so will be discussed at a later
date. The Parish Council holds the lease for the bus shelter so this
will need to be honored in any future purchase.
7. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting, being Monday
11th November 2024
It was confirmed that the next meeting will be on Monday 11th November.
The budget for 25/26 will be discussed in this meeting
At this point Cllr Ward closed the meeting.
October 2024 |
DRAFT MINUTES of the Monthly Parish Meeting held on Monday 2nd September
7.30pm in the Village Hall.
(A large print copy of these minutes can be obtained from the Clerk)
Present: Roger Ward, Fred Cable, JP Ringer, and Dan Futter (Locum Clerk)
Also present: Three members of the public
1. (a) To confirm that this meeting will be recorded, and that Members
of the Council and general public are reminded they should behave
No issues.
(b) To receive and consider apologies.
Apologies from Cllr C Ringer. All accepted. Cllr Cutting and Cllr
Suffolk did not attend.
(c) To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items and consider
requests for Dispensations.
Cllr JP Ringer and Cllr Cable declared interest on section 8, as all are
allotments connected.
2. Minutes
To approve the draft minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting held on
12th August 2024.
It was agreed to approve the minutes.
3. Public Participation
(a) The meeting will be adjourned to allow correspondence from members
of the public and any councillors with prejudicial interests to speak.
Note that only items on this Agenda are to be discussed for any other
item/subject please contact the Clerk in writing for submission at a
future meeting.
It was agreed to add the Hornsea 3 grant to the next agenda.
(b) To receive reports from the County Councillor and the District
The District Councillor sent the report around prior to the meeting. No
(c) To receive reports from the Councillors.
Cllr JP Ringer stated that all footpaths are good with no obstructions
(d) Matters arising
(e) Update from the Village Hall
It was agreed that the Parish Council will donate 750.00 towards the
solar panel costs. A copy of the breakdown will be sent to the Parish
Council. Cheque payment will be raised in this meeting.
It was agreed to move Section 11 (b) to this part of the meeting.
11. Governance
(b) To receive updates on defibrillator information
Pat Cubitt attended the meeting. It was agreed for Pat to carry on
reporting defibrillator information as he is doing currently. Pat happy
to continue.
4. Parish Plan
To receive updates on the Parish Plan
To be deferred to next meeting.
Cllr Ward distributed to all councillors a draft of the Highways Action
Plan. It was commented that it would be an advantage to have two VAS
batteries, which will be discussed further in our budget meeting.
5. Planning
(a) To consider planning applications received since the publication of
the agenda
(b) To receive updates regarding the garages site
No actions at present.
(c) Any outstanding planning issues
Cllr Ward read out information from Cllr C Ringer Enforcement appeal
regarding Hurricane Corner was last week, which is ongoing. It has been
confirmed that two static caravans have been placed on the site and
these are being used as residential. A planning application regarding
this is forthcoming.
6. Finance
(a) To receive any updates on the bank
The Clerk to contact TSB regarding status update. The Clerk should now
be able to complete an up-to-date financial reconciliation for the next
(b) To approve the following invoices for payment:
I. D Futter Salary for August 402.63
II. D Futter Salary for September (postdated chq) 402.63
III. Norfolk ALC Internal Audit 180.00
IV. TT Jones Street light maint (& work) 338.29
All four invoices/payments approved for payment.
Cllr Ward stated he will get further boxes for the filing cabinet.
(c) To approve payment of invoices received since the publication of the
I. ORM Nth Norfolk Compost expenses 376.69
II. Bodham VH Donation for solar panels 750.00
All two invoices/payments approved for payment.
7. Highways matters
(a) To receive updates on the street lighting inspection quotes
Cllr Cable has completed the foliage work regarding streetlight number
8, and 18 to be completed.
It was agreed to move forward with the replacements as stated in the
(b) To receive updates on the Community Resolution report from the
(c) To receive updates on potential bids for the Parish Partnership
Deferred to the next meeting.
(d) To receive updates on the urban grass cutting
Further information been sent around. To find out more after the
Highways meeting.
(e) To go over any outstanding highways issues
It was stated that this will be discussed when the Highways Officer
visits the village.
Regarding the church sign, there is no
8. Allotments
To go over outstanding allotments issues
It was stated that the prices to be kept the same for the next tenancy
year. The Clerk to send out a chase up letter to a tenant.
9. Fishing Lake
To go over information regarding the fishing lake
Cllr Ward read out information from Cllr C Ringer Nothing further to
report apart from Cllr C Ringer will sort a meeting with the interested
10. Co-opt Councillor
To co-opt a new councillor to the council
(a) Applicants can, if they wish, introduce themselves briefly to the
councillors and give some background etc to support their application.
(b) Note that all applicants and members of the public present will need
to leave the meeting whilst the council make their decision
No applications received.
11. Governance
(a) To agree and sign off the draft contract for the Clerk
Ongoing. Deferred to next meeting.
(b) To receive updates on defibrillators
Covered earlier in the meeting.
12. Correspondence to consider and respond to the following:
Items received since the publication of the agenda.
13. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting, being Monday
11th November 2024
It was confirmed that the next meeting will be on Monday 11th November.
At this point Cllr Ward closed the meeting at 8.40pm.
August 2024
Bodham Parish Council
DRAFT MINUTES of the Monthly Parish Meeting held on Monday 12th August
2024, 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
(A large print copy of these minutes can be obtained from the Clerk)
Present: Callum Ringer (Chair), Roger Ward, Fred Cable, JP Ringer, Paul
Suffolk and Dan Futter (Locum Clerk)
Also present: None
1. (a) To confirm that this meeting will be recorded, and that Members
of the Council and general public are reminded they should behave
No issues.
(b) To receive and consider apologies.
Apologies from Cllr S Aquarone and from Cllr Cutting. All accepted.
(c) To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items and consider
requests for Dispensations.
Cllr C Ringer, Cllr JP Ringer and Cllr Cable declared interest on
section 8, as all are allotments connected.
2. Minutes
To approve the draft minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting held on
10th June 2024.
It was agreed to approve the minutes.
3. Public Participation
(a) The meeting will be adjourned to allow correspondence from members
of the public and any councillors with prejudicial interests to speak.
Note that only items on this Agenda are to be discussed – for any other
item/subject please contact the Clerk in writing for submission at a
future meeting.
(b) To receive reports from the County Councillor and the District
The District Councillor stated that the last report was circulated.
Afforrdable homes will be ready next year in West Beckham, with messages
from Bodham and Beckham residents interested in the houses. Full report
to be circulated in September.
(c) To receive reports from the Councillors.
Cllr Cable has had a complaint from a resident regarding the footpath
opposite the chapel, which needs to be cut back.
Cllr C Ringer has had the same complaint from another resident. Highways
have been out and recut the path back, but for enough room for a
pushchair or similar. Growth and vegetation not completely recut back
and unsure who takes responsibility for this.
Cllr Cable has had a complaint from an allotment holder regarding the
loke down to the allotments. Having issues driving his van down to the
loke, especially when its wet. It was stated that it’s not advisable to
drive a vehicle down the loke when wet and it’s the wrong time of year
to cut back the hedge. Hardcore to be laid on the loke would help. The
Clerk to contact Hornsea contact regarding possibility of obtaining 20
tons for the allotments and 50 tons for the church.
(d) Matters arising
4. Parish Plan
To receive updates on the Parish Plan
No updates. Councillors to look over the current Parish Plan, and will
discuss further in a general meeting in October.
5. Planning
(a) To consider the following planning consultation on –
i. PF/24/1574 – Church House, Church Road, Bodham, Holt, Norfolk, NR25
Removal of rear conservatory and erection of single storey rear
It was agreed there was no objection.
(b) To consider planning applications received since the publication of
the agenda
(c) To make note of the decision and response from the Parish Council on
i. RV/24/1082 – Solar Farm, New Road, Bodham
Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission
PF/13/0960 (Installation of 3.6MW
solar development) to allow installation of 2no. banks of inverters and
associated replacement
production substation
Cllr C Ringer stated that this has to go to Committee.
The Clerk stated that majority of councillors responded by email as
having no objection, which was reported back to NNDC. It was agreed
there was no objections, and the Clerk to report back to NNDC with this
Cllr Suffolk entered the meeting at this point.
(d) To receive updates regarding the garages site
Cllr C Ringer stated that from his understanding Flagship will be
reinvestigating offloading the site. Cllr C Ringer stated it might be of
the Parish Councils interest to try and have the site designated as an
asset of community value. Cllr C Ringer to investigate further with
Flagship. All in agreeance.
(e) Any outstanding planning issues
Cllr C Ringer stated that Hurricane Farm application has had many
appeals. Cllr C Ringer to look over the appeals.
6. Finance
(a) To receive any updates on the bank
The Clerk completed his paperwork in the Norwich branch which was sent
over to the Aylsham branch. Cllr Suffolk to visit the Aylsham branch as
soon as possible to complete his paperwork. Then paperwork will be sent
off to then move
forward with the change of mandate.
(b) To approve the following invoices for payment:
I. D Futter Salary for June £ 402.63
II. D Futter Salary for July £ 402.63
III. D Futter June & Julys expenses £ 21.70
IV. Bodham VH Hall hire (Apr to June) £ 72.00
V. NNDC Dog bin emptying (24/25) £ 546.96
VI. Environment Agency Allotments – chargeable land £ 19.84
VII. Bodham VH Hall hire (Aug & Sept) £ 45.00
VIII. Countrystyle Recycling fees £ 33.00
All eight invoices/payments approved for payment.
(c) To approve payment of invoices received since the publication of the
None to approve.
It was agreed to raise Cllr Wards expenses from £20 to £30 moving
(d) To note the AGAR has been completed and an Internal Audit report has
been circulated
Both the AGAR and report were noted. The Clerk to look fully over the
report regarding comments from the auditor.
7. Highways matters
(a) To receive the street lighting inspection quotes
Both streetlight numbers 8 and 18 to be checked over by Councillors. The
Clerk to find out further information regarding the obsolete units and
report back to Council with further information.
(b) To note the Community Resolution report from the Police
Cllr C Ringer went over the report. The Police stated that the culprits
would send just a letter of apology to the relevant parties. It was
agreed for the Clerk to contact the Police representative to ask if the
culprits could read out their letter in a future Parish Council meeting
and also ask then to help litter picking in the village.
(c) To start discussing potential bids for the Parish Partnership 25/26
Cllr C Ringer went over this further in the meeting. The closing date is
early December.
The Clerk to ask if the new Highways Officer can visit the village so
Councillors can go over various ongoing Highways issues with him.
The Clerk to obtain further information regarding the urban grass
The Clerk to send a list of current Highways related letters, for any
chase ups.
(d) To go over any outstanding highways issues
Cllr C Ringer stated that any outstanding issues will be spoken with the
Highways Officer on his visit.
Cllr Ward stated there is a lot of SAM2 data. To look into getting this
information into an excel file.
8. Allotments
To go over outstanding allotments issues
The Clerk stated that all tenants have paid. Cllr C Ringer stated that
the starter plots are not looking good. The Clerk to send a tenant
another letter regarding non maintenance of their allotments.
9. Fishing Lake
To go over information regarding the fishing lake
Cllr C Ringer went over the background of the Marlpit in more detail.
It seems that someone has tried to clear out a swim recently. Cllr C
Ringer has been contacted by two people (one a resident) in regards to
obtaining further information on the Marlpit. It has been completely
left for approx. 10 years.
Cllr C Ringer has met a resident down at the Marlpit, who would be
interested in clearing a swim, or even becoming the new warden. The
Clerk to investigate the insurance side.
It was agreed to have a meeting with the relevant people to move
10. Co-opt Councillor
To co-opt a new councillor to the council –
(a) Applicants can, if they wish, introduce themselves briefly to the
councillors and give some background etc to support their application.
(b) Note that all applicants and members of the public present will need
to leave the meeting whilst the council make their decision
No applications received.
11. Governance
(a) To agree and sign off the draft contract for the Clerk
(b) To receive updates on defibrillators
Both the Clerk and Cllr C Ringer have been investigating this further.
The Clerk stated, after liaising with a contact at Community Heartbeat,
that we now have the log on details to complete reports via a portal
called WEBNOS. Pat Cubitt has been completing reports ad hoc, but
Community Heartbeat stated that they are needed monthly. The Clerk to
ask Pat along to the next meeting to discuss further.
Our Community Heartbeat contact stated that we have all the correct
consumables at present but to look into purchasing a new defib next
year, as the present one is old. The Clerk to investigate defib grants.
(c) To adopt the Financial Regulations
It was agreed by all to adopt.
(d) To adopt the Risk Assessment
It was agreed by all to adopt.
12. Correspondence to consider and respond to the following:
Items received since the publication of the agenda.
It was stated that a resident will add a proper bench seat into one of
the bus shelters. All happy with this.
Thanks, from residents regarding the pier show tickets.
13. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting, being Monday
2nd September 2024
It was confirmed that the next meeting will be on Monday 2nd September.
At this point Cllr C. Ringer closed the meeting. |
June 2024
Bodham Parish Council
DRAFT MINUTES of the Monthly Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 10th June
7.30pm in the Village Hall.
(A large print copy of these minutes can be obtained from the Clerk)
Present: Callum Ringer (Chair), Roger Ward, Fred Cable, JP Ringer, Paul
Suffolk and Dan Futter (Locum Clerk)
Also present: 4 members of the public
1. (a) To confirm that this meeting will be recorded, and that Members
of the Council and general public are reminded they should behave
No issues.
(b) To receive and consider apologies.
Apologies from Cllr S Aquarone and late apologies from Cllr Cutting. All
(c) To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items and consider
requests for Dispensations.
Cllr C Ringer, Cllr JP Ringer and Cllr Cable declared interest on
section 8, as all are allotments connected.
2. Minutes
To approve the draft minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting held on
7th May 2024.
Some minor changes to amend draft minutes. When completed it was agreed
that this would approve the minutes as a true record.
3. Public Participation
(a) The meeting will be adjourned to allow correspondence from members
of the public and any councillors with prejudicial interests to speak.
Note that only items on this Agenda are to be discussed – for any other
item/subject please contact the Clerk in writing for submission at a
future meeting.
A member of the public stated that the overgrowth on the footpath on
Cromer Road need cutting back. Cllr C Ringer stated that this has been
reported and the relevant households will be made aware. Currently
Broadland maintain but previously the Clerk has started a right of way
process for this footpath.
(b) To receive reports from the County Councillor and the District
The District Councillor stated that there are no meetings until post
Elections. Nothing to report.
(c) To receive reports from the Councillors.
(d) Matters arising
4. Village Hall
(a) To discuss the storage agreement from the village hall
It was agreed to sign off the agreement that we proposed previously. The
agreement was signed off by the Clerk in the meeting, and given back to
the Village Hall representative.
(b) To discuss the grant application from the village hall
Cllr C Ringer stated that it was disappointing that this was not
discussed in our last meeting with a Village Hall representative.
Present funding with a ring-fenced amount of £1K, via events etc., and
an expectation of £500 from the Duncan Baker marathon. Grant application
to Hornsea 3 applying for the full amount of £16.5K, with 20% of this
being match funding. Cllr C Ringer proposed that if the Village Hall
Committee need a figure from us which is above £750 then this will need
to come back to the Council to move forward. Would then need the grant
application paperwork. Also, this depends if Beckham are happy with
this. If they disagree then this will need to be looked into further.
All good with the proposal with Cllr JP Ringer seconded this. June 2024
5. Planning
(a) To consider planning applications received since the publication of
the agenda
(b) To receive any updates regarding the garages site
(c) To receive updates on the Parish Plan
The Clerk to add the digitised version to our website. Cllr C Ringer
stated that our next step would be to establish a task and finish group,
ideally with a mix of residents. Currently for the Parish Council to be
the Steering Group and to invite involvement from residents and
stakeholders accordingly.
(d) Any outstanding planning issues
Hurricane Corner is still ongoing.
6. Finance
(a) To receive any updates on the bank
The Clerk to contact the Aylsham Branch, as no updates. Cllr C Ringer
contacted TSB customer services but unfortunately didn’t get very far.
Cllr Suffolk stated that the Aylsham Branch contacted him, asking for
both the Clerk and himself to sign off some paperwork in branch.
(b) To approve the following invoices for payment:
I. D Futter Salary for May £ 402.63
II. D Futter Mays expenses £ 6.80
III. TT Jones Street lighting maint (July-Sept 24) £ 231.12
IV. ICO Data Protection fee £ 40.00
The Clerk stated that the Data Protection fee is already paid via direct
debit so no cheque payment needs to be raised.
All three invoices/payments approved for payment.
The Clerk to contact TT Jones stating that the street light on Hart Lane
is the wrong way around.
(c) To approve payment of invoices received since the publication of the
I. Community Heartbeat Electrodes £ 56.34
II. R. Ward Expenses – filing cabinet, key cuts, etc £ 108.00
The two invoices/payments approved for payment.
7. Highways matters
To go over outstanding highways issues
Regarding the footpath, Cllr Cable stated that he should be able to get
this done this week.
There are a few properties that need to be informed of hedge cutting.
The Clerk to send letters regarding this.
Flagship met with Cllr C Ringer regarding verges. The Morgans Way verge
is being looked into by Flagship and the path on Little Lane is owned
and maintained by Flagship and will be looked into. The hedge with the
VAS attached (opposite Cllr Wards home) has been cut back already by
Cllr Cable. Cllr Ward will forward information to Cllr C Ringer
regarding the vegetation around the 30mph sign. Cllr C Ringer stated
will get together soon to clean road signs.
8. Allotments
To go over outstanding allotments issues
Cllr JP Ringer stated that Cllr Cable trimmed as previously requested,
and Cllr JP Ringer to sort out the starter plot.
9. Co-opt Councillor
To co-opt a new councillor to the council –
(a) Applicants can, if they wish, introduce themselves briefly to the
councillors and give some background etc to support their application.
(b) Note that all applicants and members of the public present will need
to leave the meeting whilst the council make their decision
No applications received.
10. Governance
(a) To agree and sign off the draft contract for the Clerk Ongoing with
Cllr C Ringer and Cllr Ward to complete.
June 2024
11. Correspondence to consider and respond to the following:
Items received since the publication of the agenda.
Cllr C Ringer stated that we had thanks from Peter and Jackie Bedell,
and Peter and Brenda Alexander.
12. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting, being Monday
8th July 2024
It was confirmed that the next meeting will be on Monday 8th July.
At this point Cllr C. Ringer closed the meeting at 8.55pm. |
May 2024
Bodham Parish Council
DRAFT MINUTES of the Monthly Parish Meeting, including the Annual Parish
Meeting held on Tuesday 7th
May 2024, 7pm in the Village Hall.
(A large print copy of these minutes can be obtained from the Clerk)
Present: Callum Ringer (Chair), Roger Ward, Fred Cable, JP Ringer, Jemma
Cutting and Dan Futter (Locum Clerk)
Also present: 12 members of the public and Cllr S Aquarone.
1. (a) To confirm that this meeting will be recorded, and that Members
of the Council and general public are
reminded they should behave appropriately.
No issues.
(b) To receive and consider apologies.
Apologies from both Cllr JP Ringer and Cllr Suffolk who will be late,
and apologies from Rev. Alexander who is ill.
(c) To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items and consider
requests for Dispensations.
Both Cllr C Ringer and Cllr Cable declared interest on section 19, as
both are allotments connected.
Annual Parish Meeting
2. Welcome
Cllr C. Ringer welcomed all to the meeting.
3. Minutes
To approve the draft minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting held on
15th May 2023
There was some minor wording need of amending. All in favour of the
minutes post amendment.
4. Chair’s Annual Report
Cllr C. Ringer read out his annual report to all. (a copy of the report
and the presentation can be requested from the
5. To elect the Chair and Vice-Chair
All in favour for Cllr C. Ringer to be Chair and for Cllr Ward to be
Vice-Chair moving forward.
6. Digital Switchover talk by the County Councillor
Cllr S. Aquarone went over his talk.
(a copy of the
presentation can be requested from the Clerk).
7. Annual Reports from the District Councillor, County Councillor and
the Police
No Police report, and annual reports will be sent around post meeting.
8. Annual Reports from any local groups
Representatives from the Bodham Playing Field Committee, The Church, The
Crochet Club, The Village Hall Committee
gave their reports. (All reports can be requested from the Clerk).
Cllr Cutting stated would help the Church paint their toilet.
Cllr C. Ringer went over the current Parish Plan in more detail and that
the Parish Council will work on an updated plan
for the next 15 years, and will be asking what residents want to add to
the plan etc. One resident in the meeting
mentioned there is a lack of crossings across the main road.
(At this point Cllr JP Ringer entered the meeting).
Thanks, and presentations were given out from the Parish Council to the
relevant group members.
9. Parish Matters - “You have your say” - an opportunity for members of
the parish to speak
Residents mentioned that communications to all residents is vital.
Leaflets, newsletter, social media, knocking on doors
is the way forward.
10. Parish Plan
Already covered in section 8.
11. Finance Statements 2023/24
The Clerk stated this will be deferred to a future meeting, when the
mandate has fully changed.
12. To revise Councillors Responsibilities
Cllr C. Ringer went over the Councillors Responsibilities report. The
Clerk to amend where necessary and send around
to all councillors.
13. To confirm all policies, procedures, Standing Orders etc. to be
reviewed over the coming months
The Clerk noted this to all councillors.
14. Any other business
None. At this point Cllr C. Ringer closed the Annual Parish Meeting.
15. Public Participation
(a) The meeting will be adjourned to allow correspondence from members
of the public and any councillors
with prejudicial interests to speak.
Note that only items on this Agenda are to be discussed – for any other
item/subject please contact the
Clerk in writing for submission at a future meeting.
(b) To receive reports from the
Councillor and the District Councillor.
The District Councillor stated that a circular will be sent around.
(c) To receive reports from the Councillors.
Cllr Ward stated that the keys haven't yet been cut for the filing
It was stated that it is unsure if the defib is working. The Clerk to
ask current source at Weybourne PC.
(d) Matters arising
16. Planning
(a) To consider planning applications received since the publication of
the agenda
Cllr C. Ringer stated that Hurricane Corner has been approved and was
annoyed with how NNDC Planning Department
dealt with this. Cllr C. Ringer has been in contact today.
(b) To receive any updates regarding the garages site
No updates.
(c) Any outstanding planning issues
None. All covered in (a).
17. Finance
(a) To receive any updates on the bank
The Clerk contacted the Bank, and they stated in hand and if no response
contact again in a couple of weeks.
(b) To approve the following invoices for payment:
I. D Futter Salary for April £ 402.63
II. D Futter Aprils expenses £ 2.64
III. Zurich Annual Insurance £ 688.81
IV. Bodham Village Hall Hall hire (3 months) £ 67.50
All four invoices/payments approved for payment.
(c) To approve payment of invoices received since the publication of the
I. Forever Green Flower Co Flowers fee £ 150.00
The one invoice approved for payment.
18. Highways matters
To go over outstanding highways issues
May 2024
The VAS is now working OK. A new column was added but the sign is now in
in the hedge. Highways aware and will
request cut back. No updates on other issues.
19. Allotments
To go over outstanding allotments issues
The Clerk stated all good with payments. One tenant has tidied/cleared
plots after making them aware. Both Cllr JP
Ringer and Cllr Cable have done some work regarding the allotment's
starter plots. There is one starter plot up and
running and the other is ready to go.
20. Weybourne Road Noticeboard
All completed.
21. Co-opt Councillor
To co-opt a new councillor to the council –
(a) Applicants can, if they wish, introduce themselves briefly to the
councillors and give some background etc to
support their application.
(b) Note that all applicants and members of the public present will need
to leave the meeting whilst the council
make their decision
No applications received.
22. Governance
(a) To agree and sign off the draft contract for the Clerk
It was agreed to amend the draft contract where necessary before
completion. The Clerk to complete time sheets
moving forward.
(b) To discuss the storage agreement from the village hall
The Clerk to invite a VH representative to the next meeting regarding
(c) To discuss the grant application from the village hall
The Clerk to invite a VH representative to the next meeting regarding
(d) To agree to the draft asset list
Draft asset list agreed as it is. Cllr Cutting to contact the Clerk
regarding the street lighting locations on Hall Close.
23. Correspondence to consider and respond to the following:
Items received since the publication of the agenda.
24. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting, being Monday
10th June 2024
It was confirmed that the next meeting will be on Monday 10th June.
At this point Cllr C. Ringer closed the meeting at 9.25pm. |
April 2024
Bodham Parish Council
DRAFT MINUTES of the Monthly Parish Meeting held on Monday 8th April
2024, 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
(A large print copy of these minutes can be obtained from the Clerk)
Present: Callum Ringer (Chair), Roger Ward, Fred Cable, JP Ringer, Paul
Suffolk, Jemma Cutting and Dan Futter (Locum Clerk)
Also present: One member of the public.
1. (a) To confirm that this meeting will be recorded, and that Members
of the Council and general public are reminded they should behave
appropriately.No issues.
(b) To receive and consider apologies.
No apologies from the County Councillor Steffan Aquarone.
(c) To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items and consider
requests for Dispensations.
Both Cllr C Ringer and Cllr Cable declared interest on section 7, as
both are allotments connected.
2. Minutes
To approve the draft minutes of the meetings held on 12th February 2024
and 11th March 2024.
It was agreed to approve both minutes. Cllr C. Ringer proposed with Cllr
JP. Ringer seconded.
3. Public Participation
(a) The meeting will be adjourned to allow correspondence from members
of the public and any councillors with prejudicial interests to speak.
Note that only items on this Agenda are to be discussed – for any other
item/subject please contact the Clerk in writing for submission at a
future meeting.
A member of the public asked if they could speak on section 10 (b), (c)
and (d). It was agreed that these sub-sections to be moved to after this
(b) To receive reports from the County Councillor and the District
The District Councillor stated that the go live date for the new bin
round collections was from today, with confirmation of 100% rounds
completed. There are support crews who are helping in the interim period
for a few
months. Cromer Pier has been awarded the pier of the year. Allocations
to social housing will be slightly changing.
No report from the County Councillor.
(c) To receive reports from the Councillors.
Cllr Cable stated that residents in Rose Acre have addressed their
concerns with pavements again. After speaking initially to Highways, a
technician was sent to the area. Cllr C. Ringer to chase this up.
(d) Matters arising
It was agreed that Cllr JP Ringer and Cllr Cutting will liaise further
regarding the bench.
10. Governance
((c) discussed to start with)
(c) To receive any updates on the lockable cabinet within the village
Cllr Ward stated that he had purchased and collected 2 x filing cabinets
at £25 each. One for the Parish Council and the other for the Village
Hall Committee. Cllr Ward to sort out spare keys. The Clerk to bring
over relevant paperwork to add to the filing cabinet. The member of the
public wanted to thank Cllr Ward for picking the filing cabinet up on
the Village Hall Committees' behalf.
(b) To discuss the storage agreement from the village hall.
The agreement was sent around prior to the meeting. It was felt by the
Parish Council that the agreement was somewhat over the top, but as
stated by a resident representing the Village Hall Committee this was
not meant to look
this way and that they are abiding by their processes via the Charities
Cllr C. Ringer stated that the agreement will need to be amended to
include that the only key holders from the Parish Council to the filing
cabinet would be the Chair, Vic-Chair and the Clerk, and that the
Village Hall Committee would not deny us the access to the filing
cabinet. Agreement to amended accordingly.
(d) To discuss the grant application from the village hall.
Cllr C. Ringer read out correspondence from the Village Hall Committee
representative. This was off the back of some further questions from the
grant application. Cllr C. Ringer stated that £3K was a lot of money to
request from the Parish Council when the Village Hall Committee have not
yet applied to the Sheringham Shoal/Hornsea 3 funds etc. As a result of
the correspondence the request has gone from £3K to a letter of support
guaranteeing £600 from both Bodham and Beckham to comply with match
funding criteria.
Cllr C. Ringer stated that instead of a ballpark figure of £600 that we
pledge to make up 50% of the shortfall that makes up to the £20K. And
when their funding is secured then we can release the capital, which is
the match funding. The Village Hall representative stated that any grant
applications will be shared with the Parish Council before completion.
It was agreed to move forward with this pledge.
Cllr C. Ringer stated about the potential of having electric car
charging points in the village hall car park. The power would come from
the village hall, and the financial benefit would be for the village
hall, and the Parish Council would consider doing this because it's on
our land. The member of the public stated this would be added to the
Village Hall Committees next agenda.
4. Planning
(a) To consider planning applications received since the publication of
the agenda None.
(b) To discuss the current parish plan
It was stated that we do have a physical copy of the parish plan from
2010. The Clerk to scan, upload and send around a copy to all
(c) To receive any updates regarding the garages site
Cllr C. Ringer stated any updates have been circulated. It is on hold
for the time being whilst other options are investigated, and we will be
informed in due course.
(d) Any outstanding planning issues
Cllr C. Ringer stated that The Shed had its agricultural certificate
refused. The container on Hurricane Corner hasn't been decided yet so
still time to add a representation. Cllr C. Ringer to complete this, and
any further responses.
5. Finance
(a) To receive any updates on the mandate changes
Cllr Ward stated that himself and Cllr Cable went to the TSB Aylsham
branch to complete the form. Branch took in form and will progress
further. Completed on 2nd April 2024. The Clerk to update on any
(b) To approve the following invoices for payment:
I. Norfolk ALC Locum Clerk work (March) £ 204.17
II. D Futter Salary for March £ 278.70
III. D Futter Marchs expenses £ 6.00
IV. Bodham Church Council Grant amount £ 1,000.00
All four invoices/payments approved for payment. Cllr C. Ringer proposed
with Cllr Cable seconded, with all in favour.
It was agreed to give out the cheque for Bodham Church Council at the
Annual Parish Meeting.
Cllr C. Ringer stated we need to encourage residents to come to the
Annual Parish Meeting, through social media, and make the Annual Parish
Meeting more of a celebration.
Cllr C. Ringer stated the photo of the King has been received.
It was agreed to allocate £100 for any Annual Parish Meeting expenses.
(c) To approve payment of invoices received since the publication of the
I. Norfolk ALC Membership fee £ 172.84
II. Countrystyle Recycling fee £ 39.00
All two invoices/payments approved for payment. Cllr C. Ringer proposed
with Cllr Cable seconded, with all in favour.
Cllr C. Ringer to obtain an up-to-date bank statement for the Clerk.
(d) To note the payments made since the last meeting
I. M. Clarke Website fees £ 185.00
Payment was noted.
(e) To appoint an internal auditor
The Clerk couldn’t obtain any further quotes. It was agreed to appoint
Sonya Blythe in the first instance but if cannot complete to contact
Norfolk ALC for their internal audit services.
6. Highways matters
To go over outstanding highways issues
Cllr Ward stated that from the last meeting it was stated that we would
try and do a comparison with the VAS figures from years ago to today's
figures, But Cllr Ward has not had any data or communication with the
resident responsible.
Cllr Ward to chase up.
It was agreed for the Clerk to draft a list of subjects/responsibilities
for all areas to bring back to council.
Cllr C. Ringer updated on outstanding highways issues -
Hart Lane flooding – Highways have agreed to carry out remedial work.
This has not happened yet so Cllr C. Ringer to chase this up.
The VAS issue is still not picking up 30mph. Cllr C. Ringer chased this
up again this week with a responsive reply.
Cllr C. Ringer to liaise with the Clerk regarding contacting Flagship
regarding an amenity cut enquiry.
Cllr C. Ringer asked the Clerk to send a letter to two residents on
Weybourne Road regarding cutting back their hedges.
Cllr C. Ringer to explore purchasing a new dog waste bin.
Cllr Ward to find out if the defibrillator needs maintenance, additional
batteries etc.
7. Allotments
To go over outstanding allotments issues
The Clerk to contact one ex-tenant regarding a plot issue and a current
tenant about plot items removal.
Cllr JP Ringer and Cllr Cable to meet up this weekend about strimming
and the starter plots.
8. Weybourne Road Noticeboard
Cllr Ward stated that Jim Webb has collected the noticeboard and placed
this in Weybourne. The Clerk to send a message of thanks. Cllr Ward to
chase up when the other will be placed in the village.
9. Co-opt Councillor
To co-opt a new councillor to the council –
(a) Applicants can, if they wish, introduce themselves briefly to the
councillors and give some background etc to
support their application.
(b) Note that all applicants and members of the public present will need
to leave the meeting whilst the council
make their decision
No applications received.
10. Governance
(a) To agree and sign off the draft contract for the Clerk
The Clerk to send around a revised draft contract to all councillors and
will be added to the next agenda.
(b) To discuss the storage agreement from the village hall
Discussed earlier in the meeting.
(c) To receive any updates on the lockable cabinet within the village
Discussed earlier in the meeting.
(d) To discuss the grant application from the village hall
Discussed earlier in the meeting.
(e) To agree to the draft asset list
The Clerk is waiting on information regarding streetlights.
Cllr C. Ringer asked the Clerk to find out who owns the Marlpit pond.
(f) To discuss what to do with the old laptop/USB stick
It was agreed for the Clerk to add this equipment to the filing cabinet
within the village hall.
11. Correspondence to consider and respond to the following:
Items received since the publication of the agenda.
12. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting, which
includes the Annual Meeting.
April 2024
It was confirmed that the next meeting will be on Tuesday 7th May from
7pm onwards. The Clerk to book the village
At this point Cllr C. Ringer closed the meeting at 9.27pm. |
Bodham Parish Council
DRAFT MINUTES of the Monthly Parish Meeting held on
Monday 11th March 2024, 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
(A large print copy of these minutes can be obtained from the Clerk)
Present: Callum Ringer (Chair), Roger Ward, Fred Cable, JP Ringer, Paul
Suffolk and Dan Futter (Locum Clerk)
Also present: Two members of the public.
1. (a) To confirm that this meeting will be recorded, and that Members
of the Council and general public are reminded they should behave
No issues.
(b) To receive and consider apologies.
Apologies from the County Councillor Steffan Aquarone.
(c) To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items and consider
requests for Dispensations.
Both Cllr C Ringer and Cllr Cable declared interest on section 7, as
both are allotments connected.
Cllr Ward declared interest on section 10 (c), as connected to the grant
2. Minutes
To approve the draft minutes of the meeting held on 12th February 2024.
It was agreed to defer the draft minutes to the next meeting, so the
amended draft minutes can be sent around to all councillors. This also
includes changing minor word amendments.
3. Public Participation
(a) The meeting will be adjourned to allow correspondence from members
of the public and any councillors with prejudicial interests to speak.
Note that only items on this Agenda are to be discussed – for any other
item/subject please contact the Clerk in writing for submission at a
future meeting.
A member of the public asked about grant funding for village hall solar
panels. The Clerk to send the grant application.
Regarding the village hall car parking, a member of the public stated
that they have been given permission to use the parking from the
business at the back of the village hall.
(b) To receive reports from the County Councillor and the District
The District Councillor stated that his reported will be circulated post
The main points stated in the meeting were regarding changes to waste
collections from 8th April 2024. This is basically because of a location
change where the recycling waste is deposited. The garden waste and
trade waste collections have not been reviewed for some years and have
now grown substantially. This will be communicated to residents in
Media attention lately around the introduction of food waste
collections. Government has announced they will fund the start-up costs.
Unfortunately, valuation costs do not add up and DEFRA has been
contacted with evidence about this. Hopefully be able to introduce the
service without having to burden ratepayers.
Confirmation that there will be a bank hub in Holt, with several banks
occupying the hub on different nominated days. Barclays in
Sheringham to continue to open in the short term, whilst alternative
measures are being placed.
Hornsea 3 community fund launched in February. The NNDC budget has been
set for the coming year.
The NNDC Cabinet Meeting has agreed to progress with the compulsory
purchase order on the old hotel site in Sheringham. This has been going
on since 2009, with allocated funds made previously for this.
(c) To receive reports from the Councillors.
Cllr JP Ringer proposed for the Parish Council to revisit the current
parish plan. Cllr C. Ringer stated that this is a forerunner for a
neighbourhood plan. To be added to the next agenda.
(d) Matter arising
Cllr C. Ringer stated that he needs to speak to the family about the
It was agreed to move section 4 to the end of the meeting.
5. Planning
(a) To consider the following planning application on -
I. PF/24/0331 - Hill Farm, Rectory Road, Lower Bodham, Holt, Norfolk,
NR25 6PR
Two storey rear extension to dwelling; dormer to rear; external
It was agreed that Cllr C. Ringer will send around a response to all
councillors in the interim period, to decide via email
before responding to NNDC.
(b) Any outstanding planning issues
It was agreed to object regarding the Hurricane Corner planning
application. Cllr C. Ringer to put together a response including the
planning reasons.
It was agreed to not support or object regarding the certificate of
lawfulness of The Shed. The Clerk to respond stating
that this building has not been used for agricultural reasons for
approx. 20 years
6. Finance
(a) To receive any updates on the mandate changes
The Clerk received and completed the mandate change form as fully as
possible, and this is now with Cllr Ward to get completed by the
councillors. When completed to be given back to The Clerk to move
(b) To approve the following invoices for payment:
I. Norfolk ALC Locum Clerk work (Feb) £ 341.67
II. TT Jones Street lighting maint (Apr-June 24) £ 221.59
III. D Futter Februarys expenses £ 339.88
All three invoices/payments approved for payment. Cllr C. Ringer
proposed with Cllr JP Ringer seconded, with all in
The Clerk to contact TT Jones regarding a current report.
(c) To approve payment of invoices received since the publication of the
I. JP Ringer Expenses for allotment pallets £ 220.00
II. R Ward Expenses for newsletter £ 60.00
All two invoices/payments approved for payment. Cllr C. Ringer proposed
with Cllr JP Ringer seconded, with all in favour.
(d) To appoint an internal auditor
The Clerk stated three quotes for the audit. The Clerk to bring some
further quotes to the next meeting.
7. Highways matters
(a) To go over outstanding highways issues
Flooding on Hart Lane – Cllr C. Ringer stated there are several issues
with this. The drainage pipe that goes under the road was put in approx.
23 years ago. Highways have been spoken to at length about this issue,
they have site visited and added the flood signs. Highways have stated
that the drainage under the road has not come up in their records, but
from our minutes they have paid towards half of this. The riparian
rights are owned by the landowners on each side, and the landowners' job
is to get the water from their side to the other. Highways are sending a
technician to the site, as the landowners have done all they can. Cllr
C. Ringer stated that he hasn’t heard anymore from Highways by Thursday
then he will speak to the County Councillor about this.
Cllr C. Ringer spoke to the owner of the hedge where the VAS is placed,
opposite the school. At this point in time Cllr C. Ringer was satisfied
that the hedge was not encroaching on the sign, but this will be
monitored. The sign below this is too low and Highways are aware of
VAS – Highways are aware that the calibrations are not working. Still
30mph sign (from West Beckham) – A letter was sent regarding the hedge
cutting, and this has been completed. But will need to be monitored.
Dog waste bin – Cllr C. Ringer proposed moving the dog waste bin from
the end of the school footpath to the top of the loke and purchase a
multi-use bin in its place. To be explored.
(b) To discuss SAM2 reports
It was agreed that it would be a good exercise to investigate old and
new data. Maybe something to add to the action plan. Cllr Ward stated
police visits into the village are low, so Cllr C. Ringer to investigate
this further.
(c) To receive any updates regarding the garages site
Cllr C. Ringer stated that the garages site opposite the pub, there is
currently consultation with Flagship Housing regarding disposing of this
asset. The Parish Council have not been formally notified of this
consultation, which is not good as the Parish Council has license to
occupy part of that land, which is used for bottle banks and a bus
shelter. Cllr C. Ringer has received correspondence from several
residents on this matter. One issue that is unanimous is that the site
is a dump, and needs tidying up. There is very limited number of cars
parking there paying a fee, and there are five properties on Little Lane
which do not have vehicle access and rely on this piece of land to park
their car. Cllr C. Ringer has a meeting tomorrow with representatives
from Flagship Housing and NNDC, and as a Parish Council we have
requested extension to the consultation date for another week. Had
confirmation as license holders that we are unaffected by this, but we
do need to respond to their consultation.
Cllr C. Ringer stated that councillors are welcome to join this meeting
and will write a report post tomorrow's meeting, to circulate to all
8. Allotments
(a) To go over outstanding allotments issues
The Clerk stated that rents have been paid but cannot confirm this
without bank statements. All new invoices and tenancy agreements have
been posted.Cllr C. Ringer stated that the tenant written to regarding
tidying plots, has rotovated half of this. Tenant needs to be contacted
regarding removal of scrap metal and non-garden materials. All agreed to
(b) To receive the quotes for topsoil/compost
This was regarding the starter plots. Cllr JP Ringer stated we have
received the pallet collars for the raised beds.
Received quote for compost at £30 per tonne with £60 per hour delivery
charge. Cllr JP Ringer to move forward and order what is necessary. Area
also to be strimmed.
Already have a resident interested in a starter plot.
The Clerk stated Orsted were interested in supplying the Parish Council
with hardcore.
9. Weybourne Road Noticeboard
Cllr Ward stated that this is in hand.
10. Governance
(a) To discuss the Clerks proposal to be permanent
The Clerk sent around a proposal to all councillors prior to the
meeting. The proposal was agreed by all councillors. The Clerk to become
permanent post meeting and will bring a draft contract to the next
(b) To receive any updates on the lockable cabinet within the Village
Hall Cllr Ward to complete.
(c) To discuss the grant application from the church
The grant application was circulated to all councillors prior to the
meeting. Cllr C. Ringer proposed £1,000 to cover the costs of graveyard
maintenance. All in favour.
(d) To discuss obtaining the free portrait of His Majesty The King
Cllr C. Ringer stated that this has already been applied, but not
received yet.
(e) To review the current asset list
Asset list was reviewed, and amendments to be completed by the Clerk.
Revised asset list to be brought back to the next meeting for
(f) To confirm dates in May for the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual
Council Meeting
It was confirmed that both will be on the same evening in Mays meeting.
4. Co-opt Councillor (moved from the beginning of the meeting)
To co-opt a new councillor to the council –
(a) Applicants can, if they wish, introduce themselves briefly to the
councillors and give some background etc to support their application.
(b) Note that all applicants and members of the public present will need
to leave the meeting whilst the council make their decision
One application was received from Jemma Cutting, which was circulated to
all councillors prior to this meeting. It was agreed that Jemma
will be co-opted onto the council, with her first meeting being in
April. Proposed by Cllr JP
Ringer and seconded by Cllr Ward, all in favour.
11. Correspondence to consider and respond to the following:Items
received since the publication of the agenda.
12. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting being Monday
8th April 2024. It was confirmed that the next meeting with be on
this date.
At this point Cllr C. Ringer closed the meeting
March 2024
Bodham Parish Council
DRAFT MINUTES of the Monthly Parish Meeting held on Monday 12th February
2024, 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
(A large print copy of these minutes can be obtained from the Clerk)
Present: Callum Ringer (Chair), Roger Ward, Fred Cable, JP Ringer, and
Dan Futter (Locum Clerk)
Also present: Two members of the public.
1. (a) To confirm that this meeting will be recorded, and that Members
of the Council and general public are reminded they should behave
No issues.
(b) To receive and consider apologies.
Apologies received from Cllr Suffolk and Cllr JP Ringer. (Cllr JP Ringer
entered the meeting midway through). Apologies from the County
Councillor Steffan Aquarone.
(c) To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items and consider
requests for Dispensations.
Both Cllr C Ringer and Cllr Cable declared interest on section 7, as
both are allotments connected.
2. Minutes
To approve the draft minutes of the meeting held on 15th January 2024.
Cllr C. Ringer proposed the approvement of the draft minutes, with Cllr
Ward seconded.
3. Public Participation
(a) The meeting will be adjourned to allow correspondence from members
of the public and any councillors with prejudicial interests to speak.
Note that only items on this Agenda are to be discussed – for any other
item/subject please contact the Clerk in writing for submission at a
future meeting.
A member of the public sent an email to all councillors prior to the
meeting regarding use of an overflow car park for larger events in the
Village Hall. The member of the public stated that such events like the
photographic society can have up to 30 people in attendance. Cllr Ward
stated that there is the school car park, but it is a distance to the
Village Hall. Cllr C. Ringer stated that the other car park, which has
approx. 10 spaces, is owned by NNDC. A few years ago, NNDC offered the
Parish Council to take over the responsibility of this car park with a
lease but at the time the Parish Council declined. There is a
possibility that this could be revisited. This will be investigated
further. It was also stated that the member of the public could have a
conversation with the pub regarding using their car park.
A member of the public investigated into the filing cabinet situation
for us with the Village Hall Committee. It was stated that a filing
cabinet can be placed in the back storeroom. This will be discussed
further later in the meeting.
A member of Village Hall Committee sent a letter to the Parish Council
prior to the meeting. This was regarding on how the Village Hall is
financially struggling and if we can be of any help. It was stated that
they are getting grant applications together for solar panels and
battery packs etc. It was stated that we will send over a Parish Council
grant application for completion.
Cllr JP Ringer entered the meeting at this point.
(b) To receive reports from the County Councillor and the District
No report from the County Councillor.
The District Councillor stated that a bank hub has been confirmed to
open in Holt. Good news to the community as different banks will
participate within the hub on different days, with many of the bank
services. There is no date for opening at present. A fuller report will
be sent around in March.
(c) To receive reports from the Councillors.
Cllr JP Ringer stated that the bench on the junction of the Street and
the A148 is a memorial bench. Both arm tenons and the mortices on the
legs are rotten. The bench has undergone remedial work in the past with
all four legs below the stretcher bar have been removed and the bench
mounted on timber blocks. The varnish/oil coating is also in need of
reapplication. Cllr C Ringer will speak to the family to ask if they
could come out to look at it.
Cllr JP Ringer will send around a link regarding an ideal grit spreader
to purchase to all councillors.
Cllr JP Ringer stated regarding allotments raised beds, that the
recommendation that these are made from tanalised timber for its
increased durability. Pallet collars is another option, but they are
deeper and require more filling. Any decisions will be made in the
Allotments section of this meeting.
Cllr Ward stated that the church is interested in applying for a grant.
The Clerk/Cllr C Ringer to send a blank grant application form to Cllr
(d) Matter arising
Cllr C. Ringer stated that no further matters arising for this month.
4. Planning
The planning application regarding Hurricane Corner has been refused by
5. Finance
(a) To note the bank reconciliation up until 15th January 2024
The Clerk sent around the completed bank reconciliation prior to the
meeting. The Clerk to send to Cllr C. Ringer full information regarding
payments and receipts, to make sure they are being charged to the
correct cost codes.
All agreed happy with the reconciliation.
(b) To receive any updates on the mandate changes
The Clerk stated that the bank has been contacted a few times for chase
ups regarding receival of the mandate form. Been told it should arrive
next week.
(c) To approve the following invoices for payment:
I. Norfolk ALC Locum Clerk work (Jan) £ 445.83
II. NNDC Dog waste bin collections (23/24) £ 517.92
III. D Futter January expenses £ 23.00
All three invoices/payments approved for payment. Cllr C. Ringer
proposed with Cllr Ward seconded, with all in favour.
Cllr C. Ringer asked the Clerk for the email correspondence from NNDC
regarding the dog waste bin collections to be sent over.
(d) To approve payment of invoices received since the publication of the
Cllr C. Ringer asked the Clerk to find out if there is a cheque book for
the Parish Councils second account plus the interest rate.
6. Highways matters
(a) To go over outstanding highways issues
Cllr C. Ringer has had some conversations with Norfolk CC Highways since
the last meeting in relation the outstanding highways issues.
Hart Lane –
Flooding on Hart Lane – Highways stated that because of a wet Winter
much of the area is waterlogged but it seems that a lot of the water is
coming off the field. The landowner will need contacting to see if they
can dig a ditch on the field side of the hedge. Cllr C. Ringer to
contact landowner.
Roseacre -
Pavements – Highways to send their technician to have another look at
this area.
A148 Issues -
Junction with Gypsies Lane – Parish Council to contact NCC Highways who
will in turn liaise with the casualty reduction group. Cllr C. Ringer to
draft letter.
VAS – Highways to investigate this further. Cllr Ward stated that the
collaborations are not working.
Pavements – Highways had it only programmed for this to be strimmed, as
didn’t want to undermine the fence. Cllr C. Ringer to get back to
Highways to ask if this can be done.
Verge Cromer Road – Highways did cut this, and they will liaise with
Victory Housing. But it was confirmed that this is programmed for four
times a year cut.
Cllr C. Ringer stated there is a drainage issue by the garages nearby
the Village Hall. Highways have stated that this is programmed for
remedial work over the next six weeks.
Cllr C. Ringer spoke to a resident regarding an obscured sign at this
property. The resident agreed that the sign is obscured but has said if
this is cut back enough it will damage the hedge. Cllr C. Ringer has
agreed to meet the resident regarding moving forward.
(b) To discuss swapping the SAM2 camera
Cllr Ward distributed three sample pages of the SAM2 report to Council
for their attention. To add SAM2 reports to the next agenda.
7. Allotments
The Clerk stated that there has been confirmation of some invoices paid
via BACS and a few cheque payments.
One tenant has stated the plots will be tidied imminently but if not
tidied by beginning of March, then it was agreed that the tenancy
agreement has been broken, and the Clerk to contact the tenant
It was agreed for Cllr JP Ringer to take on the tenancy of plot 8 and
Mr. Doy to be offered the tenancy of plot 13.
It was agreed to purchase 20 pallet collars at a cost of £220. Topsoil
prices will be investigated and brought to the next meeting. Cllr JP
Ringer stated it would be good to have some starter plots and will
approach someone on the allotments waiting list regarding this.
8. Weybourne Road Noticeboard
No updates.
Cllr Ward stated that the church would be interested in leftover
hardcore from Orsted. The Clerk to chase up.
9. Co-opt Councillor
To co-opt a new councillor to the council –
There are two vacancies but no new applicants. We have had two registers
of interest where the relevant forms for completion have been sent. The
Clerk to contact both for status updates.
(a) Applicants can, if they wish, introduce themselves briefly to the
councillors and give some background etc. to support their application.
(b) Note that all applicants and members of the public present will need
to leave the meeting whilst the council make their decision
10. Governance
(a) To receive quotes on obtaining a new laptop
It was confirmed the Clerk has a budget of £250.00.
(b) To receive any updates on the lockable cabinet within the Village
It was confirmed that we have a budget of £60.00. Cllr Ward to purchase
11. Correspondence to consider and respond to the following: Items
received since the publication of the agenda.
Cllr C. Ringer stated we have had some correspondence regarding
advertisement boards being placed along the hedge line by the road on
the playing field. Cllr C. Ringer stated it is not our position to give
any advice on this and depends on if this will be on their land. The
Clerk to respond accordingly stating to contact Norfolk CC Highways.
It was agreed we will carry on having monthly meetings.
12. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting being Monday
11th March 2024.
It was confirmed that the next meeting with be on this date.
At this point Cllr C. Ringer closed the meeting. |
DRAFT MINUTES of the Monthly
Parish Meeting held on Monday 15th January 2024, 7.30pm in the Village
(A large print copy of these minutes can be obtained from the Clerk)
Present: Callum Ringer (Chair), Roger Ward, Fred Cable, JP Ringer, and
Dan Futter (Locum Clerk)
Also present: One member of the public.
1. (a) To confirm that this meeting will be recorded, and that Members
of the Council and general public are reminded they should behave
No issues.
(b) To receive and consider apologies.
Apologies from the County Councillor Steffan Aquarone. No apologies
received from Cllr Suffolk.
(c) To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items and consider
requests for Dispensations.
Both Cllr JP Ringer and Cllr Cable declared interest on section 7, as
both are allotment holders.
2. Minutes
To approve the draft minutes of the meeting held on 13th November 2023.
Cllr C. Ringer stated two minor corrections regarding terminology, which
will be amended by the Clerk. On amendment the minutes approved by all.
3. Public Participation
(a) The meeting will be adjourned to allow correspondence from members
of the public and any councillors with prejudicial interests to speak.
Note that only items on this Agenda are to be discussed – for any other
item/subject please contact the Clerk in writing for submission at a
future meeting.
The resident present asked how to add to a future agenda. The Clerk
explained accordingly.
(b) To receive reports from the County Councillor and the District
The County Councillors report will be circulated by Cllr C. Ringer.
Cllr C. Ringer went over his District Councillor report (full report can
be obtained by the Clerk)
(c) To receive reports from the Councillors.
Cllr Cable stated that the resident bench by the village sign needs some
TLC. Cllr JP Ringer to investigate further. Cllr
C. Ringer stated if this was a good place to have a bench.
Cllr JP Ringer asked if we could have a grit spreader. It was discussed
previously and provisionally agreed on. Cllr JP Ringer to look at
quotes. Also stated when the Orsted cable is restored back to natural,
would there be any chance of the parish getting back some of the
hardcore that were used for temporary road surfaces. To be used by the
allotments and at the church. The Clerk to check into this. Cllr JP
Ringer also stated a parishioner has asked if a further dog bin can be
positioned by the post office. Cllr C. Ringer to get a quote.
Cllr C. Ringer stated that planning permission for affordable homes had
been approved in West Beckham which should mean that we will be able to
proceed with acquiring some cycle parking, though Broadland DC have not
contacted us with any plans as of yet. Regarding the Digital Switchover,
the community café has a talk about this coming up.
4. Planning
The planning application regarding Hurricane Corner – it was agreed to
object to the application because it’s
inappropriate development in size and in use.
Cllr C. Ringer stated that the application regarding an extension at
North Norfolk Garden Machinery, was approved just after Christmas.
5. Finance
(a) To receive any updates on the bank reconciliation
Cllr Ward stated that himself and an ex-councillor visited the TSB bank,
with the relevant information, to move forward with completion of the
change of mandate etc. Cllr Ward informed the Clerk accordingly on what
next needs to be completed and all paperwork was given to the Clerk. The
bank confirmed that we have a third account with zero balance.
Cllr C. Ringer asked the Clerk if they can find out if there are any
high interest bank accounts. The Clerk to contact Norfolk ALC for their
(b) To approve the following invoices for payment:
I. TT Jones Streetlighting Maint (Jan-March 24) £ 221.59 II. Bodham VH
Hall hire (2023) £ 120.00 III. Countrystyle Disposal – bottle bank £
6.00 IV. MW Bookkeeping Aug Payroll (previous clerk) £ 10.00 V. Norfolk
ALC Locum Clerk work £ 533.33 VI. D Futter Current expenses (Locum
Clerk) £ 12.95 VII. R Ward Newsletter expenses £ 154.98 All seven
invoices/payments approved for payment. Cllr C. Ringer proposed with
Cllr JP Ringer seconded, with all in favour.
(c) To approve payment of invoices received since the publication of the
I. R Ward Newsletter expenses (x3 months) £ 60.00
The one invoice approved for payment. Cllr C. Ringer proposed with Cllr
JP Ringer seconded, with all in favour.
(d) To authorise the precept for 24/25
Cllr C. Ringer proposed to keep the same precept as this current
financial year, as we do not have a complete financial reconciliation at
this point. Cllr C. Ringer proposed with Cllr Cable seconded, with all
in favour. The Clerk to make NNDC aware.
6. Highways matters
Cllr C. Ringer went over the outstanding highways issues taken from the
last meeting –
Hart Lane –
Flooding on Hart Lane – there has been further flooding. Cllr C. Ringer
already reported this but the County Councillor to find out further
information and report back.
Entrance 30MPH signs – no progress on the planters. Cllr JP Ringer to
cost this, which includes two planters, slab to sit on and the signage
on the front. It was stated that businesses might be able to help with
funding the planters.
Verge by Morgan’s Way – this has been cut.
Roseacre -
Pavements – two patches have been re-dressed. To be left to the County
Councillor to pursue further.
Church Road -
Flooding by the church – All done. Culvert under road from pond – All
done. Weybourne Road -
One-way request – this was deemed inappropriate.
Hedge Issue – All done.
A148 Issues -
Junction with Gypsies Lane – Parish Council to contact NCC Highways who
will in turn liaise with the casualty reduction group. Cllr C. Ringer to
draft letter.
VAS opposite old school - Parish Council to write to landowner and if no
action then NCC Highways will write. Cllr C. Ringer to liaise with the
Locum Clerk.
Verge alongside Holly House and Old School – NCC Highways to ensure this
is on the four times per year highways cut. Keep watch with this.
Grit Bin – this will be the responsibility of the Parish Council to
repair or replace. NCC will continue to fill it. Pavements opposite old
Chapel – NCC Highways to clear and re-size the pavement. This has not
yet happened. Verge Cromer Road – NCC Highways going to chase this.
VAS on Cromer end of village – dead battery, with Cllr C. Ringer to
pursue further with NCC Highways.
The Street
30mph sign on entrance to village – Parish Council to write to landowner
in first instance but if nothing happens then NCC Highways will write to
them. The Clerk to complete.
Cllr Ward stated that the SAM2 camera still needs to be swapped. To be
added to the next agenda.
7. Allotments
The Clerk stated that all invoices including new tenancy forms have been
sent to all current allotment holders, and previous holders who have not
paid. Also, a letter to be sent to a current allotment holder regarding
to clean up their plot. Another allotment holder to be made aware that a
shed plus no more than six hens can be added to their plot.
Cllr JP Ringer to investigate the cost rise of the raised beds.
8. Weybourne Road Noticeboard
Cllr Ward stated that all has been agreed to swap around the
noticeboards. This will be completed soon and Weybourne village hall to
take the cost.
9. Co-opt Councillor
To co-opt a new councillor to the council –
There are two vacancies but no new applicants. We have had one register
of interest where the relevant forms for completion have been sent.
(a) Applicants can, if they wish, introduce themselves briefly to the
councillors and give some background etc. to support their application.
(b) Note that all applicants and members of the public present will need
to leave the meeting whilst the council make their decision
10. Governance
(a) Discuss about getting a new laptop
It was agreed for the Clerk to look into quotes.
11. Correspondence to consider and respond to the following: Items
received since the publication of the agenda.
Cllr C. Ringer reported that a recent email from the village hall had
stated that they have declined the request from the Parish Council to
have a lockable filing cabinet stored inside the hall. The resident in
attendance will speak to the Village Hall Committee with further
information in regards to its use and report back to council.
12. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting being Monday
12th February 2024.
It was confirmed that the next meeting with be on this date. At this
point Cllr C. Ringer closed the meeting.
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council Held on Monday 12th June
In attendance:
Cllr C Ringer – Chairman
Cllr R Ward
Cllr F Cable
Cllr J P Ringer
Cllr P Suffolk
J. Wisson – Clerk to Bodham Parish Council
1. To accept apologies for absence – no apologies from Parish
Councillors - apologies Cllr. S. Aquarone
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest – Allotments – Cllr. J P
Ringer, Cllr C Ringer, and Cllr. F Cable.
3. To Approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th April 2022
4. Matters arising from the minutes – Highways clerk needs to add notes
for Highways onto the minutes.
5. Any reports from County, District or Parish Councillor
Verge cutting in village – Clerk to get an answer from the Insurers
regarding cover for people actioning work on verges etc.
Clerk to chase nonpayers on Allotments – along with arrange a Zoom
meeting for Cllr. R Ward & Cllr. C Ringer.
Clerk to chase footpath registration of School Footpath and Little Lane
with Norfolk County Council and copy in Cllr Aquarone in correspondence.
No report from Norfolk County Council since the last meeting.
District Councillor update – continuing with significant amount of
training for North Norfolk District Councillors.
Clerk to write to residents at two addresses regarding overhanging
hedges causing an obstruction to parishioners.
6. Planning
To comment on any planning matters received after the publication of the
The Shed Hart Lane Bodham Norfolk - Lawful Development Certificate for
use of existing building as dwelling – Objection – on grounds that the
building is not a dwelling and councillors have been unable to verify
that it has ever been such. The council have highways and environmental
concerns related to any development - Cllr C Ringer proposed, Cllr JP
Ringer seconded – ALL AGREED
PF/23/1162 -
Headley Cottage Weybourne Road Bodham Holt Norfolk NR25 6QJ - Siting of
shepherds’ hut to side of dwelling to provide domestic annex
accommodation for Headley Cottage following demolition of detached
garage (retrospective).
Parish Council are concerned about the use of this planning application
and would like to have assurances of the use - further information is
required for the Parish Council make an informed decision as concerns
have been raised about the longer-term viability of the site regarding
holiday lets etc.
7 Financial matters.
7.1 To agree various elements of the Annual Governance Statement –
proposed by Cllr C Ringer, seconded by Cllr. F Cable – ALL AGREED
7.1.1To approve the Accounting Statement – proposed by Cllr C Ringer,
seconded by Cllr. F Cable – ALL AGREED
7.1.2To approve the Annual Governance Statement – proposed by Cllr C
Ringer, seconded by Cllr. F Cable – ALL AGREED
7.1.3To approve the notice of public rights – proposed by Cllr C Ringer,
seconded by Cllr. F Cable – ALL AGREED
7.1.4 To approve the exemption certificate – proposed by Cllr C Ringer,
seconded by Cllr. F Cable – ALL AGREED
7.2 To approve payment of invoices and bank reconciliation - Cost of
batteries for SAM2 - £113.82. proposed by Cllr C Ringer, seconded by
Cllr R Ward – ALL AGREED
8. Matters for information only or for the next agenda
9.Correspondence – none received
Meeting closed at 8.58pm
Bodham Parish Council
Highways – Traffic
Draft Notes re Action Plan
These notes are in not in any order and some I know overlap.
• Consultation with Steve White re
- With what we have now and is there anything else we can do now to slow
traffic speeds?
- Are there any other deterrents we can employ and make use of
• To maximise any deterrents, we currently have. e.g traffic sensor on
Cromer Road heading east.
• To put any suggestions, he makes into the action plan
• Purchase and replace x2 batteries in SAM 2 [Pat C – Has this in hand]
• To regularly obtain data from Pat C when he has changed the location
of the SAM 2.
• To analyse the data from the SAM 2 at Parish Council Meeting or a
• To form a Highways Traffic Committee could we invite interested
members of the village to be part of this
• To keep an easy-to-read record of the data so we can monitor the
levels and speed of the traffic going through the village
• To present this data to appropriate bodies to support our aim of
having a speed camera permanently in the village
• To monitor the visits to the village of the Mobile Speeding Unit to
see how regularly they are visiting and what levels of violation are
taking place. Do we have a right to see this information? [Is it
possible to ask our Local Police Officer if it is possible to obtain
this information
• A village campaign to be organised with the intent of reducing the
speed of traffic
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
Held on Monday 15th May 2023
J. Wisson – Clerk to Bodham Parish Council
1. Welcome – Cllr W Cubitt welcomed all to the meeting.
2. To receive a report from the outgoing Chairman – Thanks to outgoing
chairman Cllr, L Perrott and Cllr. P Bedell for all the hard work over
the last 5 years along with Councillors who were staying on the Council.
Thanks also given to the previous clerk.
The Chairman also wanted to mention the work undertaken by the Church,
Playing Field – the events for the Queens Jubilee and Kings Coronation.
Outgoing chairman is happy to continue moving the SAM 2 sign – further
notes later in minutes – as well as the Defibrillator.
3. Introduction to new Councillors – new Councillors were welcomed and
4. To elect a Chairman - Two nominations received – Cllr C Ringer and
Cllr. R Ward – Cllr R Ward – did not want to be Chairman. Cllr R Ward
would like to nominate Cllr C Ringer which was seconded by Cllr. JP
Ringer – all agreed – Cllr C Ringer accepted the office of chairman.
Thanks was offered to Cllr. W Cubitt for all his hard work. Appreciated
his work on SAM2/Defibrillator.
5. To elect a Vice Chairman – Cllr. C Ringer proposed Cllr. R Ward, Cllr
P Suffolk seconded – All agreed
6. To agree date for the annual meeting of the parish and agenda – 12th
June focusing on the Playing Field. Various groups to be invited to
7. To discuss induction and training – clerk to look into dates for the
1. To accept apologies for absence – Cllr F Cable due to illness
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest – Allotments for Cllr. C
Ringer, & Cllr J P Ringer
3. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public -
4. To Approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 17th April 2023
- approved
5. Matters arising from the minutes – minutes to be amended and removed
from draft
6. Any reports from County, District, Parish Councillors and Clerk - .
see reports attached at the end of the minutes as an appendix.
Cllr. P Suffolk. – concerns raised in regard to the Hedge at the rear of
the property on Cromer Road.
Cllr R Ward – had been asked about the reimbursement for fuel for
strimming works that have been undertaken in the past by a resident –
Clerk to seek advice to confirm that this is acceptable.
7. Financial matters – agreed the following cheques £9.00 Country style
Recycling £250.00 – Village Hall. – Clerk reported on going issues are
nearly resolved with TSB bank.
8. Allotments – Clerk to chase final allotment holders for payments.
Also to arrange a meeting of the strategic working group to discuss
action plan moving forward.
9. School Footpath – Clerk is chasing NCC – also investigating and
applying for ownership of footpaths behind the school as well as Little
10. SAM 2/ Road Safety Committee – SAM2 Ongoing works on life of the
battery as it seems to be losing power quite quickly – prices to be
investigated and new batteries to be purchased. Quote had been received
regarding moving the sign (vehicle activation sign on Cromer Road by the
bus stop opp. the old school) £4951.50p initially a letter will be sent
to all residents in regard to obscuring of the sign,
Cllr C Ringer to continue to liaise with the Norfolk Police and
encourage with Cllr S Aquarone’s help the increase in visits of the
mobile unit. Cllr C Ringer mentioned about Community Speed watch can be
useful but when utilised previously was open to some confrontation -
Concerns have also been raised on the mud on the road in Hart Lane –
Clerk to feed into the visit of the Highways people. Request for any
highways issues to be sent through to Clerk for forwarding to Highways.
The parish gates have been cleaned. Clerk to speak to highways to see if
they can be cleaned by the Highways rangers in the future.
11. Planning –
PF/22/271 - withdrawn.
PF/22/2868 – approved.
PF/23/0798 – Concerns on access onto A148 – request for condition that
they are only used as holiday homes.
CL/23/0819 – object
Site entirely used has not been entirely used as agriculture.
There is little evidence of 4 years work of usage apart from a very
grainy google earth picture.
Nor evidence of a Farm Gate Style shop facility
Lack of enforcement action on the new buildings that went up
Caravan on site and concerns also raised about scrap items on site.
We would like to raise concerns on a pollution issue that may affect
River Glaven
The size of buildings does not fit on the size of the plot.
12. Highways- covered elsewhere on agenda – Clerk to amalgamate
Highways/SAM2/Road Safety together on next agenda
13. Events – Coronation – update
The weekend events were well organised, and a variety of activities took
place in a joint celebration with Beckham. The attendances at the events
varied. Twenty people came to together to clean the Parish gates and
take part in the litter pick.
Clerk to remove events from the agenda.
Request for the Village to have a container to put several community
items in – Rock Bodham to get quotes and request funds from the Parish
14. Matters for information only or for the next agenda – Highways,
Weybourne Notice Board, School Path – Highways and Allotments.
Meeting closed
Next Meeting 12th June 2023 at 7pm – Annual Parish meeting followed by a
shortened Parish Council meeting.
Bodham Parish Council. NNDC report 15 th May 2023
Firstly, I would like to extend my thanks to the residents of Bodham for
electing me to represent them at NNDC, it is an honour and privilege to
represent my home parish. The result of the election was that the
Liberal Democrats retained control of the council and will form the new
The first meeting of the new council takes place on Wednesday 17th May.
I have had conversations with planning officers about several
applications in the ward including in Bodham and I will go into detail
on that in our planning section.
There are also a number of Highways issues which despite being county
council issues I intend to use my position to lobby for action. I will
touch on some of these later in the meeting.
Elsewhere in the district work is getting underway this week on a solar
canopy over the carpark at The Reef swimming pool in Sheringham. This is
a good use of the space and solar canopies like this are commonplace
across Europe. As a nation we are lagging a bit behind, but it is really
positive to see NNDC leading the way. Our leisure centres are by their
very nature quite significant emitters of CO2 and this will go some way
towards offsetting that, but also should help it be more resilient to
energy price increases in future.
Finally, my council email is and my
contact mobile is
07824381519 and I look forward to hearing from the parish council and
local residents with any concerns, in particular issues with missed bin
collections of which I know there have been a number of incidences.
Parish Council Report:
The Cherry Tree planted for the jubilee and is flowering. A Resident
wishes to pass his appreciation to the parish once again for planting
this on the Croquet Lawn.
The 30Mph Vehicle Activated Sign has once again been report to me –
specifically in relation to the hedge. Suggest we write to the owner of
the property to instruct that this be cut (though also there is a quote
for replacement)
Vermin/Waste at a property in Sayer Court.
The Caravan on the garages site has been removed.
Grit Bins – The county said they ‘could not find the issue’ when
reported. Photos
subsequently sent but still nothing has happened. Grit Bins would
benefit from being on
slabs as spillages are killing the grass.
Could we tidy a bit the area coming into the Village on Hart Lane?
Possibly planters with
slow down message like in High Kelling.
Hedge on School Footpath is very overgrown and needs to be cut back as
it is obstructing the path.
Check who is maintaining the Defibrillator. Previous chair will continue
checking this for the Parish Council
Community Café once again on 27th May in the Village Hall. Old Photos
Report from your County Councillor, Cllr Steffan Aquarone
District Councillor for Gresham Ward
Following the local elections, I am delighted that Callum Ringer has
been elected as your district councillor.
I have worked closely with Callum for a number of years as a parish
councillor and local campaigner. I know he will be an excellent
representative for our area.
New County Council Administration
Meanwhile the County Council leadership has changed and Kay Mason Billig
is now leader, with a new cabinet for the forthcoming year.
Norfolk County Council Action on sewerage discharges
There has been a lot of media coverage of the shocking levels of
sewerage discharge into rivers and seas by water companies.
In the absence of robust government action, I’m pleased to say that
Norfolk County Council resolved on 10th May to explore what action could
be taken including whether the council could fine water companies
through its own powers, and require compensation for losses to
businesses. This motion was passed unanimously.
More funding for potholes and road repairs
Norfolk’s Highways team achieves a huge amount with a continually
diminishing budget. The backlog of road repairs is growing - both in
terms of cost and list length. Norfolk’s road network significantly
over-indexes on miles per capita, the proportion of C and unclassified
roads, and B roads being relied on for high volume trunk roads in the
route hierarchy. Despite securing over £6m from a “pothole repair” fund,
general reduction in funding to councils from government has hit
Highways budgets particularly hard.
I was therefore pleased when a Full Council motion, which I proposed on
Tuesday, was passed unanimously (albeit with a number of diluting
amendments) resolving to petition the Under Secretary of State for more
funding for Norfolk’s road repair and maintenance needs.
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
Held on Monday 9th May 2022.
Present. Cllrs. P. Cubitt,(chairman), P. Bedell.. J. Cable, L. Perrott,
C. Ringer. J. Turvey R. Ward,
District Cllr. P. Butikofer J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Election of Chairman and vice-chairman.
It was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that Cllr. Cubitt should be elected the
Chairman for the coming year.
This was seconded by Cllr. Perrott and approved.
It was proposed by Cllr. Ward that Cllr. Ringer should be elected as
vice-chairman. This was seconded by
Cllr. Cable and approved.
2. Apologies for absence. None
3. Cllrs. Perrott, Cable and Turvey declared an interest in item 9 as
allotment holders.
4. There were no comments and questions on the agenda from members of
the public.
5. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th April 2022, having
been previously circulated to
members, it was agreed that the house number should be omitted from item
5. With this correction they
were accepted as a true record of the meeting. The chairman then signed
the minutes.
6. Matters arising from the minutes. The rubbish in Sayer Court has
still not been removed.
Broadland Housing are to be contacted again.
7. Reports from County, The District or Parish Councillors.
Dist Cllr. P. Butikofer. There is to be a council tax rebate. More
information is on the NNDC
web site.
Green infrastructure recreational mitigation measures are being
implemented to address the adverse
affects on Habitat Sites from increased footfall and comprise a one off
payment from development
e.g. new house building, towards protection these special landscapes.
Guidance from Natural
England regarding nutrient enrichment affecting the ecosystem of the
river Wensum and Broads by
development and agriculture has created a hiatus in decision making for
new homes applications in
the catchment areas,, this being a district south of Fakenham and Holt.
New development will
require mitigation such as improving wastewater treatment works,
offsetting nutrient loads from
developments by removing run off from agricultural land, and creating
new wetlands.
This guidance will cause significant delay in the progress of the New
Local Plan.
NNDC has employed a Ukrainian Support Officer to extend a warm welcome
to Ukrainians settling
in North Norfolk.
8. Road safety The SAM2 is back in place on the main road. Other
possible locations need Highways
approval. The nine SAM2 brackets have been collected. Cost of moving the
machine is £40 per move. It is
moved approximately every month It was agreed to pay for these moves for
six months, until all the
approved locations are known. This would allow parish councillors to be
instructed on how to locate the
sign themselves.
Hart Lane. It was suggested that a footpath could be constructed inside
the field hedge. This suggestion is to
be investigated further.
The overgrown hedge obstructing the VAS should be maintained by the
property owner concerned. The cost
of moving the sign would be in excess of £3000. Moving the sign West
would bring it too close to the
30mph sign.
9. Allotments. It was agreed that the lease as circulated to members
should be approved but that the
section regarding planting trees should be removed. It was proposed by
Cllr. Ringer that the rent should be
increased to £20 per plot or £60 for a strip.. The plots need to be
measured and figures will be available for
the June meeting. Final charges for rent will be agrees at this meeting.
10. Planning Ref. No: PF/22/1077 Land at Church Road, Lower Bodham
Demolition of existing
structures and converting to a dwelling. The parish council had no
objection to this application.
11. Financial Matters.
Current account Balance at 9/5/2022 £14185.28 (Note: includes £426
community shop)
There were no Invoices due for approval and payment.
The annual governance statement was approved by the members and signed
by the chairman.
The accounting statement was approved by the members and signed by the
The members were made aware of the Public Rights to View the accounts by
appointment. The period for public examination is from 20th June 2022 to
20th July 2022.
12. There were no matters for information or the next agenda.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham parish council will be held on Monday 13th
June 2022
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council Held on Monday
13th March 2023
Present. Cllr. J. Cable, Cllr. J. Ward, Cllr P Bedell & Cllr. L. Perrott
Jane Wisson (clerk)
1. To accept apologies for absence – W Cubitt and C Ringer – Cllr. P
Bedell took on Chairmans role for the meeting
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest – Cllr. L Perrott & Cllr. F
Cable for Allotments
3. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public –
none attended.
4. To Approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13th February
2023 – spelling error to be amended – then minutes approved for signing.
5. Matters arising from the minutes – nothing raised.
6. Any reports from County, District, Parish Councillors and Clerk.
Cllr S Aquerone – report noted
Cllr P Butikofer - report noted
Cllr C Ringer –
1) You will recall from the last meeting that I have been in discussion
with Norfolk Police re speeding enforcement on the A148. Please see my
latest correspondence below. I am awaiting a response.
2) Bin Collections: Councillors will be aware that Serco and Unison are
in a pay dispute and therefore Unison members are on strike this week.
GMB members and Serco have settled therefore all bin lorries are out
this week as normal but with reduced crews. This means delays are
expected but residents should still put bins out as normal, they will be
collected, but there may be a delay.
3)SAM2: Cllr Cubitt and Ward can update on this after the damaged post
(which I have reported), but can councillors consider how much West
Beckham should contribute for when they have our SAM2?
4) Tree Planting:. Not sure why this is on the age da as there is no
report. NNDC have however planted their 110,000 trees now the last one
went in last week at Holt Country Park – Clerk has removed from Agenda
5) Planning: No objection to application of house by church. Request
update from Clerk re turbine community benefits.
6) Allotments: just to not I'm happy to join a working group to clear
plots of required and show any new tenants around as previously.
Cllr R Ward – nothing to raise.
Cllr L Perrott – nothing to raise.
Cllr F Cable – nothing to raise.
Cllr P Bedell – nothing to raise.
7. Financial matters – Cheques agreed - £58.50 & £185.00 Proposed Cllr L
Perrott, seconded Cllr F Cable – All agreed
Cllr R Ward – to put in an invoice to cover printing costs etc. for the
magazine £20 per month – proposed Cllr P Bedell, seconded Cllr, L
Perrott – ALL AGREED
8. Allotments – Agreed that we need to have a up dated plan of the
allotments so that we can ascertain what and who is linked to where –
Cllr R Ward offered to produce one – then we need to number them and
provide an updated version to all holders.
All allotments should then be numbered. Meeting to be arranged with the
steering group to agree actions.
9. School Footpath – ownership – clerk is still chasing the information
in regard to ownership
Clerk updated on the issue with the caravan – it is with Broadland
Housing Association (HA) and Clerk has it diarised to chase HA in the
next week to see where we are with the removal.
10. Tree Planting – Clerk to remove from Agenda
11. SAM 2/ Road Safety Committee – consideration has been given to
charge for sharing the SAM2 with West Beckham – agreement was £40 per
use (equates to a 2 week period) – proposed by Cllr. P Bedell, seconded
Cllr. R Ward – ALL AGREED
Clerk to prepare and agreement and look at additional battery costs.
12. Planning
• PF/23/0309 Church House Church Road Bodham – erection of garden shed
and greenhouse – No Objections – proposed Cllr. L Perrott, seconded Cllr
Clerk updated on S106 – Clerk to discuss with other villages and contact
the applicant in regards to the S106 agreement – however from NNDC
perspective this did not get added to the agreement when the application
was approved so is difficult for them to ascertain validity unless with
can provide additional evidence.
13. Highways - continue issue with the sign outside a residents property
on Cromer Road – Highways have been informed and Clerk will raise when
the rangers are next in the area. Clerk to chase when the next village
is due.
14. Events – Initial meeting had been held regarding the Kings
Coronation event – further details will be forthcoming at the next
15. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.
Annual Parish Meeting
Meeting closed at 21.10pm - next meeting 17th April 2023
Minutes signed Chairman……………………………………Date:…………………………. |
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
Held on Monday 13th February 2023
Present. Cllr. W Cubitt - Chairman, Cllr. C Ringer - Vice Chair, Cllr.
J. Cable, Cllr. J.
Ward, Cllr P Bedell & Cllr. L. Perrott
Jane Wisson (clerk)
1. To accept apologies for absence - Cllr. S Aquerone – Norfolk County
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest
Allotments – Cllr. L Perrott, Cllr. F. Cable and Cllr. C Ringer
Community Shop – Cllr C Ringer.
3. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public –
none in attendance.
4. To Approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 16th January
2023 – All agreed
5. Matters arising from the minutes. – concerns were raised in regards
to the grant forms but this will be discussed under finance to look at
the current request for grant
6. Any reports from County, District, Parish Councillors and Clerk
Cllr R Ward – nothing to raise
Cllr P Bedell – nothing to raise
Cllr L Perrott – nothing to raise
Cllr F Cable – nothing to raise
Cllr C Ringer – raised concerns about the common and this may need
additional works and a tidy up. Parish Council may need to review the
works required
7. Financial matters –
7.1 due to an error by NNDC we have had a slight amendement to the
figures – All agreed
7.2 Cllr P Bedell proposed, Cllr L Perrott seconded the agreement to
provide a grant to the church of £1000
7.3 Cheques presented for payment - All agreed
£1000 for church – Bodham PCC
8. Allotments – The working group had met and the top end of the
allotments are now all marked and in alignment – thanks to Cllr. F Cable
for supplying the tools to achieve this.
Clerk to revisit the action plan and amend dates as required – an
additional meeting is needed with the Strategic Allotment group to
ensure that this is up to date. Clerk to arrange a poster and send to
Cllr. Ringer to put up also arrange for it to be added on line
9. School Footpath – ownership of path is being held up with the housing
association – Clerk to chase again and to have further discussions with
NCC. Clerk to discuss a Right of way with NCC to establish the way
Caravan – Clerk reported that the Housing association is trying to
arrange for the removal of the item but this is difficult as no traders
seem to want to remove the vehicle. Cllr. Ringer asked if the HA would
remove it and recharge the cost – Clerk to raise with HA.
10. Tree Planting – Clerk to remove from Agenda
11. SAM 2/ Road Safety Committee – the moving of the SAM2 is now down to
the Parish Council and we have 5 positions that it can be erected on.
Cllr. C Ringer raised the potential of West Beckham borrowing (Renting)
the SAM 2 for the village – potentially two locations and these will
need to be agreed with NCC Highways. An agreement at the next Parish
Council meeting on the cost for West Beckham using it.
Slow you down signs – erection of a larger slow you down – Cllr W
Cubbitt to investigate costs.
Cllr S Aquerone – looked into the police speed camera visits - There was
a week of surveying the A148 with a total of 84000 vehicles and a
average speed of 31.4mph – there is no plan to increase enforcement
12. Planning
Clerk reported that NNDC have a new section 106 officer and Clerk had
asked her to look into the money promised by the windfarm – Cllr C
Ringer to send Clerk the copy of a leaflet that had details of the funds
being available.
13. Highways
• Grit Bins – clerk to report damage to the grit bin near the Bosham
sign to Highways.
14. Events - Kings Coronation –
Cllr R Ward bringing together interested parties to discuss events that
could be held – Clerk to send the logo across to Cllr Ward for use on
advertisement etc.
15. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.
SAM 2/Road Safety
Meeting closed at 8.40pm - next meeting 13th March 2023
Minutes signed
Chairman..........................................Date:............................... |
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
Held on Monday 16th January 2023
Present. Cllr. W Cubitt - Chairman, Cllr. C Ringer - Vice Chair, Cllr.
J. Cable, Cllr. J.
Ward, Cllr P Bedell & Cllr. L. Perrott
Jane Wisson (clerk)
1. To accept apologies for absence – none received
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest
Allotments – Cllr. L Perrott, Cllr. F. Cable and Cllr. C Ringer
Community Shop – Cllr C Ringer.
3. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public –
none in attendance.
4. To Approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12th
December2022 – Clerk to amend and reissue
5. Matters arising from the minutes – Cllr. P Bedell raised concerns
around the need for a grants form for the Church as they had requested a
donation. Clerk informed councillors that we should have a mechanism for
notating and checking the funds requested as it is the precept that all
parishioners pay and we do need to have an auditable trail – this is
required as the Responsible Finance Officer for the Council for us to
ensure responsible fiscal reporting. The form used is simplistic and one
that all parishes used – Clerk to send to Cllr. J Ward to complete then
forwarded to all Councillors for confirmation of request and then
ratified at next parish council
meeting. Moving forward for Councillors to make sound financial
decisions on utilising the precept a form is required.
6. Any reports from County, District, Parish Councillors and Clerk.
Budget for NCC has a £60 million shortfall. The latest deal for the
County allows for an elected leader who will have their own office – its
worth £600millon over a 20 year deal.
Cllr R Ward – nothing to raise
Cllr P Bedell – wanted to inform the council of how helpful Broadland
Housing were in regards to an issue that he was dealing with in the
parish. Resolution ongoing but initial response was well attended and
Cllr. L Perrott – nothing to raise
Cllr. C Ringer – Caravan with graffiti still causing concern – Clerk is
chasing with the Housing Association for a response.
7. Financial matters –
7.1 Precept. Clerk presented the current requirements for the precept
and the need to ensure that we have covered all aspects of the needs of
the parish as well asbudgeting for the upcoming elections– precept to be
requested is £10000 – Cllr. L Perrott proposed, Cllr P Bedell seconded
all agreed.
7.2 Current payments – all agreed
Countrystyle Recycling £33.00
HMRC £324.03
J Wisson £949.28
E Farrow £320.00
Community Shop £1021.00
7.3 Bank Reconcilliation - all agreed
8. Allotments – Clerk to resend the leases and letters
Meeting to be held to determine what is needed – to clear the site –
posts have been acquired to reset the site and the Clerk requested a new
plan to be provided once completed
Meeting to be held to determine actions
9. School Footpath – Clerk is still chasing a response
10. Tree Planting – currently 350 of the 500 whips have been planted –
further work to complete the planting. Reinstatment of hedge and
the saplings for this will be provided direct from the
County Councillors fund.
11. SAM 2 - Training arranged for the 30th at 9am – additional brackets
and software to be provided to enable downloading of information, as
well as additional batteries to be return to Parish Council. Discussion
over costs to high out SAM 2 to another parish to be on next agenda
12. Planning
PF/22/2714 Hill Farm, Rectory Road, Lower Bodham – clerk to put in a
-historic assessment – this was a RAF building and had some historic
significance and may need to be addressed fully before permission
- Tree works required as access to Highway is obscured
- Bats survey required as this has historically had bats in the barn
Proposed by Cllr. C Ringer seconded by Cllr. W Cubbitt - all agreed
13. Highways- Issues for Highways had been identified and passed to the
Rangers for them to identify and respond.
14. Road Safety Committee – to be incorporated with SAM2 from now on –
nothing to report
15. Events – Kings Coronation
Village Hall will be utilising the Big Screen to show the coronation.
Cllrs. To being together ideas and bring to the next meeting – Cllr R
Ward to lead for the Parish Council.
16. Matters for information only or for the next agenda - Allotments.
Minutes signed
Chairman..........................................Date:............................... |
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
Held on Monday 12th December 2022
Present. Cllr. W Cubitt - Chairman, Cllr. C Ringer - Vice Chair, Cllr.
J. Cable, Cllr. J. Ward, Cllr P Bedell & Cllr. L. Perrott
Jane Wisson (clerk)
1. To accept apologies for absence – Cllr. S Aquarone.
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest – Cllr J Cable, Cllr L
Perrott and Cllr C Ringer - Allotments
3. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public -
none present.
4. To Approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14th November
2022 – all agreed approval of minutes.
5. Matters arising from the minutes – Clarity around the need for a
grants form – Clerk explained the need for an auditable approach to
granting money for activities. Questions around Warm Hub Grants
6. Any reports from County, District or Parish Councillors – no report
Cllr J Ward – nothing to raise
Cllr C Ringer –
* Community shop – now set up with a bank account – Clerk to review
current income held in account and write a check for the next meeting
sign off.
* Sunday Carols – 6pm to be held around the tree
* Any street collections will need a permit – Clerk updated that Bodham
has opted to manage permits for street collection. Information is
already if required.
* Rock Bodham has been supporting the foodbank with1/4 tonne of food.
* Footpath sign has been mended
* FP12 – poor surface condition
* Potholes in the village need addressing Clerk to email Highways
Cllr L Perrott – nothing to raise
Cllr. P Bedell
* Carols to be held on 17/12 at 9.45
* Xmas lunch had been held at the Village Hall enjoyed by all
Cllr F Cable – nothing to raise
Cllr W Cubitt -Slow you down sign has been turned around – needs turning
7. Road Safety Committee
* Cromer Road sign still obscured by Laurel – Clerk to chase with
* Clerk to investigate the work that may be required if we were to take
on the verge’s maintenance in Bodham.
* 30mph roundel signs have been with Highways since June – Clerk to
chase Highways again
Cllr C Ringer to talk to landowner regarding path – regarding allowing
access on edge of field – e.g., permissive path
8. Allotments
* Clerk to send agreement and letter to Cllr C Ringer for notating. Then
sending out to holders.
* Working party to arrange to mark the allotments and clear plot as part
of the tree planting exercise
* Cllr. C Ringer would lead a working party of councillor and
leaseholders to establish the work required to bring the plots up to
* Friday 10th February at 8am to start work to improve allotment site –
list of jobs that need doing along with mapping out the allotments to
provide an updated plan for allotment holders and Council
* Clerk to arrange a letter to one of the allotment holders to inform
them of the tree planting.
* Meeting to be arranged with all allotments holders in March
9. School Footpath – Cllr C Ringer to just double check about pictures
of the footpath in use and forward to Clerk.
Clerk to chase Housing Association.
10. Tree Planting
500 whips have been delivered and a working party to met to plant in
early to mid-January. Cllr C Ringer to meet with Cllr S Aquarone to
discuss match funding on trees. All agreed for investigating costs and
to support the return of the biodiversity in the Loke.
11. SAM 2 – Clerk to chase for the training from current operative.
Sharing of the SAM2 has been requested we are awaiting confirmation from
the other parish to see if they want it and then we need to decide
12. Planning
PF/22/2714 – concerns raised over Highway issues, Environmental issues,
Biodiversity and this area is a Great Crested Newt habitat, concerns
over parking and other issues – Council voted to object the application
– proposed by Cllr C Ringer, seconded by Cllr F Cable all agreed - Clerk
to discuss with planner leading this application
Clerk to discuss the S106 money for the windfarm with the Development
Manager on his return.
13. Highways
Grit Bins – Clerk has arranged to gift bin to NCC and will chase for
them to add to schedule and replenish
14. Financial matters – Community Shop – clerk to arrange transfer of
cash and confirm amount at the next meeting.
Clerk to discuss with previous clerk the terms of reference for the
funds from Hansells.
Cllr R Ward asked about reimbursement for the newsletter – Clerk to
investigate costs from her current suppliers for Paper.
15. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.
Clerk to send out the proposed precept for discussion at the January
meeting as this needs to be agreed at this meeting.
Other things to add to agenda
Road Safety
Clerk will also send out meeting dates.
Minutes signed Chairman……………………………………Date:………………………….
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council Held on Monday 10th
October 2022
Present. Cllr. C Ringer (Chairing Meeting – Vice Chair)Cllr. J. Cable,
Cllr. J. Ward, Cllr. L.
Perrott & Cllr. P Bedell Jane Wisson (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.32pm.1. Apologies
for absence were received from. Cllr. W Cubitt & Cllr. J Turvey.
2. Declarations of Interest Cllr. F. Cable,
Cllr L Perrott &Cllr. C Ringer for the Item 8 (Allotments)
3. Comments or questions on the agenda from members of the public.
None raised
4.To Approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 26th September
2022 and sign off amended July’s minutes – proposed by Cllr. R Ward,
seconded Cllr. P Bedell –
All agreed
5. Matters arising from the minutes – Allotments to be picked up under
item 8.
6. Any reports from County, District or Parish Councillors – none
7. Road Safety Committee – ongoing concerns on the speed on the road –
this had been raised with Cllr S Aquerone regarding speed awareness –
Clerk to contact Cllr S Aquerone around a number of road safety issues
including increase use of speed cameras. Along the main road some
vegetation control is required need the speed signs to ensure that they
are not obscured – Clerk to contact Highways.
8. Allotments – Clerk provided update on the current situation – letter
to be sent with a consent form to hold data and a holding letter
establishing a true current record of allotment holders and know
details. Once received leases will be sent. An action plan has
been produced by Clerk for a meeting with an initial steering group –
this will be implemented:
1. Establish who wants the plot still
2. Clear un-cultivated plots and realign number plots to give a true
record of sited available
3. Send out lease and obtain money
4. Poster to advertise sites for rental
5. Review funding at next meeting
9. School Footpath – identifying ownership of the footpath is causing
some concerns as it may not be a Parish asset – Hedge has been strimmed
to allow access but PC must identify ownership before any further work
is undertaken – Clerk to contact Broadland House, NCC to try and
understand register of deeds – Cllr C Ringer and other Councillors to
provide Clerk with photographic evidence of the use of the path going
back to the 70’s
to establish precedence.
10.Tree Planting – Cllr C Ringer highlighted that we are entering tree
planting season and that we should look to plant further trees as we did
last year – due to excessive hot weather last year we may have lost some
trees and therefore this would reinforce those survived from last year –
Cllr C Ringer to arrange for trees – if councillors could give up a
morning to help plant - Cllr C Ringer proposed, seconded by Cllr. L
Perrott – all agreed
11. SAM 2 - Clerk to email Ed Farrow to extend contract till end of
financial year and to provide training for Councillors and then produce
a rota on who will move the sign and where to. Additional locations will
need to be cleared with Highways.
12. Planning – no new applications – Franklins Farm still undecided
13. Financial matters. – no further action since the meeting two weeks
14. Matters for information only or for the next agenda – Road Safety,
SAM2, Allotments & School Footpath
Date of next meeting 14th November - Cllr P Bedall – has provided his
Meeting finished at 9.05pm
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
Held on Monday 11th July 2022
Present. P. Cubitt, (chairman) J. Cable, L. Perrott, J. Ward J. Stibbons
Cllr. S. Aquarone. Mr. H. Bruford
The meeting opened at 7.30pm.
1.Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. P. Bedell. C. Ringer.
2. Declarations of Interest Cllrs. Cable and Perrott Item 8 (Allotments)
3. Comments or questions on the agenda from members of the public.
Mr. Bruford item 9 planning. Pointed out that in the original planning
document there was a section
stating that a Community Benefit sum was to be awarded. No reference to
this benefit was made in
later applications. This item is to be checked with the planners at NNDC.
Mr. Bruford also noted that the white gates are still very discoloured.
It was suggested that someone
should be employed to carry out the cleaning work.
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13th June 2022, having been
circulated, were approved by the members present and signed by the
5. There were no matters arising from the Minutes.
6. Reports from County and Parish Councillors.
County Cllr. S. Aquerone. (full report attached)
Speed assessment work has been carried out.
Any accidents should be reported to the Police if they are not in
attendance at the time.
7. Road Safety Committee
Cllr. Ringer comments by email:-Vision is obscured at the A148
pedestrian crossing, if coming
from the Weybourne Rd side, by a laurel hedge. Steve White said if our
efforts on this failed he
would write himself. I suggest that we take that course of action up.
The Street, entry to the main village from West Beckham – 30MPH Roundel
to be painted on the
road at the entry to the speed limit zone.
8. Allotments
Cllr Ringers comments by email.
The decision that appears to be made at the last meeting doesn't really
resemble what
the site meeting I attended had concluded. The intention (or so I
thought) was to simplify and
rationalise things and what seems to have been decided appears
overcomplicated and doesn't
rationalise the site and I do not support that. What I believe was to be
proposed is that as plots
became vacant we would resort back to accurate thirds of strips. This
would ensure no one lost any
of their allotment only that changes happened when they became vacant
(or as may be the case now,
are tenanted but uncultivated) but ultimately would see the plots
uniformly sized. Why is this no
longer the case?
Councillors decided that the rent per square metre could be set at the
next meeting when the
individual plot areas will be known.
9. Planning
CD/22/1387 Pond Farm, New Road, Bodham
This is a consultation document itemising the discharge of conditions
from the previous application
PF/22/1611 The School House, Cromer Road, Bodham, Replacement of eight
The parish council supports this application.
10. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 11/7/2022 £18998.66 (Note: includes £426 held
for community shop)
The following Invoices were approved for payment.
NNDC Dog bins £461.76
T.T.Jones Street lights £195.24
13.Matters for information only or for the next agenda.
Hansell Solicitors have requested Parish Council bank details as the
bequest of £5000 from the estate of Mrs. Downley is being finalised.
Agenda items next meeting: Hart Lane path. Allotments.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be held on Monday 12th
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
Held on Monday 13th June 2022
Present. P. Cubitt, (chairman) P. Bedell. J. Cable, L. Perrott, J. Ward
J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm. P. Bedell took the chair as the chairman
was detained by traffic and would arrive during the meeting.
Apologies for absence were received from County Cllr. S. Aquarone and
Cllr. C. Ringer.
2. Declarations of Interest Cllrs. Cable and Perrott Item 8 (Allotments)
3. There were no comments or questions on the agenda from members of the
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9th May 2022, having been
circulated, were approved by the members present and signed by the
Cllr Cubitt arrived at 7.42pm.
5. There were no matters arising from the Minutes.
6. Reports from County and Parish Councillors.
Cllr. Ringer:-
Street Lights: The Street Light located half way down hart lane is quite
obscured by hedging.
Sayer Court: The issue with waste dumped in gardens is ongoing but
Broadland tell me they are
working with the resident(s) in questions. There has also been noise
complaints at the same
property. Sadly the lack of action from the housing association has led
to neighbours who have
lived in the village for a number of years to leave the village. I will
keep on at Broadland.
7. Road Safety Committee
Cllrs Ringer and Ward had a very useful meeting with Steve Ward (NCC
Highways) highlighted
the following points
The Street, entry to the main village from West Beckham – 30MPH Roundel
to be painted on the
road at the entry to the speed limit zone.
Hedges are obscuring the 30MPH Sign – Landowner to be contacted re
cutting around it.
The Narrow verge makes other options difficult in this area.
There are no appropriate locations for the SAM2. A post can be purchased
(roughly £100) from highways and 2 potential locations were suggested
(On the grass verge where the old phone box used to be, and just before
the ‘slow you down’ sign on the entry to the village.
Hart Lane, 30MPH Zone, 30MPH Roundel to be painted on road. Highways to
cut back hedging (this has already been done)
SAM2 could be situated on the street light outside Morgan’s Way.
Area by the council houses down Hart Lane. Near impossible to get a
speed limit restriction here, BUT there are some options – for example a
“Welcome to Bodham – Please Drive Carefully” sign could be installed for
around £400 if this was deemed appropriate by local councillors and
residents as a way of trying to change behaviour.
A148, Cromer Road, Potential locations for the SAM2 are limited but the
sign by the entrance to The School Loke could be a double location (i.e.
pointed in both directions).
A memorandum of understanding should have been completed for the initial
approved location but this seems not to have happened. In order to
progress with the new locations this needs to be approved and a draft is
The Vehicle Activated Sign: There was no real outcome to discussion
about this, although Steve White believes it not to be a significant
issue – moving it could be costly though there may be solar or battery
powered options which may cost a bit less – to be explored further.
Other matters discussed: Pavement in the village, with escalating cost
it was suggested by Steve to split the project in two. He suggested the
area which would benefit most was the section from the Village Hall
wrapped around the Red Hart to the top of Hart Lane. Also, some
overhanging hedges were identified particularly on the A148 crossing.
John has written to the relevant households but if no action is taken,
then Steve can send a letter from highways.
The Parish Council agreed to purchase a post for The Street. The welcome
strip at Hart Lane will be discussed at a later meeting
8. Allotments Cllrs. Ringer, Perrott and Ward met at the allotment a few
days after the last meeting.
The plots as they exist are rarely of a uniform size. What we have
discussed would see this changed
but over a period of time so that no existing tenant who was cultivating
their plot would have to lose
any land. The strips would be split into 3 starting from the edge of the
car park/Len’s plot. The
exact measurements on this are yet to be determined. These measurements
would likely be able to
take effect on the far plot from September as none of this area has been
cultivated this year. Cllr
Perrot and Ward will be able to elaborate more going forward.
Some other villages allotment rents and the general average is between
It was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that the plots should remain as they are
but each plot should be
measured and an Applications are to agreed rent per square meter agreed.
This proposal was
seconded by Cllr. Cubitt and approved. It was agreed that the plots
would be measured before the
next meeting and a final decision on rent agreed.
9. Planning PF/22/1264 Franklins Farm, Hart Lane. Bodham.
Demolition of single-storey garden room and erection of two-storey side
Plus new access roadway.
The parish council objected to this application as the highway is too
narrow for a further entrance.
10. Appointment of new clerk. Applications are to be sought for a
suitable person to take over the post of clerk. The present clerks
contract ends at the beginning of September.
11. Street Lighting Approval was given for the Lighting column and
Inspection to conform with wiring regulations to be carried out.
12. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 13/6/2022 £19920.85 (Note: includes £426 held
for community shop)
The following Invoices are due for approval and payment.
J. Stibbons Salary and expenses £651.60
HMRC PAYE £140.40
J. Ward Newsletter £45
13. Matters for the next agenda. Road safety. Allotments.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be held on Monday 11th
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council Held on Monday 9th
May 2022.
Present. Cllrs. P. Cubitt,(chairman), P. Bedell.. J. Cable, L. Perrott,
C. Ringer. J. Turvey R. Ward,
District Cllr. P. Butikofer J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Election of Chairman and vice-chairman.
It was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that Cllr. Cubitt should be elected the
Chairman for the coming year.
This was seconded by Cllr. Perrott and approved.
It was proposed by Cllr. Ward that Cllr. Ringer should be elected as
vice-chairman. This was seconded by Cllr. Cable and approved.
2. Apologies for absence. None
3. Cllrs. Perrott, Cable and Turvey declared an interest in item 9 as
allotment holders.
4. There were no comments and questions on the agenda from members of
the public.
5. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th April 2022, having
been previously circulated to members, it was agreed that the house
number should be omitted from item 5. With this correction they
were accepted as a true record of the meeting. The chairman then signed
the minutes.
6. Matters arising from the minutes. The rubbish in Sayer Court has
still not been removed. Broadland Housing are to be contacted
7. Reports from County, The District or Parish Councillors. Dist
Cllr. P. Butikofer. There is to be a council tax rebate. More
information is on the NNDC web site.
Green infrastructure recreational mitigation measures are being
implemented to address the adverse affects on Habitat Sites from
increased footfall and comprise a one off payment from development
e.g. new house building, towards protection these special landscapes.
Guidance from Natural England regarding nutrient enrichment affecting
the ecosystem of the river Wensum and Broads by
development and agriculture has created a hiatus in decision making for
new homes applications in the catchment areas,, this being a district
south of Fakenham and Holt. New development will
require mitigation such as improving wastewater treatment works,
offsetting nutrient loads from developments by removing run off from
agricultural land, and creating new wetlands.
This guidance will cause significant delay in the progress of the New
Local Plan.
NNDC has employed a Ukrainian Support Officer to extend a warm welcome
to Ukrainians settling in North Norfolk.
8. Road safety The SAM2 is back in place on the main road. Other
possible locations need Highways approval. The nine SAM2 brackets have
been collected. Cost of moving the machine is £40 per move. It is
moved approximately every month It was agreed to pay for these moves for
six months, until all the approved locations are known. This would allow
parish councillors to be instructed on how to locate the
sign themselves.
Hart Lane. It was suggested that a footpath could be constructed inside
the field hedge. This suggestion is to be investigated further.
The overgrown hedge obstructing the VAS should be maintained by the
property owner concerned. The cost of moving the sign would be in excess
of £3000. Moving the sign West would bring it too close to the
30mph sign.
9. Allotments. It was agreed that the lease as circulated to members
should be approved but that the section regarding planting trees should
be removed. It was proposed by Cllr. Ringer that the rent should be
increased to £20 per plot or £60 for a strip.. The plots need to be
measured and figures will be available for the June meeting. Final
charges for rent will be agrees at this meeting.
10. Planning Ref. No: PF/22/1077 Land at Church Road, Lower Bodham
Demolition of existing structures and converting to a dwelling. The
parish council had no objection to this application.
11. Financial Matters.
Current account Balance at 9/5/2022 £14185.28 (Note: includes £426
community shop)
There were no Invoices due for approval and payment.
The annual governance statement was approved by the members and signed
by the chairman.
The accounting statement was approved by the members and signed by the
The members were made aware of the Public Rights to View the accounts by
appointment. The period for public examination is from 20th June 2022 to
20th July 2022.
12. There were no matters for information or the next agenda.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham parish council will be held on Monday 13th
June 2022 |
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council Held on Monday 11th
April 2022
Present. P. Cubitt, (chairman) C. Ringer, P. Bedell. J. Cable, L.
Perrott, J. Ward
County Cllr. S. Aquarone J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
There were no Apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest Cllrs. Cable and Perrott Item 8 (Allotments)
Cllr. Ward Item 9 (Planning)
3. There were no comments or questions on the agenda from members of the
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14th March 2022, having
been previouslycirculated, were approved by the members present and
signed by the chairman
5. Matters arising from the Minutes.
There was still rubbish dumped outside No1. Sayer Court. This is to be
followed up again.
Most of the trees have been planted but there are a few left for next
6. Reports from County and Parish Councillors.
County Cllr Aquarone. Holt Hall has been sold. Norfolk is the only
county council not to offer freeSchool meals during the holidays. There
has been some progress on the Climate action programme.
An action plan should be published soon. It is hoped the SAM2 will soon
be active in the village. A survey is to be carried out in the village.
The Police Commissioner has stated that there should be
more speed control officers coming into the village.Cllr. Bedell. The
new defibrillator has been installed on the pavilion. He thanked Mr.
Cable for cutting the grass around the sign.
Cllr. Perrott. Allotment holders have been asked if a tank could be put
in the beck to collect water. Members felt this was not the best
solution as the tank would quickly fill up with silt.
Cllr Ringer. Enquired who owned the Loke as motor cyclists are still
riding up and down. It was suggested that the boundary of adjoining land
usually goes to the centre of the unclaimed roadway
or watercourse.
7. Road Safety Committee Still awaiting the delivery of the SAM2
8. Allotments. All members received a draft copy of the revised tenancy
With the addition of a few amendments the members approved the wording.
A final updated copy will be presented to the May meeting for full
9. Planning PF/22/0635 The School House, Cromer Road.
External alterations including means of escape window in rear roof,
means of escape window or door to be inserted in side of building;
replacement of windows with double glazed units.
The Parish Council had no objection to this application but suggested
that overlooking neighbouring properties was to be avoided
10. Financial matters.
The Certificate of Exemption from full audit was approved by the members
and signed by the chairman and clerk.
The Bank Signatory access form was signed by the relevant members.
Current account Balance at 11/4/2022 £16612.58 (Note: includes £89
community shop grant)
The following Invoices were approved for payment.
T T Jones Street lights £179.60
C. Ringer Memorial plaque £14.03
Environment Agency Drainage rates £19.65
Countrystyle Bottle bank collection £28.80
P. Cubitt Cherry tree £40
11. The next agenda to include Road Safety and Allotments.
12 Correspondence.
Card of thanks from Mr. Harry Bruford thanking the committee for the
Flowering Cherry tree.
Notice from the Village Hall committee that the charges will be
increased to £7 per hour from June 2022
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be held on Monday 11th
April 2022
Held on Monday 17TH MAY 2021 at 7.00PM
1. There were no apologies for absence
2. The minutes of the Parish Meeting held on Monday 13th May 2019 were
approved by the meeting and signed by the chairman.
3. Chairman's report.
The Parish Council chairman thanked Mrs. Mel Clarke for all her hard
work during the pandemic. Her support for any parish ones who needs help
is still ongoing.
During the year the parish council have had ongoing discussions about
speeding through the village and it is hoped further progress will be
made in the coming year.
Allotments. Work is underway to update the tenancy agreements to bring
them in line with today's requirements.
The full Chairman's report is attached to these minutes
4. Reports by Village organisations / clubs.
Playing Field.
The field was restricted for use during 2020 due to Corona virus.
A donation received in memory of Harrold (Podge) Baker was used to
purchase a seat..
A Turf Groomer was purchased during the year and will be kept in a
Storage container recently purchased.
(Full report attached)
Church. The church has been affected by the pandemic with many services
cancelled due to lock-down.
Ground water is a problem in the churchyard and the present burial
ground cannot be extended. (Full report attached)
Croquet Club – hopes to resume in September.
Rock Bodham was cancelled due to Covid. The committee will continue as
Community Shop. A survey of households to determine a need was supported
by the parish council. A committee has been formed and a suitable
location is being discussed. The site if the wooden garages looks
suitable. NNDC support this suggestion and Flagship housing are
proposing to develop the site with flats, the ground floors could be
available as a shop. Parking will be provided for residents and
shoppers. The community will be shareholders.
5. Business from the floor. None
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
Held on Monday 14th February 2022
Present. C. Ringer, (chairman) J. Cable,.L. Perrott, J. Turvey. J. Ward
P.C. Gower-Smith, Rev. I. Dyble, and three members of the public. J.
Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
Apologies for absence. Cllrs. P. Cubitt, P. Bedell. County Cllr. S.
Co-Option Mr. J.R.Ward, having indicated that he was willing to serve as
a councillor, it was proposed by Cllr. Turvey that he be co-opted to the
parish council. This proposal was seconded by Cllr. Perrott and approved
by the members
2. Declarations of Interest. Cllrs. Cable, Perrott and Turvey Item 10
3. There were no comments or questions on the agenda from members of the
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 10th January 2022, having
been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Perrott that they
be confirmed as a true record of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr.
Turvey and carried.
The chairman then signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the Minutes.
The school footpath has been repaired.
100 trees have been planted and 500 more have been ordered. It is
intended to plant more hedges next winter.
6. Church Cemetery. The proposed extension to the adjacent field was not
possible due to the high water table and other planning restrictions.
The Glebe lands are owned by and provides an income for the Norwich
It was suggested that a small part of the higher church yard ground
could be used. Rev. Dyble will check with the Diocese and keep the
Parish Council informed.
7. Reports from County and Parish Councillors.
P.C. Gower-Smith reported that a step ladder and a radio had been stolen
from Mr. Digby's farm Buildings. This was being investigated.
If there are any local issues which require Police action PC Gower-Smith
asked that he be contacted on his mobile.
Cllr. Ringer- A bank account is being opened for the community shop.
Bingo and a raffle are to be held in The Red Hart and proceeds will go
to the shop fund.
8. Road Safety Committee
When the SAM2 becomes available it will require some fixing brackets.
The costs and number to be investigated.
Cost of moving the SAM2 will be £40 per month. It is hoped to eventually
train some members of the parish council in its operation.
A questionnaire on road safety is being prepared and will be distributed
to residents.
9. Queens Jubilee
The Village Hall committee are discussing various events which the
Parish Council will support.
10. Allotments.
Tenants have been found for Plots 6b and 2a. It may be necessary to
reduce the size of some plots with the agreement of the tenants as a
more easily managed plot would keep the entire allotments
Area more tidy. This idea will be looked at further during the wording
of the new agreements.
11. Hansells. The late Mrs. Dowley has left the parish of Bodham £5000
in her will to be used towards a Community Project undertaken in the
parish at the time of her death. It was suggested
that this could be used towards the Community Shop.
12. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 14/2/2022 £18017.31 (Note: includes £89
community shop grant)
There were no invoices due for payment.
13. There were no new matters of information to be considered by the
council for possible additions to the agenda at the next meeting.
The March agenda will include items on Allotments and Road Safety
14. All correspondence was sent to members by email as received by the
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be held on Monday 14th
March 2022
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council Held on Monday
10th January 2022
Present. C. Ringer, (chairman) P. Bedell. H. Bruford, J. Cable,.L.
Perrott, J. Turvey.
J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
Apologies for absence. Cllrs. P. Cubitt, County Cllr. S. Aquarone,
Resignation of Cllr Harry Bruford.
The Chairman made the following statement on behalf of the parish
Earlier this week councillors were notified that Cllr Bruford would be
resigning following the January meeting, after 20 years on the council –
a significant proportion of that time spent as chairman. When I
discovered that I would be chairing this evenings meeting I thought it
appropriate to say a few words.
Harry has played a key part in improving this village. For many years he
ran the newsletter – which he founded, raised thousands of pounds for
village projects and was renowned as the master of the grant
application. He has served on many village committees, and set up the
croquet club – making it accessible to people of all ages, and helped
organise many village events such as the Horticultural show.
On a personal level he encouraged me to join the parish council when I
was only 18 (something he may occasionally regret!)
Thank you Harry, on behalf of the Parish Council and the village for all
you have done, enjoy your retirement (which at 86 you certainly
deserve!) and we will endeavour to carry on your service to the village
in the future – the village is a better place for all you have done.
2. There were no Declarations of Interest.
3. There were no comments or questions from members of the public.
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13th December 2021,
having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that
the minutes be confirmed as a true record of the
meeting. This was seconded by Cllr. Perrott and carried.
The chairman then signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the Minutes. There was no update on the
Allotments, the Footpath or The Churchyard. These items will be on the
next agenda for further discussion.
6. Reports from County and Parish Councillors.
It was noted that the bin had been removed from the Village Hall because
of misuse.
Rubbish on the allotments is becoming a problem.
Motorcycles are using the Loke and causing a nuisance. The Police are to
be informed.
Five hundred trees have been ordered and planting is to start in the
near future.
The Carol Service at the Red Hart was very successful.
Councillors congratulated Elaine and Tim Merritt on being awarded
“Landlords of the Year” at the Bodham Red Hart.
7. Road Safety Committee
Details of the possible cost and regulations for use of the SAM2 should
be available shortly.
Questionaries will be distributed concerning road safety and seeking two
or three members to serve on the Road Safety Committee.
8. Planning
PF/21/3296 Two Glaven River Barn, Kelling Road, Lower Bodham, Repair and
glaze the existing front porch of the property; insertion of two roof
lights in east elevation.
The Parish Council had no objection to this application.
PF/21/3254 4 Rose Acre, Bodham, Holt Erection of single-storey side and
rear extension
The Parish Council had no objection to this application.
PU/21/3436. Agricultural Barn, Rectory Road, Lower Bodham
Change of use of agricultural building to 1 "larger" dwelling house, and
building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion
The Parish Council expressed concern that as the building was a former
RAF installation it may be of Historical significance as a Heritage
Apart from these reservations the Parish Council had no objection to the
9. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 10/1/2022 £16356.58 (Note: includes £89
community shop grant)
The following invoices were approved for payment.
T T Jones Street lights £179.36
Countrystyle Bottle Bank £32.40
Mandate of bank signatories is to be updated.
Harry Bruford is to be removed as a signatory and replaced by Callum
10. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.
Next agenda
* Road safety.
* Church (grave yard)
11. All correspondence was sent to members by email as received.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be held on Monday 14th
February 2022
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council Held on Monday
13th December 2021 .
Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman) C. Ringer, P. Bedell. H. Bruford, J.
Cable,.L. Perrott, J. Turvey. County Cllr. S. Aquarone, J. Stibbons
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. There were no Apologies for absence.
2. There were no Declarations of Interest.
3. There were no comments or questions from members of the public.
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 8th November 2021, having
been previously circulated, Item 6 – reports – was corrected to read
“Mr. Cable thanked Mr. Ringer for leaving the playing field
tidy after the Rock Bodham event.”
With this correction inserted it was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that the
minutes be confirmed as a true record of the meeting. This was Seconded
by Cllr. Ringer and carried.
The chairman then signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the Minutes. The footpath damaged by the removal
of the school wall is to be repaired by Highways
6. Reports from County and Parish Councillors.
County Cllr. Aquarone. The SAM2 is now available to be installed in
Bodham in the near future. It can be used in other villages but all
arrangements are to be made by Bodham parish council. It was
suggested that the present operator be asked to continue with the
necessary movements of the machine.
Construction of a footpath in Hart Lane could be eligible for a part of
a £5000 maintenance grant.
This will only be avaiable until the end of the financial year and would
need match funding from the parish council.
A survey and a public consultation should be carried out and the parish
council must decided the size of their contribution towards the cost.
The 30mph restriction on the main road ends before the Gypsies Lane
turning and this is an accident black spot. It was suggested that there
should be a Community Speed watch but there was some
doubt it this was effective as it had been tried in the past.
Cllr. C. Ringer Tree planting on the banks of the allotment field will
start in the new year. It was agreed to order a further 500 trees for
planting later.
The traditional Carol Service will be held on 19th December at the Red
Hart. Rock Bodham will provide a present for every child.
There is still no further information regarding the provision of a new
burial ground for the Church.
The Vicar is to be contacted again
Cllr. Bedell. There were now three football teams using the playing
field and the installation of a defibrillator is being considered. He
asked if the Parish Council would make a donation towards
Its purchase. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
7. Community Shop The shop is now registered as a Community Benefit
Society. This now gives the project a legal framework with a written
constitution and a set of rules. The Society will now open a bank
account with the Cooperative Bank.
8. Speeding Covered in items 6 and
9. Road Safety Working Group Following on from discussions at the
November meeting it was proposed by Cllr. Ringer that a Road Safety
working group should be formed, led by the parish
council and to include other interested parties. This proposal was
seconded by Cllr. Bedell.
Ideally a group of four or five should be the target. Callum Ringer and
Justin Turvey volunteered to be part of the group and other interested
persons would be invited to join.
10. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 13/12/2021 £17463.73 (Note: includes £89
community shop grant)
The following invoices are due for approval and payment:-
J. Ward Bodham Newsletter £60
Bodham Village Hall Meetings £54
J. Stibbons Salary and Expenses £668.50
HMRC PAYE £140.40
11. Planning. PF/21/2343 Franklins Farm. Amended plans.
Bodham Parish Council wished to reiterate their objection to this
planning application. The amended application fails to address the
council's concerns particularly regarding access – and fails to
understand why separate access via Windrush Farm is required if this
development is intended solely for the personal use of Franklin's Farm.
The Previous comments (amended) of the Parish Council stated that:-
1)Access. The development is accessed via a new track and entrance from
Hart Lane near opposite
the entrance to the fishing lake. This piece of road is at national
speed limit and allows for little visibility looking north. We believe
this is a danger, in particular to potentially large and slow moving
vehicles transporting horses, as well as to other road users.
Additionally, despite this development being intended for personal use
for Franklin's Farm, it curious that it is accessed only from the site
known as Windrush farm, with no apparent access from Franlinks farm. If
one wanted to travel from Franlinks farm to the site they would first
have to join the highway. Hart Lane is a small road for which we as a
parish council receive numerous complaints about vehicle speed and
concerns for the safety of road users, particularly those on foot, cycle
or horseback.
B) Size and Scale of development: The size of the development is
significant given its rural setting, and given the context of its
intended personal use by the applicant.
C) Environmental concerns. The main development site adjoins the Glaven
and is accessed b crossing it. This may be a new crossing and we have
concerns about pollution and sediment from construction and ongoing
entering this sensitive watercourse. Reassurances are also sought that
no trees or hedging would be removed.
D)The parish council would be more comfortable with a scaled back
development accessed from the existing Franklin's Farm entrance at the
south of Hart Lane. The council would like to see the full highways and
environmental assessments undertaken and appropriate conditions which
would mitigate environmental and highways concerns, as well as any
appropriate restrictions preventing the development from being used as a
commercial enterprise or as a residence.
12. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.
A presentation of a plaque to mark the community spirit shown by the
parishes of Bodham and Beckham during the pandemic lockdown will be
presented by Mr. Peal the Deputy Lieutenant of
Norfolk on Thursday 13th January at the Village Hall at 7pm. It is hoped
that members of the parish will attend.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be held on Monday 14th
February 2022
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council Held on Monday 8th
November 2021 .
Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman) C. Ringer, P. Bedell. H. Bruford, J.
Cable,.L. Perrott, J. Turvey.
Three members of the public J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
The chairman thanked the Red Hart for the use of the room for the
1. Apologies for absence.
County Cllr. S. Aquarone, Dist Cllr. P. Butikofer
2. There were no Declarations of Interest.
3. There were no comments or questions from members of the public.
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th October 2021, having
been previously circulated,
it was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that they be accepted as a true record
of the meeting. This was
Seconded by Cllr. Cable and carried. The chairman then signed the
5. Matters arising from the Minutes.
Provision of a Dog Bin on Weybourne Road will be discussed at a later
meeting after further
consultation with residents.
The clerk reported that all allotment tenants had been given one years
notice of termination of
their existing tenancy agreement to be replaced by a new and updated
agreement for 2022 onwards.
6. Reports
County Cllr. S. Aquarone. A written report from the County Councillor
had been circulated to the
Members before the meeting. A copy is attached to these minutes.
Cllr. Perrott reported that Hart Lane is becoming very overgrown. This
will be reported to Highways.
Cllr. Bruford reported that there had been vandalism to a car parked in
the village. This has been reported to the police on 101.
It was also reported that Mrs Alexander will not care for the flowers in
the cart park planters in future due to continued vandalism.
There will be no over 70`s Christmas lunch due to the Covid risk.
Cllr. Ringer. Reported that the Bonfire and fireworks on 6th November
had been very well attended. The profits will go to Rock Bodham. He
thanked Mr. Cable for leaving the playing field tidy after the event.
Cllr Ringer also attended a meeting on Affordable Housing. There is
concern that exceptional housing is being sold for holiday homes. This
and other anomalies are being investigated further.
The old school wall next to the footpath has been replaced by a new
fence and the footpath has been damaged and is a danger to pedestrians.
The owners are to be contacted.
7. Community Shop There was nothing further to report at present.
8. Speeding There is support to hold a public meeting with County and
District councillors to take forward items of speeding. Cllr. Aquarone
will be contacted initially. There are also ongoing efforts to have use
of the SAM 2 in the village.
9. Budget proposals for 2022-2023
A prepared budget showing a small surplus of £107 was discussed by the
members and the figures approved.
It was proposed by Cllr. Perrott that the precept should remain the same
as 2021-22 at £8500. This proposal was seconded by Cllr Ringer and
approved by the members.
10. Financial Matters.
Current account Balance at 8/11/2021 was £18788.30 (Note: includes £89
community shop grant)
There were no invoices due for payment
11. Matters for information only or the next agenda.
Trees are available for planting. Spaces in the hedges surrounding the
allotments will be planted.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The date for the next Bodham parish council meeting will be Monday 13th
December |
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
Held on Monday 11th October 2021 .
Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman) C. Ringer H. Bruford, J. Cable, . J. Turvey.
J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.31pm
1. Apologies for absence.
Cllr P. Bedell. L. Perrott, County Cllr. S. Aquarone, PC G. Gower-Smith
2. Declarations of Interest.
Cllrs. Turvey and Cable item 10 as an allotment holders.
Cllr. Bruford item 11 The Playing Field
Cllr. Ringer item 7 The Shop.
3. There were no comments or questions from members of the public.
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13th September 2021, having
been previously circulated
it was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that they be accepted as a true record
of the meeting. This was
Seconded by Cllr. Ringer and carried.
5. Matters arising from the Minutes.
Road Flooding Further drainage work has been carried out by Highways at
the bottom of Hart Lane
and extra posts added to the roadside. The situation is now much
Provision of Dog Bins Prices were £190 for installation and £3.50 per
empty. It was felt that
this was a considerable cost and agreement would be needed on the siting
of the bin. It was agreed
to seek further comments from residents by placing an article in the
News Letter.
6. Reports from Parish Councillors.
Cllr. Turvey One car in particular is continually speeding through the
village. The Police are to be informed.
Cllr. Ringer. The Village Fireworks are planned for the 6th November on
the Playing Field.
7. Community Shop Plans are moving forward. A meeting with NNDC should
take place within the next two to three weeks. A clearer view of the way
forward will be possible after this meeting.
8. Speeding A letter from Mr Ward to the Chairman regarding speeding on
the main road was
read to the meeting. The Parish Council is still in discussions to
obtain the SAM2 speed sign for the
village. All agreed that speeding was an on-going problem which has the
potential to become
worse as the Kelling Heath holiday site is increased in size making it
considerably more difficult to
enter the main road from Gypsies Lane. Other pressures on increasing
traffic will come from the
caravan storage at Rookery Farm and the Equestrian Centre at Franklins
The Parish Council are very aware of the problems and have been in
discussion with Norfolk
County Council representatives and the Police for some considerable
It was suggested that a public meeting should be held with a view to
forming a pressure group.
9. Allotments Tenancy Agreements. Allotment holders have had
notification included with their invoices giving them twelve months
notice of the termination of their contracts and informing them that a
new and more relevant agreement will be offered for the years 2022 and
10. Planning A late notification, Reference PF/21/2602 Change of use of
part of farm yard to allow for storage of caravans and motorhomes (64
bays), with siting of porta-cabin building for use as associated office
and erection of 2 metre high wire boundary fencing on land South of,
Rookery Farm, The Street, Bodham, Norfolk.
The Parish Councillors did not object but were very concerned with the
considerable increase of traffic this would generate, all of which has
to come through the narrow roads of the village.
11. Financial Matters.
Current account Balance at 11/10/2021 was £14609.66 (Note: includes £89
community shop grant)
The following invoice was approved for payment and cheque signed:-
T.T. Jones Electrical Street light maintenance (invoices 12300 and
12327) £564.84
Plunkett Foundation. Community Shop (to replace cheque lost by Bank)
Country Style Glass recycling £73.80
12. Donations. Requests for donations had been received from the Church
and the Playing Field.
It was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that a donation of £500 should be made
to the church. This was seconded by Cllr. Ringer and approved.
It was decided not to make a donation to the playing field this year.
13. Matters for information only or the next agenda.
This year Green Build will be held from 1st to the 12th of November.
The date for the next Bodham parish council meeting will be confirmed
later as the village hall will be unavailable during the first three
weeks of November due to maintenance work.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
8.54pm |
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
Held on Monday 13th September 2021 .
Cllrs. C. Ringer (chairman) P. Bedell. H. Bruford, J. Cable, L. Perrott,
J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.31pm
1. Apologies for absence.
Cllr. P. Cubitt, J. Turvey. County Cllr. S. Aquarone, Dist Cllr. P.
2. Cllrs. Perrott and Cable declared an interest in item 10 as an
allotment holders.
3. There were no comments or questions from members of the public.
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12th July 2021, having been
previously circulated to
members, it was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that they be accepted as a
true record of the meeting. This was
seconded by Cllr. Cable and carried.
5. The road works and drainage at the bottom of Hart Lane was much
6. Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors.
District Councillor P. Butikofer. The Banksey paintings are causing a
lot of interest no the sea wall at Cromer.
Green Build has been cancelled for this year.
The community is being encouraged to work together to improve the
environment with re-wilding and tree planting.
There have been problems with Motorhomes and wild camping during the
summer . District Council car parks are not to be used. Toilets have
been emptied in the public toilets and blocked the
The completion of Splash has been put back due to a delay in the supply
of concrete. The total cost is expected to be £12million.
An increase in new housing has become a necessity especially in houses
to rent. The District Council have already purchased fourteen houses to
rent to temporary residents.
Any householder with spare rooms should contact NNDC.
Parish Councillors reports:-
The Playing Field has been quiet with no further problems.
The Village Hall is being decorated and a new kitchen will be installed
later in the year.
There is a problem with Dogs fouling the Weybourne Road. A quote is to
be obtained for a dog bin to be installed
Members thanked Cllrs. Perrott and Cable for strimming the School
It was suggested that hedgerows should be replanted round the larger
allotment field and other suitable sites. This item will be discussed
1. 7. Community Shop The cheque to cover membership fees of £240 has
been lost by the bank.
A cheque of £310 issued for Model Rules has been cleared.
8. Speeding The use of the SAM2 is to be further investigated and County
Councillor Aquarone is to be consulted
9. Street Lights It was agreed that the annual cleaning programme and
defects list submitted by T.T.Jones should be approved.
10. Allotments Tenancy Agreements. A letter is to be included with the
invoices when they are sent to tenants giving them one years notice that
there will be a rent review and a new and updated
tenancy agreement from October 2022.
11. Financial Matters.
Current account Balance at 13/9/2021 £15893.26 (Note: includes £180
community shop grant)
The following invoice was approved for payment and cheque signed
J. Stibbons Salary/Expenses £676.24
HMRC PAYE £140.40
The following invoices were paid in August as there was no parish
council meeting.
Country Style Recycling £30.60
NNDC Dog Bins £436.80
Plunkett Foundation Membership £310
J.R.Ward News letter £45
12. Matters for information only or the next agenda.
The photo copier is now obsolete and the committee agreed for its
The planning appeal for Hurricane Farm was noted.
Planning application for change of use at Franklins Farm. It was queried
that if this was for family use why was a new additional structure
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham parish council will be on Monday 11th
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council Held on Monday
12th July 2021 .
Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman) P. Bedell. H. Bruford, J. Cable, L. Perrott,
C. Ringer. J. Turvey.
County Cllr. S. Aquarone. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.31pm
1. Apologies for absence. Cllr. C. Ringer
2. Cllrs. Perrott and Turvey declared an interest in item 10 as an
allotment holder.
3. There were no comments or questions from members of the public.
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14th June 2021, having been
previously circulated to members, it was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that
they be accepted as a true record of the meeting. This was
seconded by Cllr. Perrott and carried. The chairman then signed the
5. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
6. Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors.
County Cllr. Aquarone is trying to obtain exceptional circumstances but
existing policies muse be got round before any progress can be made. He
will arrange for the SAM2 machine to be returned to the parish
as the planned programme of use has come to an end.
Cllr. C. Ringer (written report) Flooding/Drainage at Bottom of Hart
Lane / Rectory Road: Despite NCC stating that they had carried out a
survey, identified the issue, and were to request a road closure, NCC
in fact just thrown in a load of tarmac where the road had subsided and
done a shoddy job at that. It is already sinking again and there are
tractor tyre marks where vehicles had gone over it before it had set.
The drains had not been cleared either.
7. Community Shop (written report from Callum Ringer We are still
waiting to hear back from FCA re our application to become a community
benefit society. Lot's of waiting at present but we are hopeful things
will start moving again soon.
8. Speeding (written report form Callum Ringer) I have spoken to Steffan
Aquarone this morning on issues we raised at the last meeting. Steffan
is going to look into the following for us and get back to us
hopefully ahead of the next meeting.
Having '30' Roundels painted on the roads at the entry points into the
village. Also having 'SLOW' on the road on the entry to the row of
houses down Hart Lane.
Reducing speed limits through the village (not including main road) to
Extending Speed Limit to beyond the row of houses down Hart Lane
I think that the first of these requests is the most likely to be
successful as it is both the cheapest and does not require a change in
the law.
9. Street Lights The annual cleaning programme and defects list is to be
circulated to members for further consideration before agreement is
10. Allotments tenancy agreements would be reviewed at the September
11. Asbestos. No further information at present,
12. Strimming the School Footpath Cllrs. Cable and Turvey agreed to
strim the School footpath this year. In the past Mr. Harmer has kindly
carried out the strimming.
13. Financial Matters.
Current account Balance at 12/7/2021 £16622.92 (Note: includes £490
community shop grant)
The following invoice was approved and cheque signed
TT.Jones Street light maintenance £179.12
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham parish council will be on Monday 13th
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council Held on Monday
14th June 2021 .
Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman) P. Bedell. H. Bruford, . J. Cable, L.
Perrott, C. Ringer. J. Turvey.
P.C. Gower-Smith, One member of the public. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.34pm
J. Turvey, having signed the acceptance of office and declaration of
interests joined the parish council as a co-opted member.
1. Apologies for absence. County Cllr. S. Aquarone.
2. Cllrs. Perrott and Turvey declared an interest in item 10 as an
allotment holder.
3. Comments and questions from members of the public.
The question of road safety in Hart lane was raised by a member of the
public. Vehicles are travelling very fast and it is especially dangerous
when children are walking.
The speed limit is unlikely to be reduced but an updated quote is
awaited from highways to install a Hogging footpath.
P.C. Gower-Smith stated that a problem had been raised concerning
Anti-social Behaviour in Bodham.
This will be treated as a priority parish for the next three months. The
Police require as much information as possible. The Playing Field
committee will help the police and genuine evidence is needed. If a
problem is
seen report it on 101 immediately and repeat on email. If an incident is
seen happening dial 999
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 17th May 2021, having been
previously circulated to members, it was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that
they be accepted as a true record of the meeting. This was
seconded by Cllr. Cable and carried. The chairman then signed the
5. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
6. Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors.
A written report from County Cllr. Aquarone had been circulated to
members and is attached to these minutes.
The village gates need cleaning and C. Ringer said he would organise
this. Enquiries are to be made regarding the best cleaning fluid.
Bird scaring guns are going off all night, the owner is to be contacted
to re-adjust the timer.
The bus shelter roof needs to be painted with an anti-vandal paint to
stop youngsters climbing on the roof.
The Community Shop committee are waiting for a reply from North Norfolk
District Council before making any further headway.
8. Speeding covered in item 3
9. Allotments. The allotments were inspected by the councillors before
the meeting. It was decided to review the agreements in October when the
rents were due. Several of the plots were too big for the tenants
and a general revision will be carried out at this time.
10. Asbestos. No further information at present, NNDC are to be
contacted again.
11. Street Lights. It was unanimously agreed to renew the Three Year
contract with T.T.Jones Electrical for the maintenance of the street
lights. The cost per year will be £596.84+VAT
12. Financial Matters.
Current account Balance at 17/5/2021 £18413.48 (Note: includes £490
community shop grant)
It was noted that the figure published in the agenda (£14403.48) was
incorrect. The first instalment of the precept had not been included.
The following invoices were approved and cheques signed :-
J. Ward News letter costs £51.60
J.Stibbons Salary/expenses £559.68
HMRC PAYE £116.40
13. Clerks salary review.
It was noted that the clerks salary had not been increased since he took
office in 2015.
It was proposed by Cllr. Ringer that the salary should be increased to
£12 per hour in line with the National Joint Council scale of pay
awards. This was seconded by Cllr. Perrott and approved.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham parish council will be on Monday 12th July
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
Held on Monday 14th June 2021 .
Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman) P. Bedell. H. Bruford, . J. Cable, L.
Perrott, C. Ringer. J. Turvey.
P.C. Gower-Smith, One member of the public. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.34pm
J. Turvey, having signed the accetance of office and declaration of
interests joined the parish council as a co-opted member.
1. Apologies for absence. County Cllr. S. Aquarone.
2. Cllr. Perrott declared an interest in item 10 as an allotment holder.
3. Comments and questions from members of the public.
The question of road safety in Hart lane was raised by a member of the
public. Vehicles are travelling very
fast and it is especially dangerous when children are walking.
The speed limit is unlikely to be reduced but an updated quote is
awaited from highways to install a Hogging
P.C. Gower-Smith stated that a problem had been raised concerning
Anti-social Behaviour in Bodham.
This will be treated as a priority parish for the next three months. The
Police require as much information as
possible. The Playing Field committee will help the police and genuine
evidence is needed. If a problem is
seen report it on 101 immediately and repeat on email. If an incident is
seen happening dial 999
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 17th May 2021, having been
previously circulated to
members, it was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that they be accepted as a true
record of the meeting. This was
seconded by Cllr. Cable and carried. The chairman then signed the
5. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
6. Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors.
A written report from County Cllr. Aquarone had been circulated to
members and is attached to these
The village gates need cleaning and C. Ringer said he would organise
this. Enquiries are to be made
regarding the best cleaning fluid.
Bird scaring guns are going off all night, the owner is to be contacted
to re-adjust the timer.
The bus shelter roof needs to be painted with an anti-vandal paint to
stop youngsters climbing on the roof.
The Community Shop committee are waiting for a reply from North Norfolk
District Council before making
any further headway.
8. Speeding covered in item 3
9. Allotments. The allotments were inspected by the councillors before
the meeting. It was decided to
review the agreements in October when the rents were due. Several of the
plots were too big for the tenants
and a general revision will be carried out at this time.
10. Asbestos. No further information at present, NNDC are to be
contacted again.
11. Street Lights. It was unanimously agreed to renew the Three Year
contract with T.T.Jones Electrical for the maintenance of the street
lights. The cost per year will be £596.84+VAT
12. Financial Matters.
Current account Balance at 17/5/2021 £18413.48 (Note: includes £490
community shop grant)
It was noted that the figure published in the agenda (£14403.48) was
incorrect. The first instalment of the precept had not been included.
The following invoices were approved and cheques signed :-
J. Ward News letter costs £51.60
J.Stibbons Salary/expenses £559.68
HMRC PAYE £116.40
13. Clerks salary review.
It was noted that the clerks salary had not been increased since he took
office in 2015.
It was proposed by Cllr. Ringer that the salary should be increased to
£12 per hour in line with the
National Joint Council scale of pay awards. This was seconded by Cllr.
Perrott and approved.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham parish council will be on Monday 12th July
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council held by Zoom on
Monday 8th March 2021 .
Present. Cllrs. P. Cubitt,(chairman), P. Bedell. H. Bruford, L. Perrott.
C. Ringer. J. Turvey,
J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.32pm
1. Apologies Cllrs. F. Cable. County Cllr. S. Aquarone, Dist. Cllr. P.
2 . Declarations of Interest
Cllrs. Bedell and Bruford declared an interest in item 10 – Playing
Cllr, Ringer declared an interest in item 7 - Community Shop.
3. There were no comments and questions on the agenda from members of
the public.
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 8th February 2021
It was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that these minutes should be approved
as published.
This was seconded by Cllr. Ringer and carried.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
A quotation for the cost of Map Boards is to be obtained.
NNDC have requested more documents from the Red Hart before considering
it status as an Asset of Community Value. (ACV)
6. Any reports from County, District or Parish Councillors.
Cllr. Bruford reported that there had been more vandalism on the croquet
lawn. This damage has since been repaired..
Cllr. Ringer attended a meeting held on zoom by the police. He reported
to that meeting that Bodham has a problem with vandalism and also
unauthorised vehicle access to School Loke.
Speeding on the A148 is to be made a Police priority.
Cllr Ringer also noted that the street light at the entrance to Morgans
Way is in need of adjustment and Victory Housing are to be informed.
Cllr Bedell reported that the work on the gas regulator has started.
7. Community Shop.
The community shop steering committee are to form a community business
society – this process could take 4 to 5 weeks to be approved. Flagship
housing are considering building on the garages
site opposite the Red Hart. A shop could be incorporated into this
development and discussions between the community shop steering
committee and Flagship housing are continuing. It is the
hope of the community shop steering committee that parking for residents
of Little Lane will be retained on the site if the development is to
proceed. The Village Hall committee were not willing
to consider housing an interim community shop within their premises and
the cost of a Portakabin shop was estimated to be around £33,000 to
acquire, fit out and stock which was deemed too much
for what would only be a temporary home. The Red Hart lock-down shop is
still open, however is now closed on a Monday and Tuesday as they
prepare for reopening the pub.
8. Road Safety.
Flooding near the Church is going down but County Cllr. Aquerone is to
be contacted if flooding returns.
Motorcycles using the School footpath have become a problem. If anyone
sees this happening they are asked to contact the Police (Telephone 101)
It was suggested that a sign should be placed at the
entrance to the Loke and the footpath stating No unauthorised Vehicle
A letter was received concerning the wheel tracks in the churchyard.
While this is a church matter the parish council would give full
A letter from the chairman expressing the concern for this vandalism was
sent to the person who suffered the damage.
9. Elections in May. The need to publicise a postal vote was noted.
10. Playing Field
Renewal of lease. It was proposed by Cllr. Cubitt that the lease of the
Playing Field should be extended for another twenty five years. This was
seconded by Cllr. Perrott and approved.
11 Financial matters.
The council agreed to appoint Mrs. J. Bishop as internal auditor for the
year 2020-2021.
Current account Balance at 8/3/2021 £15394.74 (Note: includes £490
community shop grant)
The following invoices were approved for payment:-
a2z Web hosting £160
J. Stibbons (clerk) Salary and expenses £572.43
HMRC PAYE £116.40
NALC Subscription. £132.58
12. Correspondence.
An appeal from Citizens Advice for a donation was discussed.
It was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that a sum of £100 should be donated.
This was seconded by Cllr. Ringer and carried.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be held on Monday 12th
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
held by Zoom on Monday 11th January 2021 .
Present. Cllrs. , P. Cubitt,(chairman), P. Bedell. H. Bruford, L.
Perrott. C. Ringer.
One member of the public J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.32pm
1. Apologies Cllrs. F. Cable. J. Turvey, Dist. Cllr. P. Butikofer.
2 . Cllrs. Bedell and Bruford declared an interest in item 10 – Playing
3. There were no comments and questions on the agenda from members of
the public.
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th January 2021
It was proposed by Cllr. Ringer that these minutes should be approved as
This was seconded by Cllr. Bedell and carried.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
The rat infestation at Sayer Court has been dealt with and the area has
been made tidy.
The map board at Beckham was provided by NCC. and Cllr. Lord of Beckham
PC has a licence to
use Ordinance Survey material. This is being followed up.
The need to promote postal voting is to be followed up, possibly with a
leaflet drop.
6. Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors.
County Cllr. S. Aquarone. Despite the pandemic, local elections have
been confirmed as going
ahead in May this year - under 100 days from now.
I strongly recommend people register for a postal vote - contact me on and I can send you the forms, or
An additional Council meeting has been arranged for Monday 22 March 2021
as the
April 19 Council meeting will be during the purdah period for the May
Flooding My thanks to the emergency staff and county council staff for
all their work in helping
people who have been affected by the recent flooding. For those people
who have been
affected it can be devastating.
Within the County Council administration this issue seems to have been a
low priority
for a long time. We’re likely to see more flooding as climate change
alters the way macro weather cycles work. Just repairing and protecting
certain areas is
not a long-term solution.
We need a joined-up strategy: investing in environmentally sustainable
flood prevention
work whilst recognising that biodiversity, rewilding and sustainable
land management
are powerful ways of reducing flood risk as well as repairing the damage
done to our
Covid Although the vaccination programme is catching up with the rest of
the country (and
because we have a higher proportion of older people, is now ahead of
some areas in %
terms), care home deaths in Norfolk are now the highest in England and
almost 550
Covid-19 patients died in Norfolk's hospitals in January.
The rate of new confirmed infections on January 30 was 272 cases per
100k down from
377 per 100k and the verified weekly infections was 2,466 down 968.
Cllr. Bedell reported that the contained on the playing field has been
moved and the payment from
Hayes and Storr has been received.
Cllr. C. Ringer. There has been severe flooding on the road at the
Church. Cllr. Aquarone will
follow this up.
Provision of cycle racks will be progressed further when decisions have
been made concerning the
location of the Community Shop.
An application to register The Hart as an asset of community value (ACV)
is being submitted. The
current designation was for five years and expired in January 2021.
It was asked if the parish council would consider buying another small
grit spreader. A grit bin was
also needed at Hall Close.
The bin on the A148 has not been filled. Cllr. Aquarone will advise
Rock Bodham will hold its A.G.M. on Wednesday 10th March by Zoom. All
are welcome to attend.
Cllr. Cubitt offered to help if anyone gets stuck in the snow.
7. Community Shop Cllr Ringer reported meetings are in progress with
Victory Housing to use the
site of the wooden garages. It is hoped to carry on the shop when the
restrictions are lifted and the
shop in the Red Hart closes.
The ideal route would be to use the Village Hall as social distancing
and heat are available but the
Village Hall committee are not in favour.
A Portacabin has been considered but would cost £12,000 to put in place
with mains services which
is prohibitive.
The Post Office campaign is ongoing as there will be a permanent
facility. Baconsthorps and
Weybourne have a longer opening hours each week because they are
situated in the village hall.
Cllr. Bedell asked if the Wheatsheaf had been considered as a suitable
It is not in the centre of the village and is mainly a restaurant.
Most of the respondents to the survey was from Bodham. It would provide
a community focal point
and would require community participation
8. Speeding in Hart Lane. The signs are being put in place when the
weather permits.
9. Planning
PF/21/0026 Glaven River Barns. Change of use from agricultural land to
garden/amenity; erection
of storage building. No Objection
PF/21/0042 Quiet Ways, Church Road. Detached garage block ; blocking up
of three vehicle access
points and the re-opening of one access. No Objection
PF/21/0155 Land North of Hurricane Farm Bungalow, Church Road, Lower
Permission in principle for erection of one self-build dwelling.
Bodham Parish Council Objected to this permission in principle as it
would be situated in open
The on-site sale of home grown produce would bring more traffic to a
very minor country road.
10. Playing Field The proposed loan from the parish council is no longer
needed. Other means of
funding have been found.
11. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 11/2/2021 £15632.37
It was noted that this figure includes £750 which was a grant paid to
the Community Shop project by the Plunkett Foundation.
This grant money will be transferred when the shop committee opens a
bank account.
There were no outstanding invoices due for approval.
The Parish Council has been notified by the Heart Foundation that the
Defibrillator would need to
be replace within the next year.
Any other correspondence received by email was forwarded to members as
it arrived.
13. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.
* Speeding
* Flooding of roads near the Church.
* May elections.
Bodham Parish Council Zoom Meeting
Monday, 8 March?19:30 – 21:30
Description:John Stibbons is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 0135 3771
Passcode: 975921
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham parish council will be held on Monday 8th
March 2021 by Zoom.
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council held by Zoom on
Monday 11th January 2021 .
Present. Cllrs. , P. Cubitt,(chairman), P. Bedell. H. Bruford, L.
Perrott. C. Ringer. J.Turvey.
Two members of the public J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.31pm
1. Apologies Cllr. F. Cable. County Cllr. S. Aquarone.
2 . Cllrs. Bedell and Bruford declared an interest in item 10 – Playing
3. There were no comments and questions on the agenda from members of
the public.
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14th December 2020
It was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that these minutes should be approved
as published.
This was seconded by Cllr. Perrott and carried.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
Cllr Cable suggested that the loke hedge was not appropriate for laying
- it was agreed that the hedge would be professionally evaluated for
laying potential once the restrictions
have eased.
It was agreed to refund the cost of ink used for printing the parish
news letter. An quarterly invoice for £45 should be sent to the clerk.
6. Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors.
County Cllr. S. Aquarone. A written report was received after the
meeting and has been circulated to members. A copy is attached to these
Cllr. C. Ringer. There is rubbish left on the allotment plot recently
vacated. Cllr. Turvey agreed to have this rubbish taken away. He also
will have a digger to remove an old chicken run.
The small vacant plot is to be advertised.
It was reported the the web site had been updated.
It was suggested that a map board similar to the one in Beckham should
be considered. The clerk is to make enquiries regarding price and
The trees that were felled at Franklin's Farm are to be replaced.
The County Council elections due to be held in May and postal voting
should be encouraged.
Cllr. Ringer reported that rubbish is becoming a problem outside the
front and back of a house in Sayer Court and rats have been seen.
Broadland Housing are to be informed.
7. Community Shop Cllr Ringer reported that the Red Hart has now opened
a temporary shop
during the Covid restrictions.
The grant application for £750 for the Community Shop has been
successful. This has already been paid into the parish council account
until the shop committee have their own bank account.
Broadland Housing have been contacted and discussions are on-going to
investigate the possibility of making use of some of the land opposite
the Red Hart where the garages are at present. A further
meeting will take place next week.
When the Covid restrictions are removed the Red Hart will discontinue
the shop and revert to being a public house. If this should take place
before a suitable site for the Community Shop has been
found the Village Hall committee may be approached to see if the Village
Hall could be used to get the process started.
8. Speeding in Hart Lane. The signs are being put in place in the near
9. Bus Shelters.
A reply is awaited from the Tenancy Management Team at Victory Housing
for the preparation of a new lease agreement.
10. Playing Field The grant available from North Norfolk District
Council is for play equipment and cannot be used to purchase a tractor
and replace the flood lights. The Playing Field Committee asked the
Parish Council for a loan of £4000 to cover these costs.It was agreed
that this would be fully discussed at the next meeting and a decision
reached at that time.
11. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 14/1/2021 £11673.89
The following invoices were approved :-
Jones Electrical Street light maintenance £179.12
A letter of thanks was received from Bodham Playing Field Assn. for the
donation of £1500
13. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.
It was reported that County Councillor Sarah Butikofer has been
diagnosed with Covid19. Councillors asked that a letter be sent wishing
her a speedy recovery
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham parish council will be held on Monday 8th
February 2021 by Zoom.
Report from your County Councillor, Cllr Steffan Aquarone
Update on Holt Hall
I'm pleased to report that Holt Hall has successfully obtained "asset of
community value" status, which means the County Council's widely
condemned plans to sell it on the open market have been put back by six
months to allow the local community time to seek an alternative, which
would include ongoing provision of outdoor learning facilities. I
have received more correspondence on this matter than anything else
since I first got
elected in 2017 and it is clear that thousands of people in Norfolk have
strong memories of their experiences of outdoor education there -
something young and older people alike need more of in this era of
ecological consciousness.
Availability of vaccines in North Norfolk
First of all I would like to thank the staff of Norfolk County Council
who have been working for nearly a year now to ensure the continued
delivery of services where available. Much has been made about the
lack of vaccination facilities in North Norfolk. The Covid-19
vaccinations programme started at NNUH on 9th December and as early as
last week, I received reports from people in Swanton Morley that they
had been
vaccinated. Yet at that time there were no facilities in any of North
Norfolk (constituency; Fakenham surgery was part of the next wave, early
in the New Year).I think it is shocking that an area with such a
vulnerable demographic is yet to receive the vaccine. Indeed the Minor
Injuries Unit in Cromer was closed to allow staff to help at the NNUH.
The good news is that, at the time of writing (11th January), it looks
like we should be receiving supplies to our GP-led hubs in the next
week. At least nine are set to join the programme this week, including
Drayton Medical Practice
Sheringham Medical Practice
The Market Surgery, Aylsham
Manor Farm Medical Centre, Swaffham
Poringland Community Centre
Gurney Surgery, Norwich
Hoveton Village Hall
Rossis Leisure, North Walsham
Snettisham Surgery
I know of neighbours near North Walsham who have received letters (but
not yet appointments) and so hopefully, the continued roll-out will
reach us soon.
Tel: 01603 327827
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
held by Zoom on Monday 9th November 2020 .
Present. Cllr. , P. Cubitt,(chairman), P. Bedell. L. Perrott. C. Ringer.
County Cllr. S. Aquarone. Dist Cllr. P. Butikofer Two members of the
public J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.32pm
1. Apologies Cllrs. H. Bruford, F. Cable.
2 .Election of Vice Chairman. It was proposed by Cllr. Cubitt that due
to the resignation of Cllr. W. Beeson, Cllr. Ringer should be appointed
vice chairman.
This was seconded by Cllr. Perrott and approved.
3. Co-option of a new councillor. Due to the resignation of Cllr.
Beeson, Mr. J. Turvey asked to become a councillor to fill the vacancy.
This was approved by the members present. The necessary declarations and
acceptance of office to be completed after the meeting.
4. There were no comments and questions on the agenda from members of
the public.
5. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12th October 2020 having
been previously circulated to the councillors, it was proposed by Cllr.
Cubitt that they be signed as correct.
This was seconded by Cllr. Ringer and approved by the members present.
6. Matters arising from the minutes. The fence on the footpath which was
damaged by the wind has been repaired
7. Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors.
Dist. Cllr. Butikofer.The Covid 19 outbreak in North Norfolk is the
fourth lowest in the country.
Pretty Corner has re-opened after the wind damage.
Toilets are to stay open during the lock down.
A grant of £14,000 has been obtained to help Rough Sleepers, this must
be match funded.
County Cllr. S. Aquarone. Gritters will be out from November 1st.
The closure of Holt Hall outdoor learning centre is under consultation.
Norfolk economic future requires more successful businesses to help with
skills training.
Cllr. C. Ringer. The community shop project has been awarded one day of
paid advice.
A volunteer from Beckham parish council has agreed to become a committee
The trees damaged during the recent gales have been cleared by NCC.
He suggested a letter of support for Holt Hall should be sent to Norfolk
County Council.
He proposed that a wreath should be laid at the war memorial in November
The planning application for Hurricane Corner has been refused.
Cllr. P. Bedell Thanked Cllr. Cubitt for installing a burglar alarm at
the pavilion. There has been support from residents for CCTV and alarms
to be installed. An electrician will install the CCTV at no cost. Cllr.
Cubitt was also thanked for repairing the bus shelter roof.
8. Speeding in Hart Lane. The options were to erect unofficial signage
or to form a pavement. Dist. Cllr Aquarone stated that the speed
limit cannot be changed outside the village envelope.
The County Council budget for highways improvements is £250,000 for the
whole county.
The unofficial view is to alert drivers approaching a built-up area.
Locally produced signs can be
installed on private land with the owners permission.
Village gates could be installed and funding is available. The temporary
speed camera can be put in place.
The estimate to put in a foot-way is between £24000 and £31000. A
foot-way to the top of Hart Lane would be £15000 to £20000. The parish
Partnership grant would be 50%.
Cllr. Bedell proposed that initially signs should be put up. They could
be on the dog bin in Hart Lane. Possible wording could be “Slow You
Down” or “Kill you speed not our residents”
Cllr. Ringer suggested a Road Safety working group should be formed to
include all the village with residents participation. A survey of
problems could be beneficial. This idea was dismissed by councillors
It was proposed by Cllr. Perrott that a sign should be placed before
Overton Square and two in Hart Lane. This was seconded by Cllr. Bedell
and approved.
9. Bus Shelters. The lease on the land occupied by the bus shelter in
The Street is due for renewal.
A reply is awaited from the Tenancy Management Team at Victory Housing.
10.Allotments. A new tenant has taken Plot 6B which became vacant in
October. The small plot 6D is still available.
11. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 12/10/2020 £14837.68
The following invoice is due for approval:-
Heartbeat Trust Defibrillator pads £87.60
Cllr Bedell asked if the parish council would make a donation of £4000
towards the purchase of a further container and a tractor. The new
contained would house the mower and other equipment and the existing one
would be used by the football teams and Rock Bodham.
It was pointed out that this figure could not be donated as it would
greatly exceed the £8.37 per elector allowed for this type of request.
Cllr Bedell then asked if the Parish Council were prepared to grant a
loan of £4000.
It was proposed by Cllr. Ringer that this item be deferred to the next
meeting to allow councillors to consider the request. This was seconded
by Cllr. Perrott and approved.
It was proposed and approved that a donation of £400 should be made to
Bodham Parish Church,
12. Budget Proposals for 2021-2022 a budget for 2021-2022 was presented
to the meeting .
It was proposed by Cllr. Cubitt that the precept should remain the same
as the previous year at £8500.
This was seconded by Cllr. Ringer and approved.
The councillors then approved the budget as published to the members.
13.Correspondence. There was no new correspondence
There were no Comments from the floor.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham parish council will be held on Monday 14th
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
held by Zoom on Monday 12th October 2020 .
Present. Cllr. , P. Cubitt,(chairman), P. Bedell. H. Bruford, J. Cable.
L. Perrott. C. Ringer.
Dist Cllr. P. Butikofer J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.32pm
1.Apologies County Cllr. S. Aquarone.
Cllr. Will Beeson has resigned from the parish council as he has moved
out of the parish. The councillors wished their thanks to be recorded
for all the help and support he had given to the council over the
They all wish him good health and every success in the future.
2 There were no Comments from the floor.
3.The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14th September 2020, having
been previously circulated to the councillors, it was proposed by Cllr.
Bruford that they be signed as correct.
This was seconded by Cllr. Ringer and approved by the members present.
4. Matters arising from the minutes. Photocopier. It was proposed by
Cllr. Bedell that as the photocopier was now obsolete and of no value
the council should take Cllr. Perrott`s offer to dispose of it. This was
seconded by Cllr. Bruford and approved by the meeting. The photocopier
will be removed from the asset register.
5.Reports Dist. Cllr. P. Butikofer.
Due to the sand storms in Walcott and Bacton two weeks ago, there has
been a significant clear up of sand that had been blown up from the sea.
Fortunately it had been sand rather than sea water which would have been
reminiscent of the storm surge a few years back.
There have been warning not to visit wooded areas during the period of
high storms. In addition, customer services and tree teams have been
receiving high volume of calls. If residents consider work to be
performed on trees as urgent, contact a tree surgeon and they will carry
out any emergency works informing the council. This is a standard
procedure during high volumes of high risk trees
Car parking will be free in relevant car parks for the Armistice Day
There is a two stage process for tourism grant funding. Applications
have to be in by 2nd November. Preliminary applications have to be
submitted in advance.
Funding for the pier has been granted. This is part of the “light in
red” campaign. Money has also been given to Sheringham Little Theatre
and Wells Maltings.
6. Community Shop. Cllr Ringer reported that he had attended a meeting
of Beckham parish council to give a progress report on the Community
Shop. Beckham councillors supported the idea but at present no one on
the council has volunteered to serve on the committee.
An item will be placed in the Beckham news letter asking if anyone from
the parish would like to join the committee.
7. Speeding in Hart Lane. County Cllr. Aquarone will find costs for
installing paths and pavements.
The placement of signs. Possibly saying “Slow You Down” or similar.
Ideally one sign should be placed entering the village and one further
back. Locations will be discussed with owners of the roadside verges
8 . Defibrillator light. The small LED light will be installed in the
near future.
9. Bus Shelters The bus shelter near the Old School has been inspected
and the reported damage after the recent gales now appears to be safe.
The twenty one year lease of the land on which the bus shelter in The
Street is situated is soon due for renewal. Victory Housing are to be
contacted in the hope that the lease can be renewed.
10. Allotments.
The fly tipping on the allotments has been removed.
It was agreed that if a plot was left uncultivated for an extended
period the tenant should be reminded of the clauses in the tenancy
agreement requiring the plots to be kept in a satisfactory condition or
the agreement could be terminated.
11. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 12/10/2020 £11021
The following invoice were approved for payment:-
TT Jones Street Lights £218.15
Indigo Waste Bottle Bank £25.20
Bodham Village Hall Room hire £27
12. Correspondence There was no new correspondence
13. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.
Members are to be informed when approval has been given by the Returning
Officer to co-opt a new member.
The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be held on Monday 9th
November 2020
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council held
on Monday 10th August 2020 by Zoom.
Present. Cllr. P. Cubitt, (chairman), P. Bedell, L. Perrott. C. Ringer.
County Cllr. S. Aquarone. Dist Cllr. S. Butikofer and one member of the
public. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.32pm
1.Apologies Cllrs. H. Bruford, J. Cable.
2.There were no Comments from the floor.
3. To approve the amended minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 16th
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13th July 2020,
It was proposed by Cllr. Ringer that both sets of minutes should be
This was seconded by Cllr. Bedell and approved by the members present.
4. Matters arising from the minutes. Anti-social behaviour in Morgans
The clerk had been in touch with Victory Housing and reported that
complaints could not be investigated until specific problems were
reported. The relevant categories were:-
Noise was classed as a nuisance if it occurred after 11pm or before 7am.
Hate Crime - should be reported to the Police.
Drugs - use and abuse - should be reported to Crime Stoppers.
Children - No third party reports were allowed.
It was noted that the problems related to noise and drugs. Victory
Housing and Crime-stoppers are to be contacted.
County Cllr. S.Aquarone. Speeding in Hart Lane. Three issues have been
identified to be addressed by Norfolk County Council. Speed should be
relevant to the area. It would be very difficult to change the speed
limit as this would require a change in the law. For a change to take
place there would need to be fourteen or more properties in 200 meters.
The SAM2 will be used to create a warning. This can be moved between two
sites. There is no pavement on this part of the road. Installing a
footpath would need Parish Council funding. The footpath would not
necessarily need to be concrete but could be suitably maintained with
shingle or other material.
A sign could be put in place with either “Kill Speed Not People” or
“Slow You Down”. A smaller sign is more effective as cars would need to
slow down to read it. Any sign should not be on Highways property.
Dist Cllr. S Butikofer. Covid 19. As at 19th July, North Norfolk had 219
people testing positive which is the second lowest in Norfolk· and 53
deaths. This means North Norfolk is very low at 293 on the national
table of areas testing positive. Unfortunately the deaths in North
Norfolk were the highest in Norfolk at 24% of people testing positive,
due to a high proportion of elderly in the population. The lowest area
for deaths was Norwich at 8%.More funding is being provided by the
government for smaller businesses. £54,000,000 has already been
allocated by North Norfolk and further claims could be met.
£1.000.000 from Historic England and £1.2000,000 from the Local
Enterprise Partnership is to be spent in North Walsham.
Tourist centres and Pic-Nic areas are now open.
The Big Society, which is now called the Sustainable Community Fund will
be available to assist environmental and climate change projects.
Applications for under £1000 will now have a much simpler application
Cllr. Bedell. Reported that the street light at the entrance to Morgans
Way was permanently on.
Cllr. Ringer. An application for hedging trees, mainly Hawthorn, Roan,
Black Thorn and English Oak has been submitted.
It was noted that two garages opposite the Red Hart are bring removed.
It was suggested that the area could be used in the future as affordable
housing. Further enquiries are to be made to the housing association.
Members were informed that the local MP Duncan Baker would be holding a
surgery outside the Village Hall on Thursday at 10am.
Trees on Hall Close are being watered due to the very dry weather.
The Route 30 cycle route through Bodham is being re-classified.
6. Community Shop Cllr. Ringer had a meeting with Mr. Andrew Purdy at
the Gt. Ryburgh shop.
Mr. Purdy will assist with documentation and any other help required.
A meeting of volunteers can be held in the pub garden, or on Zoom or
wait for the Covid restrictions to be further eased. Preference is the
pub garden and a meeting has been provisionally planned for the first
week in September.
7. Speeding in Hart Lane. covered in item 5.
8. News Letter Mr. Ward has agreed to take over as editor of the News
Letter. He does not require the photo copier. Further enquiries are to
be made for its disposal.
9. Defibrillator Light Due to the lock-down the Village Hall committee
will not be meeting until later in the year. This item will be put on
the agenda for the next meeting.
10. Planning. There were no new applications on this agenda item.
11. Financial Matters.
Current account Balance at 10/8/2020 £11537.36
The following outstanding invoices were reviewed and payment approved.
E&W Beckham PC Repayment of loan (covered by grant) £500
Golby Repaint notice board £95
It was queried why this payment should be made when it was not approved
by the full committee. After discussion it was agreed to pay this
12. Correspondence. There was no correspondence
13. Matters for information only or the next agenda.
Agenda items for September meeting. Speeding, Community Shop,
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be held on Monday 14th
September 2020. |
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council held
on Monday 16th June 2020 by Zoom.
Present. Cllr. P. Cubitt, (chairman), W. Beeson, P. Bedell, L. Perrott.
C. Ringer.
County Cllr. S. Aquarone. Dist Cllr. S. Butikofer and four members of
the public.
J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.00pm
1.Apologies Cllrs. H. Bruford, J. Cable.
2.There were no Comments from the floor.
3. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9th March 2020, had been
circulated to the councillors. it was proposed by Cllr. Ringer that the
minutes should then approved This was seconded by Cllr. Perrott and
4. Matters arising from the minutes. Defibrillator lighting is to be
included in the next agenda The problem of Fly Tipping continues and
Dist. Cllr. Botikofer will consult NNDC.
County Cllr. SD. Aquarone. Some county council services are open. Local
businesses and services are being helped financially . More financial
help could be available.
Dist Cllr. S Butikofer. The district council has been active delivering
help during the lock-down.
Many shielding residents did not ask for help until contacted. The only
centre still open is Sheringham, delivering between nine am and noon.
The other centres are now closed.
Fifty million pounds has been allocated in grants to businesses across
The parish councillors thanked NNDC for the efficient rubbish collection
during the lock-down
Cllr. Ringer asked what action central government were taking to refund
some of the money spent by NNDC. whose costs during the period were in
excess of £3million.
This was still to be decided by central government.
Cllr. Ringer. Reported that rubbish was still on the allotment which had
been vacated. The clerk has written to the previous tenant asking for it
to be removed. Cllr. Bedell will contact the person involved at his
place of work.
Cllr Ringer also asked how members of the public were informed of
happenings in the village, the replacement of the railings at the car
park was a case in point.
At this point the meeting had to be adjourned as the Zoom time limit had
The meeting resumed after a short break but the clerk was unable to
reconnect. The
remainder of the committee meeting, which was still quorate, was minuted
by Cllr. Ringer.
8. To approve a Certificate of Exemption from a full Annual Audit.
It was agreed to move this item as the time limit for the zoom meeting
was running short.
It was proposed by Cllr L Perrott that the certificate of exemption from
the full annual audit. Should
be approved. This was seconded by Cllr P Bedell and unanimously agreed
by the councillors.
6. Community Shop Councillor Ringer reported that the onset of COVID had
obviously delayed plans for a public meeting with regard the community
shop. It was noted that other community shops had been a significant
asset to their communities during lock down, and help to build
resilience into a community. The next step still remains to form a
steering committee, and those who indicated they would be interested in
joining this would be contacted to reaffirm interest.
7. Dalcor Maclaren – It was proposed by Cllr Cubitt that we allow
Dalcour Maclaren access to our land to conduct their surveys and we will
await further response.
9 and 10 Financial and Correspondence issues were not covered in the
absence of the clerk.
11) Items for the next agenda:
Hart Lane speeding, Village Hall defibrillator, Community Shop,
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
held on Monday 10th February 2020 at Bodham Village Hall.
Present. Cllr. P. Cubitt, (chairman), W. Beeson, P. Bedell, H. Bruford,
J. Cable. L. Perrott.
Dist Cllr. P. Butikofer J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1.Apologies Cllr. C. Ringer., County Cllr. S. Aquarone
2.There were no Comments from the floor.
3. There were no declarations of interest
4.The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13th January 2020, having
been previously
circulated to the councillors, it was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that
they be approved as correct. This
was seconded by Cllr. Beeson and carried. The chairman then signed the
5.There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Dist Cllr. P Butikofer.
The first meeting of parish councillors and clerks with managers of NNDC
was very successful.
A further four meetings are planned during the year
Splash got damaged in the storms at the weekend. A pane of roofing tile
fell into the pool area. There was also damage to “Tides” restaurant on
the pier.
The planning inspectorate decision regarding The Selbrigg and Pond Farm
turbines has decided to ALLOW the grant of planning permission. NNDC are
currently looking at how to proceed from here and what alternatives are
(This item caused a lively discussion within the meeting. There was a
strong objection to the two wind turbines from the majority of the
members present.)
NNDC have met with local businessmen in North Walsham to hear the
concerns of those affected by the gas main works undertaken by RIIo for
Cadent Gas Limited.
North Norfolk visitor centre re-opens its doors this weekend (6th Feb)
after undergoing a complete redesign to showcase the special interest of
the North Norfolk Coast and provide enhanced access facilities for
visitors to Cromer. The Visitor Centre will feature an exciting
“discovery Zone” as part of the NNDC Deep History Coast initiative.
NNDC marked Holocaust Memorial Day by supporting the work of the
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and their stand-together campaign. This was
on the 27th January 2020 to pay respect to the six million people
murdered during the Holocaust under Nazi persecution.
Cllr. C.Ringer (written report read to the meeting)
Community Shop: We had some good coverage of this in the EDP and North
Norfolk News which has helped bring our tally of responses to the survey
up to 145 households which represents nearly 300 individuals. I am now
in the process of collating the results ready to be presented. On this,
hoping the council will agree to a public meeting to be held in late
March. I don’t have a specific date in mind as I’m hoping to have
representatives from Itteringham and Ryburgh stores attend, and
I’m in contact with them. Perhaps the council (who have previously
supported the public meeting proposal) can agree to this time frame in
principle and I can come back with a specific date in the next week/ten
Defibrillator: This was called upon in the last month at the request of
the emergency services. Thankfully it was only retrieved on stand by
and not used. I’ve been contacted because the person sent to retrieve
it could not see to open it, and had to return for a torch, because the
area it is located is too dark. Obviously in the event of someone being
in cardiac arrest this could be the difference between life and
death. Could the council consider the purchase of a sensor light to be
located above the defibrillator? I’d suggest a small solar powered
light would be the easiest to install.
Fly Tipping: I had a fly tipping incident on church road reported to me
recently by a parishioner, which I duly reported to NNDC. From this
they have gathered evidence of a potential offender and they are to be
interviewed under caution. NNDC have pledged to inform us of
Baconsthorpe Castle Footbridge: The bridge on the way to Baconsthorpe
castle has now had a temporary replacement and the right of way
Rock Bodham open meeting: This is taking place on Wednesday evening at
8pm in Bodham Red Hart. Come and hear about what we do, why we do it,
find out about getting involved or pass on some ideas. Councillors and
parishioners are very welcome to attend.
Village Hall Car Park: I have contacted NNDC regarding the car park
offered to us as a potential site for the community shop and weather
that is compatible with the terms offered. However Milo
Creasey from the estate team who we have been dealing with is currently
away. I have forwarded my email to him on to the department and await a
response. Suggest continued deferral on this issue.
7. Community Shop This item was discussed in item 6 (reports) and will
be included on the
March agenda.
8. Planning. PF/20/0148 Manu Et Mente, Hart Lane, Bodham. Change of use
of agricultural
land to additional garden and erection of detached double garage.
The parish council had no objection to this application.
9. Hall Close Car Park licence. See above report. This item sill be
included in the March agenda.
10. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 10/2/2020 £9425.43
There were no invoices requiring approval.
11. There was no Correspondence.
12. Matters for the next agenda. Community Shop, Defibrillator, Car Park
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
held on Monday 13th January 2020 at Bodham Village Hall.
Present. Cllr. P. Cubitt, (chairman), H. Bruford, J. Cable. L. Perrott.
C. Ringer.
Dist Cllr. P. Butikofer and one member of the public. J. Stibbons
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1.Apologies Cllrs. W. Beeson, P. Bedell, County Cllr. S. Aquarone
2.There were no Comments from the floor.
3. There were no declarations of interest
4.The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9th December 2019, having
been previously circulated to the councillors, it was proposed by Cllr.
Bruford that they be approved as correct. This was seconded by Cllr.
Perrott and carried. The chairman then signed the minutes.
5.Matters arising from the minutes.
The damage to the planters in the car park has been reported to the
Dist Cllr. P Butikofer.
Full Council at NNDC last met on the 17th of December 2019.
It being the last meeting before Christmas Council were joined by a
North Norfolk based community music organisation which works with people
with Parkinson’s disease, for a short segment of Christmas music before
the meeting started formally.
We were also joined by Lady Agnew the High Sheriff of Norfolk who was in
attendance to present certificates to three local residents in
recognition of their ‘great and valuable services to the community.
Earlier in the year the three ladies rescued a man who became
unconscious whilst swimming at a local pool, and then administered
lifesaving first aid.
Council then accepted three reports from Cabinet in relation to:
Fees and Charges for the coming year from 1 April 2020
The Treasury Management Half Yearly Report
The Medium Term Financial Strategy
The District Council has been consulted by the county Council and the
Boundary Commission regarding proposed changes to the County Council
Division boundaries. The Council considered two proposals and adopted
one for recommendation as the Councils preferred option for submission
to the boundary commission.
The Council is required by Local Government legislation to convene an
Independent Remuneration Panel to consider Councillors allowances every
four years. Whilst the Cabinet expressed concern about such a review in
the current climate, it is a statutory requirement of the Council to
undertake this review and therefore Council voted for the process to
continue at this time. The panel will review current allowances and make
any recommendations for consideration at a later meeting of Full
There were three motions considered:
Public Fireworks Displays
Adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working
Definition of Anti-Semitism . Support for the Local electricity Bill and
Community-Scale Renewable Energy.
Full Council at NNDC last met on the 17th of December 2019.Councillors
will have heard about the recent serious cliff fall in Trimingham,
please can they continue to help spread the message that no one should
walk or play on or near the cliff edges.
NNDC is aware that it has not always communicated efficiently and has
certainly not been seen as a listening Council by many Parish Councils
in the past. In an effort to change things for the better we have struck
up a working relationship with the North Norfolk parish Council forum
and are planning a series of meetings over the coming year.
All Parishes should have received an invitation to attend the first
event on the 22nd of January 7pm at NNDC.
Council tree planting initiative. The council scheme is to plant 110,000
trees in four years - one for every person in North Norfolk.
North Walsham has now become a Heritage Action Zone.
Funding of £975K has been secured from Historic England programme with
NNDC committed to match this sum through a decision made at cabinet on
22nd November. The four year scheme will begin in April 2020 with a
range of projects to restore and enhance the towns historic character,
making it more attractive, engaging and vibrant place for residents and
North Norfolk has officially received £1M from Sports England towards
the construction of the Splash Leisure centre in Sheringham. Funding was
subject to requirements that ensure the leisure centre would be an asset
to the community and promote health and well being.
The council has approved another £22,000 to community projects in Holt,
North Walsham, and Stalham in the final round of funding from the
Councils Market Town Initiative. Now £400K has been spent.
Still no news on Selbrigg wind turbines.
Brian Hannah, ex Sheringham North councillor died on Wednesday December
29th. He was a key figure in Norfolk politics for more than two decades
but was forced to step down in late 2019 due to poor health. He served
as chair of NCC and represented Sheringham North on NNDC for 21years.
NNDC Sporting Centre of Excellence project once again proven a track
record of success, with three young members taking home gold medals in
the most recent fixture - the Norfolk County Cross Country Championship.
Specialist coaching being offered at Gresham’s school in Holt has
already seen members excelling in their respective sports at County
Latest round of Big Society Awards have been agreed - including Gresham
Village Hall Association - £5000 towards the replacement of new windows
and doors for the village hall Since BSF started in 2012, NNDC has
awarded over £1.96M to 268 community projects in North Norfolk.
BSF will next meet in March 2020. Applications need to be submitted to
the Council’s Health and communities Team by Monday 4th February.
Cllr. Ringer
A temporary fix will be carried out to the bridge on the foot-path to
Baconsthorpe. Walkers are still using the bridge in its present
There has been less fly-tipping recently.
An open meeting of Rock Bodham will be held in the Hart on the 12th
February at 8pm.
This year Rock Bodham will be held on 1st August with the fireworks on
the 7th November.
7.Hall Close Car Park licence.
It was decided to investigate the details of the lease further and
discuss at the next meeting.
8.Community Shop. A report on the proposed Community Shop will be in the
North Norfolk News on Thursday 14th January. In view of this the
deadline for responses will be extended until the end of January. To
date there have been 110 responses with 75% saying they will use the
shop on three or more days a week. There was only one person replied to
say they would not use the shop.
9. Financial matters.
Current bank account Balance at 14/12/2019 £11693.37
The following invoices were approve and cheques signed.
NNDC Election costs £97.75
T.T.Jones Street light maintenance £212.63
NNDC Victory in Europe 75th Anniversary and Battle of Britain 80th
Plug and Go electric car charging points
11.Matters for information only or for the next agenda
Updates on Community shop and Car Park to be included in the February
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
8.35pm |
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
held on Monday 11th November 2019 at Bodham Village Hall.
Present. Cllr. P. Cubitt, (chairman), P. Bedell, H. Bruford, J. Cable.
L. Perrott.
P.C. Graham Gower-Smith and one member of the public. J. Stibbons
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1.Apologies Cllrs. W. Beeson, C. Ringer. County Cllr. S. Aquarone
2.Comments from the floor. A request was made for a donation to Church
funds. The meeting was also informed that the planning application for
change of use to provide the extension of the burial ground had been
refused because of a drainage problem at present. The application has
been withdrawn and will be re-submitted in the spring.
Agenda item 7. Police was brought forward.
PC Gower-Smith is the beat manager for 28 parishes. There were no
criminal matters to report. He has informed Social Housing of the
problems at Sayer Court and the work is on-going. The police attended
the firework display and there were no problems.
The Police are aware of speeding on the main road and will monitor
3. Cllrs. H. Bruford and P Bedell declared an interest in item 11 as
members of the Playing Field Committee.
4.The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14th October 2019, having
been previously circulated to the councillors, it was proposed by Cllr.
Bruford that they be approved as correct. This was seconded by Cllr.
Cable and carried. The chairman then signed the minutes.
5.Matters arising from the minutes.
The car, with wheels removed, on the land opposite the Hart has been
reported to Victory Housing and they will investigate and have it
A written report from County Cllr. Aquarone was read to the meeting and
is attached to these minutes. The main points of his report were:-
Additional government money will be used by NCC to fund overspend in key
departments. County Councils response to the climate emergency.
County Councils Brexit preparations.
A written report from Cllr. Ringer was read to the meeting and is
attached to these minutes.
Comments on Street lighting and Sayer Court which will be covered in
more detail in items7 &8
The village bonfire and fireworks was a success despite the change of
date due to the weather.
Rock Bodham will be holding a quiz night and raffle on December 6th.
The children's Christmas party will be held on December 15th and is open
to all children under 11 years old. This will be followed by carols
round the Christmas tree in the garden of the Red Hart.
The village shop survey will be distributed with the next news letter.
Collection of replies could be arranged for the sake day as the general
election with a collection point at the village hall.
7.Police (see item 2)
8. Street Lights
A reply from County Cllr. S. Aquarone to an enquiry to Highways
confirmed that
“There is no permission required for the installation of a solar powered
light in a private garden”.
This, however, cannot be put on a verge but must remain in private
The original estimate for solar powered lights was for the lamp only,
With supply of a post and delivery the cost will double.
A quotation is being prepared by T.T.Jones but any installation off the
highway or footpath will need the permission of the householder whose
garden is involved and of Broadland Housing as landlords.
Councillors agreed that the best solution was for residents to install
security lights on their own properties.
Ref PF/19/1819 Manu et Mente, Hart Lane, Bodham
Change of use of land from Agriculture to additional garden area and the
erection of a detached double garage with roof space to be used for
ancillary dwelling.
The parish council had no objection to this application.
Ref PF/19/1852 Curlew Cottage, Weybourne Road, Bodham.
Single storey rear extension and garage conversion.
The parish council had no objection to this application
10.Community Shop
A draft survey has been sent to all councillors for comment.
The survey will be distributed with the next news letter. It is hoped to
have a collection point in each village pub, but perhaps the best place
to put one would be in the village hall porch on December 12th (election
day) as this is polling station for the two parishes.
It was agreed by the councillors present that Bodham Parish Council
would not fund the printing of flyers for distribution in East and West
11.Financial matters
A provisional budget for 2020-2021was discussed by the meeting which
included a figure of £8500 for the precept for 2020-2021.
It was proposed by Cllr, Bedell that the budget and precept figure
should be approved. This was seconded by Cllr. Bruford and carried.
It was proposed by Cllr Bruford that a donation of £400 should be made
to the Church. This was seconded by Cllr. Perrott and carried.
It was proposed that a grant of £400 should be made to the Playing Field
to assist with the insurance premium. This was seconded by Cllr. Cable
and carried.
(Cllrs. Bruford and Bedell, having declared an interest in the Playing
Field abstained.)
It was noted that the Current account Balance at 11/11/2019 was
Notification of the proposed route of the underground power cables from
off-shore was noted.
Members felt the laying of these cables was in the National interest and
there would not be any benefit from commenting.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
Item 6 Reports
11th November 2019
Report from Cllr. C. Ringer as read to the meeting
1)Firstly re street light In Hall close: I'm not sure what is in the
minutes and the email from Stefan Aquarone reflect what was actually
discussed. We did discuss a solar street light but not necessarily in a
garden, but on the pavement or similar, like all the others. It would
be stand alone in as much as it wouldn’t need a grid connection. The
advice we need from county is what spec light it would need to be so we
can get the appropriate quote.
2)Secondly, re Sayer Court. Quite a bit of fly tipping as you’ll know
at the back of the estate adjoining Derek Sayers field. A caravan was
(last time I looked) in the garden of number 5 Sayer court and had
someone living in it. A resident of Morgan’s way has been in touch and
is concerned that number 1 have moved all their rubbish from the front
into the back garden and are concerned about 1) Vermin, and 2) that the
resident at no. 1 has had bonfires which they are concerned may spread.
3) Our village Bonfire and Fireworks took place on Sunday 3rd December.
It was scheduled initially for Saturday 2nd but was postponed because
of the met office weather warning for wind. The event was a success
despite the change of date
4) Village Shop. A draft survey was sent out last month however very
few councillors across the 2 parishes sent any feedback. Presumably
that means councillors are happy with it? I would like Bodham PC to
agree to print not only enough surveys for Bodham (which they have
already agreed) but also enough for Beckham too. These will be
distributed with the village newsletter. I hope to have a collection
point in each village pub, but perhaps the best place to put one would
be in the village hall porch on December 12th (election day) as this is
polling station for the two parishes. Any final amendments
of comments please let me know ASAP.
5) There are some parish Xmas celebrations to give councillors notice
of. Firstly Rock Bodham/Bodham Red Hart quiz night on December 6th
including a raffle.
Secondly the village Xmas children’s party is returning this year on
Sunday December 15th in the Village Hall. This is open to all children
under 11 and resident in Bodham or Beckham. Father Christmas will be in
attendance and entertainment from Chilly’s party time.
Finally, after the Christmas party, our third annual carols round the
tree. This will take place after the Xmas party on 15th (time TBC)
around the village tree in the garden of The Red Hart. This event is a
collaboration between the Red Hart, Rock Bodham and sponsored by North
Norfolk Glazing. This is a great community event so please do support.
Item 6 Reports
14th November 2019
Report from County Councillor Stefan Aquarone as read to the meeting.
More money for Councils?
Last month I reported on the potential extra funding for local
authorities announced by the Government Sajid Javid. Sadly, the County
Council’s priorities appear to be unchanged by this news: the additional
money will essentially be used to continue to fund the overspend in key
departments. My ongoing concern is that this overspend - caused by more
people needing to access statutory services that the Council is legally
required to provide - is the result of years of cuts to public services
across the board that have left everyone worse off, and have pushed some
of our council’s most vulnerable people into severe hardship.
As we enter into the next phase of the budget-setting process, my
priority as your county councillor will be trying to lobby for the areas
of greatest pressure - in particular the Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG),
the previous cuts to which the controlling Conservatives show little
sign of wavering on. The MIG is the level of income below which
households do not have to pay towards the cost of adult social care.
Reducing the MIG to the lowest level it can be legally has left some of
Norfolk’s poorest with £60 a week less to live on.
As Liberal Democrats, reversing these changes remains our biggest
priority in proposing amendments to the County Council’s budget at our
next Full Council meeting in November.
Along with this, we will continue to make the case for setting up a
£500,000 fund for public transport innovation, as well as putting
forward policies for how the council could make better use of the money
councillors decided to pay to themselves when they increased their
allowances in 2017.
On that note, I’m pleased to remind you that the small fund I set up
personally to distribute my pay rise is still open for business. Any
local community causes may apply - just send me an email!
County Council’s Response to the Climate Emergency
In my capacity as Liberal Democrat spokesperson for Climate Change, I am
pleased to report that the cross-party Task and Finish Group set up by
the council to report on the climate emergency has made good progress.
It all hangs on whether the Conservative-controlled council accepts our
recommendations at its next meeting on 25th November. On the one hand, I
am encouraged by the group’s approach, on the other hand, the County
Council still refuses to declare a climate emergency. Watch this
County Council’s Brexit Preparations
As you will know the Liberal Democrats’ long-held position is to stop
Brexit, but as responsible politicians at all levels we must be prepared
for all scenarios.
Tel.: 01603 327827Report from your County Councillor, Cllr Steffan
I was therefore shocked at the last Full Council meeting on 23rd
September, when the County Council refused to publish its plans for what
to do in the event of a No Deal Brexit. The Government’s own Operation
Yellowhammer documents state what could be the effects of no deal, which
include a reduction in choice and availability of food, the potential
price increases for utilities, food and fuel, a rise in public disorder
and community, and tensions resulting from a shortage of food and drugs.
These views are indeed confirmed in Norfolk County Council’s EU “No
deal” Exit Strategy, which also raises other issues such as disruption
to care provision and food supply chain problems to Norfolk schools and
care homes.
I’m sure, whatever your views on Brexit, you’ll agree that preparedness
should be central to our concern as your local council.
Reminder about Parish Council Attendance until January
My wife and I are expecting our second child later this year so until
January I will be limiting my evening schedule further – but keeping
myself just as available the rest of the time. If there are items of
business on the Parish Council agenda that require my presence in person
then I will, of course, prioritise my attendance. |
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
held on Monday 14th October 2019 at Bodham Village Hall.
Present. Cllrs. W. Beeson, (chairman), P. Bedell, H. Bruford, J. Cable.
L. Perrott. C. Ringer.
Dist. Cllr. P. Butikofer, and three members of the public. J. Stibbons
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1.Apologies Cllr. P. Cubitt,
2.Comments from the floor. The meeting was again informed of the ongoing
problem with some children, especially in Hart Lane. Stones are being
thrown at cars and they are playing “Chicken” in the road. Their
own safety is at risk and a notice will be placed in the Bodham Village
News warning of the dangers. The Police and Broadland Housing have
been informed and the Police are to be asked for a meeting with
councillors to discuss the problem.
3.There were no declarations of interest.
4.The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9th September 2019, having
been previously circulated to the councillors, it was proposed by Cllr.
Bedell that they be approved as correct. This was seconded by Cllr.
Bruford and carried. The chairman then signed the minutes.
5.Matters arising from the minutes. Community shop, The circular to be
delivered to every household is nearly complete, a copy is to sent to
the Beckham council for inclusion in their quarterly magazine.
A car, with wheels removed, has been left on the land opposite the Hart.
It would appear that it has been dumped. Police are to be
District Councillor P. Butikofer. The Splash is under construction and
should be ready by 2002.
The council wants a Government grant of £935000 to be spent in North
Council Tax can be increased on empty properties by 200%.
The Corporate Plan includes providing homes for local people and sustain
business growth.
The plan for an extra 150 homes for Holt has been put on hold due to
lack of parking.
Environmental Health have carried out more successful prosecutions
including a £30,000 fine for non-removal of Asbestos.
Cllr. Ringer. The firework display will be held on 2nd. November. All
combustibles to be delivered on the morning of 2nd. The fireworks will
start at 7pm and cost of entry is £3 per ticket.
Police visited regarding thefts of the allotments but nothing further
has happened. It is necessary to have proof of who is responsible and
allotment holders need to be vigilant and report any further problems to
the police, with proof.
Either dial 101 or go to the web site - Report It/Norfolk Constabulary.
There has been no decision on the Wind Turbine to date.
7. The Police were unable to attend the meeting
8. Street light Hall Close. Hall Close is being designated a highway and
it would be extremely difficult and expensive to have a further street
light standard installed.
The possibility of having a solar powered light installed in the edge of
a garden is being investigated. Relevant permissions and further costs
are to be obtained.
9. The recently reported Fly Tipping has been cleared.
10. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 14/10/2019 £12808.55
To following invoices were reviewed and payments approved
TT Jones Lantern replacement £174.59
Indigo Waste Glass collection £21.60
11. Correspondence none
12.Matters for information only or for the next agenda.
The alterations to the car park and the repair of the footpath have not
yet been carried out,Broadland housing are to be contacted.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham parish council will be on Monday 11th
November 2019
Minutes of the Meeting of Bodham Parish Council
held on Monday 8th July 2019 at Bodham Village Hall.
Present. Cllrs. P. Cubitt,(chairman), P. Bedell,H. Bruford, J. Cable. L.
Perrott. C. Ringer.
County Cllr. S. Aquarone, Dist. Cllr. P. Butikofer, and one member of
the public.
J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies None
2. There were no comments or questions on the agenda from members of the
3. There were no declarations of interest.
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 10th June 2019, having been
previously circulated to
the councillors, it was proposed by Cllr. Cable that they be approved as
correct. This was seconded by
Cllr. Perrott and carried. The chairman then signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
A letter has been sent to all allotment holders regarding chicken
welfare on the allotments.
The situation is still not satisfactory and a further letter will be
sent and inspections made by
members of the parish council. If this lack of welfare continues the
RSPCA will be informed.
6. Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors.
County Cllr. S Aquarone.
Norfolk county council are taking a lead on climate change. Children's
services are to be reduced. But this is being imposed.
Hall close costs for transferring lights is being looked at.
District Cllr P. Botikofer
A wind turbine planning review is being undertaken. The North Norfolk
District Council appeal to the court of appeal has been refused. The
plans will be decided by a planning inspector.
North Norfolk district council monthly surgeries will be held on the
30th of July 27th of August 24th of September 29th of October , 26th
November and 17th December.
Successful prosecutions have taken place for fly-tipping. More trade
waste customers are being licensed to collect waste.
There is an environmental forum on climate change to be announced.
The local plan second draught is under discussion and Bodham is classed
as countryside which allows up to 5 houses with infill.
North Norfolk district council plan to plant 90000 trees in the next 3
Comments/reports from Parish Councillors
It was asked if more fly tipping patrols by NNDC could be undertaken at
Bodham Woods.
The meeting was informed that Mr. Harmer had been strimming round the
village and a letter of thanks is to be sent.
A conservation study is being undertaken at the moment in the village
but unfortunately two moth traps have been stolen.
The deeds for the gas installation at the playing field are not yet to
hand which has delayed the legal processes for finalising the lease.
Rock-Bodham will be held on the 27th of July.
BT have cut trees at Bodham common under power lines but could not shred
the pieces.
They have been cut up into logs and left.
7. To Consider the announcement by Youngs to plant trees on the car
It was asked who is responsible for the upkeep of the car parks? The
parish council do not want any
alterations to go ahead until a meeting has been held with Youngs as the
proposals would reduce
parking places. The gate to the car park must be retained but the parish
council do not object to
wooden fencing.
Youngs are to be contacted to ask if a site meeting with the parish
council could be arranged.
8. Community shop
The Plunkett Foundation have provided some useful information and
suggest a questionnaire should go out
to all residents during the summer.
Beckham parish council are to be contacted to see if they are willing to
support the project.
9. To consider support for a new churchyard.
It was agreed at the last meeting that the parish council would support
the new churchyard but this
cannot be progressed further until costs are available.
10. Street lighting Hall Close.
Norfolk County Council have not yet indicated if the two new lights can
be taken over by the parish
council. Members inspected the possible sites for a third light which
was suggested should be
placed at the junction adjacent to No.30
11. A148 pedestrian crossing
Request the Police to increase patrols to monitor speeding.
12. Planning.
The clerk asked if members would indicate their wishes to him on future
planning applications.
If there was opposition to any plans an emergency meeting could be
called. If there was no reply to a
planning application sent out then it would be assumed that there was no
13. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 8/7/2019 £11777.07
To approve payment to T T Jones electrical, Street light maintenance,
All Councillors Election expense claims are completed and handed to the
clerk for delivery to
14. Correspondence. None
15. Matters for information only or the next agenda.
It was noted that a garden hedge was still causing blockage of the
footpath making it necessary for pedestrians to walk in the A148. It was
agreed that the hedge will be cut back as it has not been possible to
contact the owner.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Bodham Parish
held on Monday 13th May 2019 at Bodham Village Hall.
Present. Cllrs. W. Beeson,(chairman) H. Bruford, J. Cable. L. Perrott.
P. Bedell, C. Ringer
Two members of the public J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.34pm
1. Apologies Cllr. P. Cubitt County Cllr. S. Aquarone
2. As this was the first meeting after an election all members of the
new council were required to sign
Acceptance of Office agreements and Register of members interests forms.
3. It was proposed by P. Bedell that P. Cubitt be asked to remain as
chairman for the coming year.
This was seconded by L. Perritt. The proposal was approved on a show of
hands with one abstention.
P. Bedell then proposed that W. Beeson be elected as Vice-chairman This
was seconded by L. Perrott and
4. There were no comments or questions on the agenda from members of the
5. There were no declarations of interest
6. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th March 2019, having
been previously circulated to
the councillors, it was proposed by P. Bedell that they be approved as
correct. This was seconded by H.
Bruford and carried.
7. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
8. County Councillor S. Aquarone A written report was circulated to
members and is attached to
these minutes.
H. Bruford reported that the 1801 document has been digitised and is
stored in the Norfolk
County Archives for safe keeping. A copy has also been added to the
Bodham web site.
The disc containing the original copy was handed to the clerk for safe
C. Ringer A litter pick took place on 7th April. Extra litter picking
tools were needed and these
will be available in future. They will be stored in Mr. Brufords garage
until required.
There has been interest shown by some members of the parish in
re-establishing a village shop and this will be investigated further by
the council.
9. Gas Installation. Approval was given for the payment of £1800 to
Hayes and Storr for preparing,
drafting and finalising the lease for the Gas Installation as already
agreed. It was agreed with the Gas
company that all legal fees would be reimbursed on completion.
10. The Insurance quotation of £590.46 from Zurich Municipal for
2019-2020 was reviewed and
11. Street Lights A further update is required and County Cllr. Aquarone
is to be contacted.
12. Notice Board. Three quotations were received for the supply of a new
notice board. It was
proposed by H Bruford that the quotation of £750 from G. Goody be
accepted, as this was the lowest of the
three prices. This was seconded by L. Perrott and approved.
13. Financial matters.
After approval by the councillors the Certificate of Exemption from Full
Audit for 2018-19 was signed
The Year End accounts submitted to the meeting were approved and signed
by the chairman
The annual governance statement was read to the meeting. It was then
approved and signed by the chairman.
After a review of cheque signatories it was agreed to add Mr. Bruford
and Mr. Bedell as further signatories.
Current account Balance at 13/5/2019 was £11003.86
The following outstanding invoices were approved by the meeting and
cheques signed .
Zurich Municipal Insurance £590.46
J. Bishop Internal Auditor £30.00
Hayes and Storr Gas installation lease £1,800.00
15. Correspondence
* Local Plan Consultation dates were duly noted.
* Pedestrian safety on the A148. An email from a parishioner raised
concerns regarding Pedestrian safety in crossing the A148. A young girl
was recently knocked down and it could have been much more serious. It
was agreed to contact County Cllr. Aquarone with a view to arranging a
site meeting with interested parties, including Highways to see if
improvements could be made.
* Improved Ambulance response times. The parish council were in full
support of a Campaign to improve Ambulance response times in North
16. Requested items to be included in the June agenda were:-
* A Community Shop.
* Support for a new churchyard.
* A donation to Rock Bodham.
* Further update on street lights.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham parish council will be on Monday 10th June
2019 |
Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council
on Monday 11th March 2019 at Bodham Village Hall.
Present. Cllrs.P. Cubitt,(chairman) W. Beeson, P. Bedell, H. Bruford, J.
Cable. L. Perrott.
County Cllr. S.Aquarone. Two members of the public J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.33pm
1. Apologies Dist.Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes.
2. Comments or Questions from members of the public.
It was reported that there was a bright light shining directly onto
oncoming traffic in Weybourne Road. The occupier is to be approached to
see if this light can be slightly moved.
3. There were no declarations of interest
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th February 2019, having
been previously circulated, were approved by the members present and
signed by the chairman
5. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
6. Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors.
The Parish Council are to grant a lease to the Gas company for the piece
of land on the playing field where the gas regulator is placed.
The land deeds form 1800 are to be digitised and placed in the County
Archives. There will be a small cost for this service.
New bus timetabled will be installed in April.
The Parish noticeboard has started to rot. It was agreed to seek a quote
for a replacement.
A written report for District Councillor G. Perry-Warnes was received by
all councillors and is attached to these minutes. It was noted that the
report stated that the grant of £3000 to the village hall was
conditional, however this grant has been approved and has now been paid.
A written report from County Cllr. S. Aquarone was handed to members and
is attached to these minutes
7. Planning ADV/19/0239 Internally illuminated fascia sign, Crayford and
This application was approved by the meeting
8. Clothing Bank. The proposed site for the clothes bank has been
inspected and more information will be available for the next meeting
9. Street lighting Hall Close.
The following reply was sent to County Cllr. S. Aquarone in reply to his
enquiries regarding an extra street light in Hall Close
Apologies for not responding to this earlier, I’ve taken a look into the
history of the street lighting on Phase 1 and Phase 2 of this
development to understand what might have happened with regard to the
adoption of the lights.From what I understand, the street lighting on
Phase 1 was originally designed as ‘footway standard’ lighting (as per
attached drawing) back in 2007. This is the standard the lighting would
need to be if it were to be adopted by the Parish, indicating that the
original intention was for the street lighting to be adopted by the
parish. Norfolk County Council’s current policy is that we will only
adopt new lighting on developments where there is a highways safety
requirement for it, however the lighting installation would need to be
to a ‘highway standard’.
If the lighting on Phase 1 was originally intended to be adopted by NCC,
we would also require lighting on Phase 2 as this would be a
continuation of an existing lighting system.
I have attached a letter sent to the developer, which confirms that we
consulted with the parish on their requirements. As the lighting on
phase 2 of this development was offered to the parish, this also
indicates that the lighting on phase 1 was not intended to be taken over
by NCC.
It looks like an email was mistakenly sent to our contractor at the time
the phase 1 highway was adopted and as a result, Norfolk County Council
have being paying for the maintenance of these columns ever since.
At this stage, it would be difficult for Norfolk County Council to adopt
the additional street lighting that is being requested by the residents
as this would be a continuation of ‘footway lighting’ on a stretch of
highway which does not have any highway safety requirement for lighting,
which would be in contradiction to our policy.
If the parish would like to install any new street lights further up
Hall Close, we can transfer the maintenance of the columns on phase 1 to
them which are to a footway standard, this would give the parish full
control of all the lighting on Hall Close which we believe was the
original intention?
I’m happy to have a discussion about this as I’m basing my email on the
limited records we have available and as I wasn’t in the department at
the time, cannot be sure what the original intention was.
Kind Regards,
Cameron Main, Senior Technician (Street Lighting) Community &
Environmental Services
County Cllr. Aquarone is to make further enquiries and report to the
next Parish Council meeting.
10 District and Parish Elections.
Nomination forms for those members wishing to be re-elected were
competed aqnd handed to the clerk for forwarding on to North Norfolk
District Council.
11. Financial matters.
The Current account Balance at 11 March 2019 was £12,040.06
The following invoices were approved for payment and cheques signed.
J. Stibbons Salary and expenses £571.20
HMRC PAYE £116.40
12. There was no correspondence
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council
on Monday 11th February 2019 at Bodham Village Hall.
Present. Cllrs.P. Cubitt,(chairman) P. Bedell, H. Bruford, J. Cable. L.
Three members of the public J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.32pm
1. Apologies Cllr.W. Beeson, County Cllr. S.Aquarone. Dist.Cllr. G.
2. There were no Comments or Questions on the agenda from members of the
3. There were no declarations of interest
4. It was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that the minutes of the meeting held
on Monday 14th
January 2019 be approved as correct. This was seconded by Cllr. Bedell.
and approved by
the members present. The chairman then signed the minutes.
5. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
6. A report from County Cllr. S. Aquarone, (read to the meeting by the
County Council budget
We are in budget preparation mode again, and the politicians who control
Council Council have begun to finalise their budget for the financial
year 2019/2020. It may already have come to your attention that
there is a plan to lower the minimum income level below which people do
not have to contribute to the cost of their adult social care. We
are deeply concerned about this and believe it will push a number of
people into a desperate position. The current threshold, below
which care cost contributions are not required, is around £17k and the
proposed new level, which is legally the minimum the Council can
possibly set it to is £13k.Along with reversing the proposed closures to
Children’s Centres, this is one of the issues we are fighting hardest
about in the run up to the budget. Please do get in touch if any
constituents are able to share personal stories of what it might mean to
them, and likewise if we can offer any help to them working out what
they are entitled to.
Mobile phone coverage
Jacob has already written to clerks explaining the latest development in
my campaign to improve phone signal in Norfolk. You may remember
me mentioning that the Council is compiling a list of sites that may be
available for small transmitters as they look to find solutions to the
many ‘not spots’ that still exist. These transmitters work to boost the
mobile signal but are so small as to be virtually unnoticeable.
Parish Councils and the wider community are now invited to recommend any
sites they own that may be suitable for small cell transmitters. These
will be added to a database that the council is using in its ongoing
discussion with mobile network operators, and includes over 200 sites
the council itself owns.
7. Street lights.
There is an issue with any proposal to amend the lighting in the
new/additional portion of Hall Close as this is already lit by Norfolk
County Council assets which, unlike the Parish’s street lighting, which
are to “Footway” Lighting Category (no specific lighting standard
required), these assets are designated as “Highway” Lighting Category
and as such there is a specific standard/level of lighting that they
have to meet and there are also limits to prevent over lighting within
this standard. Any attempt by the Parish to introduce additional
lighting into this design would be
resisted by Norfolk County Council. Any requests to change this
lighting design should be made to Norfolk County Council in order to
have the scheme reviewed.
It was agreed to request County Cllr. S. Aquarone to progress this
further in an attempt to have the situation reviewed.
8. Clothing Bank. - A request from the Salvation Army and EEEA to pace a
clothing collection box in the parish was approved. It was suggested
that the box should be placed at the bottle bank and waste paper
collecting point opposite The Hart.
9. Antique Maps – A copy of the Bodham Enclosure documents 1810 were on
view at the meeting. It was agreed that they should be scanned and
displayed on the web site. The originals are to be placed in the
County Archives.
10. Gas installation -A fee of £60 per week had been agreed with the
contractors for the use of the compound for storing soil while work was
in progress.
11. Bus timetable – A bus timetable has been supplied by Sanders
12 Cars Eyes – Removed Cats Eyes will be replace when the gas
installation is complete.
13. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 11/2/2019 £11,418.86
There are no outstanding invoices .
14. Correspondence. Information from “Carers Matter”, an organisation
supporting carers in Norfolk. Further information can be seen in the
Bodham Village News.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be on Monday 11th March
2019 |
Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council
on Monday 14th January 2019 at Bodham Village Hall.
Present. Cllrs.W. Beeson,(chairman) P. Bedell, H. Bruford, J. Cable. L.
Six members of the public J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.32pm
1. Apologies Cllr. P. Cubitt, County Cllr. S. Aquarone.
2. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
There was an enquiry from a resident of Hall Close as to why a further
street light had not been provided. The parish council are awaiting a
quotation from T.T.Jones for the installation of a further light. It is
hoped this quotation will be available for the Febuary meeting.
A fence is also required on the edge of the footpath. The developers are
to be contacted.
3. There were no declarations of interest.
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 10th December 2018 were
approved as correct and signed by the chairman.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
An agreement for the gas installation at the playing field has been
settled. There is to be a twenty five year lease granted, the annual
rent being £500. The installation of the new gas line is expected to
take seven weeks.
The two bus shelters are in operation but the bus timetables need
The Felbeck Trust have visited the Bodham Common and will produce a
management plan. A Trustee of the charity will address a future parish
council meeting if requested.
6. Reports from Parish Councillors. Cllr. Bruford reported that he had
been handed maps and documents from the Encolsures of 1808 which he will
bring to the next meeting.
7. Planning PF/18/2309 – Manu Et Mente, Hart Lane, Bodham.
Erection of two storey rear/side extension annex.
The parish council had no objection to this application.
8. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 14/1/2019 £11595.13
The following outstanding invoice were approved and cheques signed.
T.T.Jones Street lighting maintenance £170.66
Indigo Waste Glass collection £20.40
9. Correspondence
A letter from Mr. C. Ringer, which had been sent to all members of the
Parish Council, was read to the meeting. Five points were raised:-
1. Fly Tipping.
Councillors are aware of the fly tipping problem within the parish and
will report any instances that they find, or that are reported to them.
2. Dog Mess Patrols: Because of an increase in dog mess, particularly on
the school loke NNDC Environmental Protect team have added that area to
their regular patrols.
3. Street lights in Hall Close – this item is covered in 2 above
(Comments and Questions)
4. White Gates. These were approved as a safety feature on the dangerous
5. Village Litter Pick. Litter-picking is already carried out most
months, organised by Cllr. Bedell. There are several "picker poles"
available from Cllr. Bruford if anyone else volunteers to help.
10. Matters for information or for the next agenda.
It was noted that the “Cats Eyes” had been removed from the Cromer Road.
Highways are to be contacted.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next Bodham Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 11th
February 2019 |
Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council
on Monday 10th December 2018 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman), P. Bedell, H. Bruford, J. Cable
Two members of the public J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies Cllr. W. Beeson, County Cllr. S. Aquarone. Dist. Cllr. G.
2. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
Item 8.The front of the bus shelter on the North side of the main road
has had the front
reduced but the buses are still stopping in the road. Sanders are to
check if it is now possible for the
buses to use the designated bus stop.
3. There were no declarations of interest
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12th November 2018, having
been previously
circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that they were correct.
This was seconded by Cllr.
Bedell and approved by the members present. The chairman then signed the
5. Matters arising from the minutes
Item 7 Street light at Hall Close. TT Jones can install a street light
in Hall Close at the corner of the
car park. On instruction from the parish council they will contact UKPN
and request a quotation for
the new UMS supply at this location. No planning consent would be
requires for this installation but
Norfolk County Council should be advised that this additional asset
would be within the scope of
“Foot-way Lighting”
Item11 Water on Rectory Road – Highways reply - “No action has been
taken at this time but we will continue to monitor the problem -We have
assessed that the defect does not currently meet our intervention
criteria. We will continue to monitor as part of normal scheduled
6. Reports.
A written report from District Cllr. Perry-Warnes was circulated to the
members before the meeting.
A copy of this report is attached to these minutes.
7. Gas Installation There is no further information at present.
8. Bus Shelter See agenda item 2.
9. Planning PF/18/2154 Extension 6, Cromer Road.
The Parish Council had no objection to this application
10. Bodham Common. A resident of High Kelling informed the clerk that
three Birch trees had blown partly down and were a danger when using the
footpath. The trees have since been cut down and the timber left at the
side of the track.
It was agreed to contact the Felbeck Trust, a charity which uses
volunteer labour to restore derelict areas to improve the habitat for
wildlife, to enquire if they would be interested in improving the
common. They provide their own equipment and are fully insured.
11. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 12/11/2018 is £13992
The following outstanding invoice were reviewed and payment approved.
Cheques were signed as follows:-
Bodham Village Hall Room Hire £90
J. Stibbons Salary/expenses £563.94
HMRC PAYE £116.40
12. Correspondence Letters of thanks for donation from PCC and Playing
13. The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be held on Monday
14th January 2019
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council
on Monday 12th November 2018 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman), W. Beeson, P. Bedell, H. Bruford,
J. Cable
County Cllr. S. Aquarone. Four members of the public J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies Cllr. L. Perrott. Dist Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes.
A letter of resignation from Mr John Mack was presented to the meeting.
2. Co-option Mr. Jonathon Cable was co-opted to serve as a member of the
parish council.
3. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
There were questions on item 10. This application was strongly opposed
from the floor.
It was also noted that there was an uneven pavement in Roseacre estate.
4. Declaration of Interest. Cllrs. Bedell and Bruford declared an
interest in item 12
5. The Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 8th October 2018 were
approved correct by the
members present and signed by the chairman.
6. Matters arising from the minutes. The Gas installation has yet to be
resolved but a decision is
likely in the next few days.
7. Any reports from County, District or Parish Councillors.
County Cllr. S. Aquerone.
Mobile Libraries are to be saved.
Childrens services are to be cut by half. All but seven centres will be
Speed awareness signs are to be moved regularly and a schedule will be
Dist. Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes.
A report was sent but was not received in time for the meeting. Copies
were sent to all members and
a copy is attached to these minutes.
Cllr. Bedell – had been contacted to ask if street lights could be
provided in Hall Close.
At the planning stage of the development the parish council had been
asked if they wished to
provide street lights in Hall Close but the likely costs were too great
for the parish council to afford
and it was decided not to go ahead. See Minutes Bodham Parish Council
11th July 2016. (Item 11).
8. Church This item was deleted from the agenda before the meeting.
9. Bus Shelter The contractors are aware of the problem and the shelter
will be repositioned.
10. Planning
Appeal PO/17/2115 Erection of detached single storey dwelling at 15,
Hart Lane, Bodham.
Should anything extra to the original comments need to be added, written
objections should be
sent direct, supplying three copies, to:-
Planning Inspectorate, Temple Key House, 2,The Square, Bristol. BS1 6PN,
by 27/11/2018
11. Water on Rectory Road No further progress has been made and the
Highways Engineer is to be contacted again. It appears that the pipe
under the road is blocked.
12 Financial matters.
The Budget for 2019-2020 was considered.
It was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that the precept for 2019-2020 should
remain unchanged at £8000.
This was seconded by Cllr. Bedell and unanimously approved by the
The budget was then approved.
Current account Balance at 12/11/2018 £13992
The following outstanding invoice were approve and cheques signed:-
Indigo Waste Services Glass collection £20.40
J. Stibbons Computer update(£69.99) and CCTV sign(£17.96) £87.95
NNDC Dog bins emptying £411.84
It was unanimously agreed to give a donation of £700 to Bodham Playing
Field Assn. To help with the high cost of the insurance premium.
It was also unanimously agreed to give a donation of £400 to the
Parochial Church Council towards the upkeep of the churchyard.
13. Correspondence Bodham Church request for donation.(See item12 above)
14. Matters for the next agenda. Gas Installation, Bus Shelter
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be on Monday 10th
December 2018
North Norfolk District Council report November 2018
Cllr. Georgie Perry-Warnes
* North Norfolk District Council has been pioneering an award winning
approach to bringing empty homes back into use across the district.
Using an ‘enforcement board’, collaborative approach for the last four
years the Council has helped to bring hundreds of homes back into use
through a wide range of action from working together with owners to
support renovations, demolition and re-building to taking enforcement
action and undertaking compulsory purchase where owners fail to make
positive changes. Currently, less than 1% of North Norfolk’s housing
stock is classed as being empty which is below the national average. In
the last twelve months, North Norfolk District Council has reduced the
number of empty properties by 20% from 603 to 482.
* The second North Norfolk Business Awards are now open for entries –
and businesses across the district are being encouraged to put
themselves forward to win one of the prestigious titles. The 2019 awards
(#NNBA19) are being organised and hosted by North Norfolk District
Council. The 2018 awards, which were held back in February, saw scores
of entries, and it is expected that the competition will be even
stronger this time. Following feedback, the number of categories has
been increased to eight with the introduction of a Small Business award.
It means that businesses of all sizes and in all sectors should be able
to find a suitable category to enter. The awards are free to enter.
Judging will take place early in 2019. Once the shortlists have been
drawn up, the awards night will be held at Gresham’s School, Holt, in
February, where the eight winners will be unveiled. The full list
Page 573
of categories is Agriculture, Horticulture & Countryside; Business
Growth; Environment; Innovation; New Business; Small Business; Tourism &
Hospitality; and Young People & Skills. To enter, please visit
* North Norfolk District Council (NNDC) has announced that the latest
Big Society Volunteer Awards will take place at Sheringham Little
Theatre on 29th November. Nominations for the awards are up by a third
from last year and the judging panel has some tough decisions to make.
The nominations will be whittled down to three finalists in each of the
seven categories. NNDC would like to thank everyone who has taken part
in the nomination process.
* North Norfolk District Council (NNDC) has launched its Holt Country
Park photography competition. Each month over the coming year, the
council is accepting entries of your photos of the park. The photos must
have been taken in the month immediately preceding submission. Each
monthly winner will collect a small prize. At the end of the 12 months,
the winning photographs will be used in a Holt Country Park 2020
calendar. You don’t have to have the best equipment to win – just the
photograph which the judges like the most! You can submit your images
online by using #HCPhotoComp
on Twitter or Instagram, or send them to
For competition rules, visit
Follow Holt Country Park on Facebook at
* Universal credit arrived in Cromer Jobcentre Plus from October. Once
fully rolled out, universal credit will reach half of all children in
the UK. In North Norfolk, there are 5,800 families claiming tax credits
(that includes 9,500 children), so a similar number of families are
likely to be claiming universal credit eventually. The End Child Poverty
coalition produces annual local child poverty statistics. In North
Norfolk, 4,357 children, or 26% of all children, are living in poverty
* Holt Country Park will be hosting a Christmas trail through the woods.
Children and families are invited to come along on December 19 and 20 to
meet Father Christmas and his farm animals, a small toy will be given to
every child. In addition to meeting Father Christmas, children will also
learn how animals are traditionally used in woodland management to help
increase wildlife species. There will be two opportunities to meet
Father Christmas each day between 10am – 12pm and 1pm – 3pm. Tickets
cost £5 per child (parents must accompany children throughout) and can
be pre-booked along with parking spaces (£1) at our online booking site
accessed via NNDC’s website.
* North Norfolk District Council (NNDC) has boosted the number of litter
pickers available along the coast following the huge popularity and
success of the #2minutebeachclean campaign. NNDC has received enquiries
from larger groups keen to join in the campaign. NNDC provides thick
plastic bin bags with hoops and will collect the rubbish the groups find
at the beach. It means that more people can use the beach-cleaning
equipment, which has been available for smaller groups for some time to
help keep the district’s beaches (six of them being Blue Flag beaches)
rubbish-free. The #2minutebeachclean has been a popular activity for
many along the North Norfolk coast since they were introduced in 2017.
To request the hire of the equipmente call 01263 513811 or email |
Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council
on Monday 8th October 2018 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman), P. Bedell, L. Perrott. H. Bruford,
Two members of the public J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies Cllr. W. Beeson, County Cllr. S. Aquarone, Dist. Cllr. G.
2. There were no comments or questions on the agenda.
3. There were no declarations of interest.
4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 10th September
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 10th
September 2018 be approved. The chairman then signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
The owners of the Old Post Office are to be contacted to ask if the post
box can be relocated. It was suggested that it could be placed at the
village hall.
It was reported that the speed awareness cameras have been moved.
The clerk has written to the new occupier of No2 Cromer Road to ask for
the hedge overhanging the footpath to be cut.
A sign is to be purchased and placed in the Marlpit Lane warning that a
CCTV camera may be in operation in an attempt to discourage “fly
6. Any reports from County, District or Parish Councillors.
A written report from Dist. Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes was circulated to the
members before the meeting.
A copy of the report is attached to these minutes.
7. Bus Shelter
A parishioner has written to the council concerning the small bus
shelter. The back is in clear plastic – which is already cracked - and
the rear panel should have been green not clear. The shelter also needs
moving back nearer to the garden wall.
Youngs and Highways are discussing improvements.
The clerk reported that the two bus shelters have been included on the
insurance policy. There will be no extra cost until renewal when there
will be an increase of £59.41. The two shelters are valued at £11,000
8. Gas installation A satisfactory agreement is still being negotiated
by the Property manager appointed by the solicitors.
9. Village Gates.
A quotation of £200-250 was received from Highways for a notice to be
attached to the village gates on the Holt end of the main road reading
“BODHAM Please drive carefully”.
It was unanimously agreed that two signs should be ordered, one for each
10. Water on Rectory Road This item will be discussed at the next
meeting when more information should be available.
11. Planning PF/18/1412 Erecton of single storey and two storey rear
extension at
6, Cromer Road . This application has been reinstated.
The parish council had no objection to this application..
12. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 8/10/2018 £16994.75
A cheque was signed for the outstanding invoice from T.T.Jones
Electrical Ltd. of £2888.66.for Street light maintenance and replacement
of eleven updated lights.
This expenditure was approved at the parish council meeting held on 10th
September 2018.
13 Correspondence
* Royal Mail scam. Notice placed on notice board.
* Centenary of WW1 Armistice – Flanders poppy seeds were distributed to
members to be planted as a continual remembrance.
14 Matters for the next agenda. Budgets, Donations, Church.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council
on Monday 10th September 2018 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman), P. Bedell, L. Perrott. H. Bruford,
J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies Cllr. W. Beeson, County Cllr. S. Aquarone, Dist. Cllr. G.
2. There were no comments or questions on the agenda.
3. There were no declarations of interest.
4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9th July 2018
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the minutes of the meeting
held on Monday 9th July 2018 be approved. The chairman then signed the
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
Post Box. It was noted that for the relocation of the post box to take
place the request should come from the owner of the property.
6. Reports
Written reports from County and District Councillors were circulated to
council members before the meeting and copies are attached to these
Parish Councillors reports.
* The speed awareness sign is now in place.
* The Sixteen new houses will be completed by the end of September.
* The new bus shelter near the school is excellent but the other shelter
extends too far into the road. Buses cannot pull in. Youngs have been
contacted to speak with Sanders to try and find a satisfactory solution.
* The gate to the car park has been repaired at a cost of £95
7. Street Lights. It was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that the quotation
from T.T. Jones to supply and install eleven complete lantern and socket
sets at £195+VAT each be accepted.
This was seconded by Cllr. Bedell and approved by the members.
8. Fly Tipping. A sign is to be erected in the Marl Pits lane warning
that a surveillance camera is in place.
9. Lorry traffic through village. There was nothing the Parish Council
could do about lorries coming through the village. Alternative routes
were in place but these were only for traffic supplying the Solar Farm
while it was under construction.
10. Victory Housing. It was noted that No,2 Cromer Road had been sold. A
letter is to be sent to the new owner asking for the trees over the
footpath to be trimmed.
11. Gas installation There were ongoing discussions with solicitors and
land agents to fix a satisfactory price.
12. Village Gates. The gateways on the Holt side of the village need to
have a sign saying “BODHAM Please reduce your speed”. Highways will be
13. Water on Rectory Road There was no further information on this item.
14. Planning
PF/18/1411 Alterations to south/west elevations and conversion of
offices and kitchen to car showroom/reception and re-location of toilet
facilities Crayford And Abbs, Weydourne Rd,
PF/18/1412 Erection of single and two storey extension. 6, Cromer Road,
PF/18/1413 Construction of flat roof installation with two roof lanterns
over existing closed courtyard.. Brick Cottage The Street, Bodham.
The Parish Council had no objections to any of these applications.
15. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 10/09/2018 £13800.49
To review the following outstanding invoices and approve payment.
0.00 Sharprint Printer service £303.08
J. Stibbons Salary and expenses £566.37
HMRC PAYE £116.40
16 Correspondence Holt Community First Response. To make the parish
council aware that the defibrillator would need replacing in a few years
time and necessary provisions should be made in future budgets.
17 There were no matters for information or the next agenda.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be on Monday 8th October
Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council
on Monday 9th July 2018 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. P. Bedell, (chairman), L. Perrott. H. Bruford, M
One member of the public J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
As the Chairman and Vice Chairman were not present it was proposed by
Cllr. Perrott that Cllr. Bedell should take the chair. This was seconded
by Cllr. Bruford and approved
1. Apologies
Cllrs.P. Cubitt,W. Beeson, J. Mack Cnty. Cllr. S. Aquarone, Dist Cllr.
G. Perry-Warnes
2. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
It was pointed out that the letter box at the old Post office now has no
right of way, could it be moved to a more central location?
There is no further information on the proposed wooden fence at the car
After comments regarding the funding of the village gates it was pointed
out that they were installed as a road safety measure.
3. To receive declarations of interest There were no declarations of
4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th June 2018
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the minutes be approved and
Cllr. P. Bedell signed the minutes as Chairman.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
Item 6.One property destined for affordable housing has been sold on the
open market.
The hedges on the footpath from the village hall to the playing field
have become badly overgrown once more and need cutting back. Letters
asking for this to be done are to be delivered to all the properties
6. Any reports from County, District or Parish Councillors.
Written reports from County and District councillors were sent to the
Parish Council members before the meeting and are attached to these
7. Street Lights. The Annual visual inspection of street lights by T.T.
Jones reported that replacement parts of many of the existing lights
will not be possible as they are no longer available.
It was agreed to ask T.T. Jones for a quotation for replacing all the
lights affected.
8. Fly Tipping. The legal position regarding the use of cameras to deter
fly tipping was not readily available. It was decided to place a notice
saying CCTV was in operation near the Marl Pits
9. Gas Installation at Playing field There is no further information at
this stage.
10. Tidying of Verges. The members thanked Mr. Harmer for cutting the
11. Water on Rectory Road A further report has been sent to NCC highways
and a site visit requested. Cllr. Beeson has agreed to meet with a
highways engineer at the site.
12. Planning
PF/18/1098 Side extension to light industrial unit, Hill House Farm.
PF/18/2018 Erection of pair of detached light industrial units, Gypsies
PU/18/1115 Prior approval for change of use from storage to dwelling
The Parish Council had no objections to any of these applications.
13. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 9/07/2018 £15522.70
The following outstanding invoices and approve for payment.
T.T. Jones Street lighting £170.66
F. Harmer Trimming/general maintenance £65
14 Correspondence
North Norfolk local plan Noted
Horsey Three Acceptance of application for a development consent order.
15 Matters for information only or the next agenda.
It was agreed that no meeting would be held in August.
The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be on 10th September
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
8.43pm. |
Draft Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council held at 7.30pm on Monday 11th June 2018 at Bodham Village Hall
Present: Cllr. P. Cubitt (Chairman), Cllr. W. Beeson (Vice Chairman),
Cllr. H. Bruford, Cllr.J. Mack, Cllr.M. Godfrey
In Attendance: Cllr. S. Aquarone Mrs. S. Hayden CiLCA (Locum Clerk)
Two members of the public
The Meeting was opened at 7.30pm by the Chairman
1. Apologies
Cllr. P. Bedell, Cllr. L. Perrott, District Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes
2. Comments and Questions on the Agenda from members of the public
3. To receive declarations of interest
Cllr. H. Bruford declared an interest in item 7 as a member of the
Playing Field Committee
4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14th May 2018
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the minutes be approved and
Cllr. W Beeson signed the minutes as Chairman of that meeting.
5. Matters Arising from that Meeting
6. Any Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors
County Cllr. Aquarone read out his Report, a copy of which is annexed to
these minutes. He also updated the Parish Council on the situation
regarding mobile libraries. Any cuts would be discussed later in the
Cty. Cllr. Aquarone then left the meeting with one member of the public.
The Chairman read out a Report from District Cllr. Perry-Warnes, a copy
of which is annexed to these minutes.
Parish Councillors: It had been noted that one of the affordable housing
properties was for sale and the reason has been asked for from the
Housing Association, as it had been expected that it would be available
for rent. There was a large Leylandii hedge that also needed attention
before any sale. Overgrown hedges and footpaths were discussed. A
resident had kindly been trimming hedges and pathways. It was noted that
a complaint had been received from a resident about nuisance footballs
and that letters had been received from NNDC by some residents about rat
infestation in the village.
7. Vehicle Activated Sign (Update)
The design had been approved and should be installed in the next few
8. Fly Tipping (Trail Camera at Marl Pit)
The trail camera had been taken down. There had been an incidence of fly
tipping of garden waste. This was discussed and the Clerk would be asked
to check regulations regarding CCTV.
9. Gas Installation at Playing Field (Update)
The Parish Council had asked for £500 for a wayleave agreement to use
the Field, but had been offered £1000 over 60 years. The Chairman was
waiting to hear from a land agent with an average price that could be
expected to be paid.
10. Milestone Repairs (Request for Financial Help)
The Parish Council had been asked to donate £95 towards the cost of
renovating the second milestone. This was discussed and it was proposed,
seconded and resolved that £95 be donated.
11. Financial Matters
The Locum Clerk read out the following:
Current account balance at 11.6.19 £15,504.87
Payments for approval: P. Bedell - car park fencing - £470.00
J. Stibbons – salary and expenses - £611.19
HMRC - PAYE - £116.40
The payments were approved
12. Correspondence
Merchant Navy Day – Fly the Red ensign
13. Matters for Information Only or Next Agenda
The street lights had been repaired/replaced
Next Agenda: To discuss tidying of verges, etc. in village, update on
gas installation, fly tipping at Marl Pit, Water on Rectory Road (Clerk
to be asked to chase NCC)-
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15pm and the
approved cheques were signed
Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council
on Monday 14th May 2018 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs.W. Beeson (chairman), P. Bedell, L. Perrott. M. Godfrey,
H. Bruford.
J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Election of Chairman for the coming year. It was proposed by H.
Bruford that P. Cubitt should continue as chairman. This was seconded by
L. Perrott and approved.
It was proposed by P. Bedell that W. Beeson should be vice-chairman,
this was seconded by M. Godfrey and approved.
2. Apologies Cllr.P. Cubitt County Cllr.S. Aquarone. Dist. Cllr G.
3. There were no declarations of interest
4. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 9th April
2018 having
been previously circulated, it was proposed by cllr.Bedell that they be
approved. This was seconded by cllr. Perrott and carried. The chairman
then signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising. On going enquiries are being made to try and solve
the problem of
flooding in Church Road. The water still appears to be coming off the
fields. Pictures have been taken and sent to County Cllr. Aquarone.
6. Reports. A report from Dist Cllr. Perry-Warnes, having been sent to
all members
was noted. Cllr. Bedell reported that there had been cases of
vandalism in the parish. The police are aware. Cllr Bedell also reported
that the corner of the car park needs to be fenced as there is a very
real danger of accidents by tripping. A quote for repairs of £470 had
been obtained and it was agreed to go ahead with the repairs although it
was not an agenda item as any delay would cause a danger to the public.
7. Gas installation. Hayes and Storr have been consulted. Further
discussion will take
place before a decision is made.
8. Risk Management An updated risk management was presented to the
meeting. It
was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that this be formally adopted. This was
seconded by the
chairman and carried.
9. Revised Standing Orders The standing orders were due for revision to
include the
appointment of a Data Protection Officer,(DPO) The new regulations have
been revised and smaller parish councils do not now need to appoint a
10. General Data Protection Regulations. The terms of reference for the
Bodham Data Protection committee was discussed. It was proposed by Cllr.
Bedell that these terms of reference should be adopted by the parish
council. This was seconded by Cllr. Perrott and carried.
11. Finance.
Audit The Certificate of Exemption was approved by the members and
signed by the
chairman and Responsible Financial Officer.
The Annual Governance statement was agreed by the meeting and signed by
The accounting statement was reviewed by the committee and approved. The
chairman signed the accounting statement.
Current account balance at 14th May 2018 was £12348.00
The following invoices were approved for payment and cheques signed:-
No.479 T.T.Jones Street lights £165.22
No.480 J. Bishop Internal auditor £30
No.481 Zurich Municipal Insurance £492.96
12. Correspondence. A request for financial help in restoring the second
This item to be discussed further at the next meeting.
13. Matters for information or the next agenda
It was reported that there was blue water in the verge at the bottom of
Weybourne Road.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
8.38pm. |
Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council
on Monday 9th April 2018 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs.P. Cubitt,(chairman), W. Beeson, P. Bedell, L. Perrott.
County Cllr.S. Aquarone. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies Cllr.J. Mack, M. Godfrey, H. Bruford. Dist. Cllr G. Perry-Warnes
2. There were no members of the public present.
3. There were no declarations of interest
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12th March 2018 having been
previously circulated, were approved by the members present and signed
by the chairman.
5. There were no Matters arising from the minutes.
6. Reports. County Councillor S. Aquarone.
The district council are holding a consultation to discuss funding for
special education
There is now a web site named FIXMYSTREET where potholes can be reported
highways. A picture of the problem should be attached.
There is still a drainage problem at the Hart Lane / Church Road
junction. The run off
water causing the problem is the responsibility of the land owner.
7. A quotation of £3600 has been received for the supply of a SAM2
portable “read
your speed” sign. The parish council agreed to order the equipment,
which will be insured by the parish council. The cost will be met by a
grant arranged by Dist Cllr. Aquarone.
The sign will be moved to various locations along the A148 between the
roundabout at Holt and Pretty Corner.
8. Planning.
Ref. PF/18/0183 One, Glaven River Barn. Erection of detached garage and
The parish council do not object to the garage but the larger steel
barn, which is in effect an industrial building is out of keeping with
the surrounding property.
Ref.PF/18/0562 Erection of single storey front and rear extensions at
No. 13 Roseacre.
The parish council had no objection to this application.
9. Proposed gas installation at the playing field It was agreed that it
would probably be beneficial to have a tenancy agreement rather that
sell the land outright. The chairman is to approach Hayes and Storr to
investigate the legal requirements of such an arrangement.
10. Finance. Current account balance at 9th April 2018 was £12348.00
The following invoices were approved for payment and cheques signed:-
475 NALC Subscription £128.43
476 Environment agency Drainage rates £18.41
477 Norfolk a2z Web maintenance £160
478 Indigo Waste Glass collection £20.40
11. Correspondence.
NNDC New ward Boundaries. Bodham will now be included in a larger ward
to be called the Gresham ward.
A request for financial support from Age UK. This to be considered in
12. Matters for information or the next agenda
It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting on 14th May 2018 should
start at 7pm to be followed by the Parish Council AGM at approximately
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
8.16pm. |
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 12th March 2018 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs.P. Cubitt,(chairman), W. Beeson, P. Bedell, H. Bruford.
L. Perrott.
and one member of the public. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies Cllr.J. Mack, County Cllr.S. Aquarone, Dist.Cllr.G. Perry-Warnes.
2. Comments and Questions from members of the public.
It was noted that uncontrolled dogs are causing a nuisance and leaving a
mess on on the alltoments
3. There were no declarations of interest
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 8th January 2018 having
previously circulated, were approved by the members present and signed
by the chairman.
5. There were no Matters arising from the minutes.
6. Reports. County Councillor S. Aquarone.
Budget The council budget for the year 2018/19 was passed last month,
planned cuts of £500,000 to bus subsidies and £400,000 to road gritting
were reversed by Norfolk County Council following pressure The
cuts of mobile libraries were not planned until next financial year, so
we will continue to fight for this issue.
Mobile phone signal The County Council has commissioned surveying of
signal on all networks across Norfolk but on main roads, B road and
tourist hot spots only. For we rural folk, they have agreed to procure,
in the tender that had gone out, that the winning provider supply kits
to communities to help fill in the gaps. Our volunteers for the phone
project are poised to receive next steps from this, which will feed into
the Council's very similar plan to mine, to use its buildings to add
small cell transmitters. For the gaps that still remain, we will
recommend the variety of ideas that continue to come in for alternative
small-cell sites.
Dist.Cllr. Perry-Warnes. A written report was circulated to all memebrs
before the meeting and is attached at the end of these minutes.
7. Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) The application was being processed
8. Planning. Ref.PF/18/0290 The parish council had no objection to this
9. Revised Standing Orders and Risk Management. The draft proposals were
studied by the members and a formal proposition would br taken at the
May meeting.
10. Weybourne Road. Concern has been expressed regarding the speed and
excessive use of Weybourne Road. After discussion it was decided that
nothing more could be done to solve the problem at present.
11. Finance. Current account balance at 12th March 2018 was £13069.45
Copies of the current financial situation for the year were circulated
to members.
The following invoices were approved for payment:-
J. Stibbons Salary and expenses £552.68
HMRC PAYE £116.40
12. Correspondence. None
13. Matters for information or the next agenda The first houses on the
new development will be ready for occupation by the beginning of August.
Provision is in hand for the supply and erection of the two bus
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
Report from Dist. Cllr. Georgie Perry-Warnes
The 2018/19 budget was approved at full council on February 21. An
increase of 3.8% in council tax was included. This is a modest increase
of £4.95 for a Band D property. The budget will leave the council with a
surplus of £843,441, which will go into an ‘Invest to Save’ reserve.
£400,000 has been allocated to environmental improvements and
regeneration initiatives in the market towns of Fakenham, Holt, North
Walsham and Stalham.
Changes have been made to farm subsidy whereby landowners will not now
be funded by the tax payer to provide permissive walk ways. Instead wild
and plant life bio-diversity initiatives will receive the funding. The
public will have reduced access to the countryside. If you feel strongly
about this, please write to Defra and sign the online petitions.
Following the election of Cllr. John Lee as leader of the Conservative
Group, Tom Fitzpatrick stepped down as leader of NNDC at Full Council.
The Conservative Group remain the largest group and Cllr. John Lee was
then elected leader of NNDC. The Conservative Group do not have an
overall majority (Conservative: 22; Lib Dem: 18; Independent Group: 8).
A new Cabinet has been announced. Four portfolio holders have left the
Cabinet (Judy Oliver, Annie Claussen-Reynolds, Maggie Prior, Tom
Fitzpatrick), and one new appointment was made (Hilary Cox).
An extra method for paying at North Norfolk District Council car parks
has been introduced. As well as the standard cash and card payments,
drivers can now use their mobile devices to pay. Detailed instructions
will be posted on the tariff boards in all car parks across the
district. There are various routes to access the system, including an
app, a QR code and by text message. |
Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council
on Monday 8th January 2018 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs.P. Cubitt,(chairman).J. Mack W. Beeson, P. Bedell, H.
Bruford. L. Perrott. County Cllr. S. Aquarone, and two members of the
public. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.33pm
1. Apologies Cllr. M. Godfrey. Dist.Cllr.G. Perry-Warnes. PCSO Clarke.
2. Co-option of new member. Mr. L. Perrott,having indicated that he was
willing to serve
as a councillor, was duly co-opted to fill the recent vacancy, there
being no other
candidates wishing to serve. He then signed the necessary acceptance of
3. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
It was commented that many residents were unhappy regarding the planning
application at No.15, Hart Lane. It was also noted that there was a
problem with dogs fouling near Sayer Court.
4. There were no declarations of interest
5. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th December 2017 having
previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that they be
accepted as an accurate record. This was seconded by Cllr. Bruford and
The chairman then signed the minutes
6. Matters arising from the minutes. There is still no reply from NNDC
regarding who is responsible for the village car park.
7. Reports. Cllr. Mack reported that the road-side drains were blocked
opposite “The
Pightle” on the Lower Bodham road.
County Cllr. Aquarone will follow up this flooding problem with
He also reported that County Councillors allowances were to be increased
and back-dated to May 2017. This increase was not approved by all of the
The provision of a Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) was being progressed and
Bodham was to be included in the group of parishes sharing the sign.
There was a written report from Dist.Cllr. Perry-Warnes which is
attached to these minutes.
8. Planning. Ref PO/17/2115 15, Hart Lane.
The Parish Council objects to this application because the small plot is
unsuitable for the size of the proposed development. The extra traffic
which will be generated in this small residential road, especially any
vehicles parked outside this property, will restrict access for
essential services to the Roseacre estate.
9. General Data Protection Regulations. A copy of Standing Orders and
Management are to be sent to all councillors by e-mail. These may need
to be revised to comply with the new regulations. A final wording of the
regulations should be available in a few weeks time.
10. Finance. Current account balance at 8th January 2018 was £12769.88
A payment for T.T.Jones (street lighting maintenance) of £635.64 was
It was decided not to renew the subscription to the CPRE.
11. February meeting. It was decided not to hold a meeting in February.
The next meeting of Bodham parish council will be on Monday 12th March.
12. Correspondence. Letters of thanks for donations were received from
the Parochial Church Council and the Playing Field committee.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
Written report from District Cllr. Georgie Perry-Warnes (see item 7)
On New Year’s Day environment officers were contacted about the death of
a dog having eaten a dead fish on the beach at Cley. Council Officers
continue to liaise with officers from both CEFAS and the Environment
The inaugural North Norfolk District Council Business Awards have been
launched – and businesses across the district are being encouraged to
put themselves forward to win one of the prestigious titles. The awards
(#NNBA18) are open to businesses of all sizes and across all sectors.
The aim is to promote and celebrate the vibrant business community
across North Norfolk, and to unearth some hidden gems during the
process. There are seven categories: Agricultural, Business Growth,
Business Development & Innovation, Environmental, New Businesses,
Tourism & Hospitality, and Young People & Skills.
Entries can be submitted until January 15, with the shortlisted
businesses invited to an awards ceremony at Gresham’s School on February
15. To enter the North Norfolk District Council Business Awards, visit
A garden attached to a historic chapel has been handed the annual
Environment Award by North Norfolk District Council. The award was won
by the St Seraphim’s Quiet Garden at Walsingham, which is next to the St
Seraphim’s Orthodox Chapel. The garden reclaimed a long-derelict parcel
of land and turned it into a tranquil garden where residents and
visitors can go for quiet and contemplation. A total of four nominations
were received for this year’s award which were judged by a small panel.
The St Seraphim’s Quiet Garden was unanimously chosen as this year’s
winner as a good example of an environmentally sustainable project
worthy of the award.
Norfolk’s One Public Estate partnership, which brings together Norfolk
County Council, district councils, several NHS bodies and the Police,
has been allocated £210,000 by the Cabinet Office Government Property
Unit and the Local Government Association (LGA). The One Public Estate
programme aims to maximise the use of buildings and land owned by the
public sector, making assets work as hard as possible for taxpayers.
This is achieved by the partners developing joint projects to share
buildings, transform services, reduce running costs, and release surplus
and under-used land for development. Land or buildings no longer needed
can potentially be sold, which will eliminate unnecessary running costs
and free up space for new homes and employment opportunities within the
Would you pay more council tax to help fund policing in Norfolk next
year? The PCC’s 2018/19 police budget and council tax consultation has
recently been launched, and the Police and Crime Commissioner, Lorne
Green, would be very grateful to hear your views. You can have your say
by taking the online survey at
You can also share your views by telephone on 01953 424455, by email to:, or by writing to the PCC at OPCCN,
Jubilee House,Building 8, Falconers Chase, Wymondham, NR18 0WW. |
Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council
on Monday 11th December 2017 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. P. Cubitt,(chairman). W. Beeson, P. Bedell, H. Bruford.
and nine members of the public. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.33pm
1. Apologies Cllrs.J. Mack M. Godfrey. County Cllr. S. Aquarone
Dist. Cllr.G. Perry-Warnes. PCSO Clarke. And a letter of resignation
from Mrs. S. Fulluck.
2. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
Bus shelter A148.Various proposals were put forward and discussed for
the siting of the new bus shelter on the North side of the A148. It was
generally agreed that the best site was at the existing bus stop. The
main problem with this is visability. The speed at which the buses
approach does not give time for either the waiting passengers to signal
the bus or for the bus driver to see any passengers waiting.
3. There were no declarations of interest
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13th November 2017 having
previously circulated, were approved as correct by the meeting and
signed by the chairman.
5. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
6. Written reports from Police, County or District Councillors were read
to the meeting.
Summaries of each report. (The full reports are attached at the end of
these minutes.)
County Cllr S. Aquarone County Council detail of proposals to reduce
spending by £100m while ‘visible’ services will be preserved, the cuts
will fall heaviest on less visible services, i.e. adult social services.
I am now concerned that the Council may be failing to meet its statutory
obligations and, moreover, that people are suffering as a result.
The County Council will soon be commissioning a survey of Mobile
Telephone signals on all networks on Main and B roads in Norfolk. Kits
could be supplied to fill any gaps found.
SAM2 kit to address speeding issues along the A148:no firm decision has
as yet been made.
Dist Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes. Every town with car parks run by North
Norfolk has chosen two days of free parking in the run up to Christmas.
A sports and activities project designed to provide exercise
opportunities to isolated
individuals and communities in North Norfolk has been named the best of
its kind in
The inaugural North Norfolk District Council Business Awards have been
to encourage and promote businesses across the district.
Holt Country Park will be the venue for a series of Medieval Christmas
trails for children on the last weekend of the school term.
PCSO Clarke. There have been six calls to Police with no crimes
7. Planning. There were no planning applications received
8. Car Park. There has been no further information from NNDC to date.
Cllr. Perry-Warnes is following up the enquiry on behalf of the Parish
9. General Data Protection Regulations. The implications of the General
Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which come into force during May 2018
were outlined. The council policy for implementation of the GDPR will be
discussed at a later meeting.
10. Financial matters.
Current account Balance at 11th November 2017 was £14594.41
The following outstanding invoices were approve and cheques signed.
Jones Electrical Street lights £1066.32
J. Stibbons Salary and expenses £587.66
HMRC PAYE £116.42
11 Correspondence
A letter of thanks from the PCC for the recent donation
12. Matters for information only or the next agenda.
To review the Parish Councils Risk Assesment and Standing Orders to
comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (2018).
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next Bodham parish council meeting will be held on Monday 8th
January 2018 |
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 13th November 2017 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. P. Cubitt,(chairman). P. Bedell,H. Bruford M. Godfrey.
S. Fulluck. J. Mack County Cllr. S. Aquarone and seven members of the
public. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.33pm
1. Apologies Cllrs. W. Beeson,
2. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
Q. Item 8 Bus stop position- It was asked what type of bus shelter would
be installed on the north
side of the A148. This bus stop was also causing difficulty for the
residents living at this point as
the buses turn in at a fairly high speed and due to the hedge they are
not visible.
R. The bus shelter was being provided by Broadland Housing and no
decisionsa had been taken so far. Further discussion was needed.
Q. item 10 Car parking – It was asked when and why the decision had been
made to close the car
R. On several occasions, when the Village Hall was booked, there were no
spaces available
for the visitors to the hall to park their cars. At the parish council
meeting on 10th July 2017 it was
decided to restrict parking if this situation continued. As there was no
improvement the decision
was taken at the meeting on 11th September 2017 (item 10 in the minutes)
to lock the gates.
Q. Item 12 Finances – The playing field insurance had risen to £1797 and
pest control was £705.
Would the parish council help with what is becoming a critical
situation. This will be discussed
further in item 10.
3. There were no declarations of interest
6. Reports. County Cllr. Steffan Aquarone.- The County Council met in
full last month
Public Sector pay, the Council will now call upon the Government to
fully fund the increases in public sector pay that may result from the
1% pay cap being lifted. If it does not then the County Council will
face an even bigger gap in its budget.
The expectation that central government will withdraw all funding from
local authorities by 2022
The proposed cut of £200k from next year onwards is more than 40% of the
total budget of the mobile libraries service and will radically reduce
its ability to deliver. I undertake to fight this matter hard - not
least because I believe there is a huge opportunity to innovate and
fundamentally upgrade the role of mobilelibraries to being mobile
service points, able to provide access to a wide range of County Council
services and even save money elsewhere.
Police A written report. There were 28 calls to the police since your
last meeting,13 of these were from the same location. Of the remaining
15 calls, 2 resulted in crimes being recorded. 1X theft of a pedal
cycle and 1X theft of mail As you are aware Norfolk Constabulary are
making all 150 PCSO’s redundant from the 31st March 2018. I hope to be
able to attend one more meeting before this date so I will leave my
goodbyes till then.
4. The minutes of the Bodham Parish Council meeting held on Monday 11th
September 2017,
having been previously circulated, were approved as correct by the
meeting and signed by the
5. Matters arising from the minutes. Item 12 – Village Gates. The total
cost to supply and install
Village Gates on the verge of the A148 is £3764.89. A 50% grant is
available giving a cost to the
Parish Council of £1882.45. It was proposed by Cllr. Mack that the
parish should contribute the
50% required. This was seconded by Cllr. Bedell and approved, The clerk
is to submit an
application for the grant.
7. Planning. Ref PF/17/1310 Outback, John William Way, Variation of
condition of planning
permission ref: PM/03/1689. The parish council had no objection to this
8. Broadland Housing still intend to provide bus shelters if they are
still required. There will be
an item in the news letter to obtain opinions from parishoners.
9. Street lights. Report from T.T.Jones Electrical.
The light at the bottom of Hart Lane is repairable but the column
requires streightening and
concreting, cost £220
Light at John William Way, lantern recommended for replacement and
corroded enclosure
repaired, £344
Lights in Weybourne Road and outside old shop have water damage. They
have had temporary
repairs carried out but both lights need replacing at cost of £369 each.
All quoted prices are +VAT
It was proposed by Cllr Bedell that all the repairs should be carried
out. This was seconded by
Cllr.Bruford and approved.
10. Car Parking. North Norfolk District Council informed the Parish
Council that the land at Hall
Close, used as a car park is owned by NNDC. The clerk is to seek
calrification as to who is
responsible for insurance and upkeep.
11. To consider frequency of Parish Council meetings. It was proposed by
Cllr. Bedell that
meetings in future should be held monthly. This was seconded by Cllr.
Bruford and approved.
Future meetings will be held on the second Monday of each month.
12. Financial matters. The budget for 2018/2019 was discussed and
approved. This indicated a
similar expenditure to the previous year but it was decided to set the
precept at £8000 as reserves
were still required for street light maintenance are replacement.
The following outstanding invoices were approved for payment.
Jones Electrical Street lights £534.82
Heartbeat Trust New pads £39.60
Indigo Waste Glass recycling £26.40
Bodham Village Hall Room hire £70.00
It was proposed by Cllr. Mack that donations of £650 should be given to
the Playing Field Committee and
£350 to the Church. This was seconded by Cllr. Cubitt and approved by
the members.
13. There was no correspondence
The next Bodham parish council meeting will be on Monday 11th December.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 11th September 2017 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman). W. Beeson, P. Bedell, H. Bruford
M. Godfrey.
County Cllr. S. Aquarone J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies Cllrs. S. Fulluck, J. Mack
2. There were no Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of
the public.
3. There were no declarations of interest
4. The minutes of the Bodham Parish Council meeting held on Monday 10th
July 2017, having
been previously circulated, were approved as correct by the meeting and
signed by the chairman.
5. Matters arising from the minutes. Item 11 – The milestone has now
been repaired and
painted. It was agreed to make a donation of £95 towards the cost of
6. Any reports from Police, County or District Councillors.
Police It was commented by members that traffic was still using
Weybourne Road and there had
been a broken down van left in the car park for six to eight months.
Police to check.
County Cllr. S. Aquarone. There is to be a meeting at Edgefield to
formulate a response to the Dong
Energy proposals. Bodham parish council will support any response. A
survey is to be carried out
to find the percentage of support.
The proposed Booster Station is very large in a rural area. Habitat must
be replaced and
compensation paid to the local communities. Minor roads will be dug up
which will
isolate some communities. Some sections of the booster station could be
up to three tonnes.
It was proposed by the chairman that Bodham parish council should
support the joint submission
being prepared. This proposal was seconded by Cllr. Bruford and carried.
The parish council nominated Cllr. P. Cubitt to approve the final
wording of the submission.
7. Planning.
PF/17/1309 Erection of single storey extension to front, side and rear
of Hillcrest,
John Williams Way. There was no objection to this application.
PF/17/1310 Variation of condition 1, amended design of bungalow plot 4,
Outback, John Williams Way. There was no objection to this application.
8. Financial matters.
The audit for 2016-2017 is not complete and approved.
Bank Balance at 11/9/17 £12553.17
The following outstanding invoices were approved and cheques signed
Mazars Audit £150
J. Stibbons Salary/expenses £465.66
HMRC PAYE £116.42
9. Bodham Common. The likely minimum cost for solicitors to register the
common with Land Registry was £500. It was decided not to pursue this
matter at present.
10. Car Parking. The Village Hall Committee at their last meeting agreed
with the Parish Council that the cars park should be locked. A notice of
this joint approval is to be placed in the News Letter. Locks are to be
purchased with spare keys.
11. Correspondence
Citizens Advice Bureau request for financial support. Donations will be
discussed at the November meeting.
12. Matters for information only. A quotation is to be obtained for the
provision of Village Gates.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
9.04pm |
Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council
on Monday 10th July 2017 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman) P. Bedell, H. Bruford S. Fulluck,
M. Godfrey. J. Mack County Cllr. S. Aquarone J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies. PCSO Clarke
2. Co-option of new member. It was agreed to co-opt Mr. H. Bruford to
fill the vacancy previously advertised.
3. Reports County Cllr. S. Aquarone – This was has first meeting with
Bodham Parish Council
as the newly elected County Councillor. His aim is to be accessible and
help in any way. He will
co-ordinate the responses from local parish councils to the Dong
It was proposed be Cllr. Bedell that Bodham parish council should
support a meeting of all
interested parties. This was approved by the meeting.
4. Declarations of interest. None
5. The minutes of the Bodham Parish Council meeting held on Monday 8th
May 2017,
having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that
they be accepted as correct.
This was seconded by Cllr. Godfrey and approved. The chairman then
signed the minutes.
6. Matters arising from the minutes. A camera has been put in place to
try and prevent fly
7. Reports. (NCC report see item 3)
Police (written report)
There have been 17 calls to police during the last two months but no
crimes reported.
8. Financial matters.
Current account bank balance at 10th July 2017 £12585.57
The following outstanding invoices were approve and cheques signed
T T Jones Electrical Street lights £206.36
Environment agency Drainage Rates £17.95
NNDC Dog Bins £399.36
F. Harmer Grass cutting £50
J. Stibbons Salary & expenses £539.93
HMRC PAYE £111.60
Indigo Waste Glass collection £32.40
9. Bodham Common. A Legal Topic Note from the National association of
local councils was read to the meeting. There are approximately 1900
commons in England that have no known owners. The relevant act is the
Commons Registration Act 2006 section 45. The act applies to county,
district and parish councils.
The powers apply where the land is registered as common land or a town
or village green. No person is registered in the register of title as
owner of the land and it appears to the local authority that the owner
cannot be identified.
The section does not empower a local authority to incur expenditure on
improvements such as litter clearance or tree planting. There is no
power for the authority to permit local inhabitants or others to use the
land, however, as section 45 grants powers, but imposes no duties, a
local authority may lawfully decide to take no action to prevent
activities on the land which are beneficial.
Section 38(1) of the 2006 act provides that “A person may not, except
with the consent of the appropriate national authority, carry out any
restricted works on land to which this section applies, namely, erection
of fences, construction of buildings, digging of ditches and trenches
and building embankments.
It was decided to establish the cost involved in having the land
registered with the Land Registry. This could incur some legal charges
10. Car parking. Cars are parking in the Village Hall car park which
causes difficulties when there are meetings on the hall. It was decided
that a notice should be placed on the gate stating that if the car park
continues to be used in this way it will be locked.
11. Milestone. It was proposed by Cllr. Bruford that a contribution
should be paid towards the cost of repainting the milestone. This was
seconded by Cllr Mack and approved.
12. Correspondence
* community ponds project are asking for locations of ponds in the
parish. This work is already being undertaken in Bodham by Dr. Sayer.
* C.T.Baker, who operate the mobile post office can include grocery
deliveries with this service if orders are placed in advance.
13. Matters for information only or the next agenda. The curb stone has
been repaired outside
the Village Hall but the pavement is still very uneven.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
8.52pm. |
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 8th May 2017 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman) W. Beeson. P. Bedell, M. Godfrey.
S. Fulluck,
and seven members of the public. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies. J. Mack, M. Vicary, Dist Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes PCSO Jonas
2. To elect the chairman for the coming year.
It was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that Cllr. Cubitt should be appointed
chairman for the year. This was seconded by Cllr. Beeson and carried.
It was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that Cllr. Beeson should be appointed
vice-chairman. This was seconded by Cllr. Fulluck and carried
3. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
There were no comments or questions
4. Declarations of interest. None
5. The minutes of the Bodham Parish Council meeting held on Monday 13th
March 2017, having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr.
Bedell that they be accepted as correct. This was seconded by
Cllr. Godfrey and approved. The chairman then signed the minutes.
6. Matters arising from the minutes. Item 9. Bodham Common. The clerk
reported that Cllr. Annie Claussen-Reynolds had contacted Denise Bales,
the Senior Legal Orders Officer at Norfolk County Council regarding
ownership of the common. In the register of commons it comes under Unit
CL21, the owners being “the Trustees of the Poor for the Parish of
Bodham” however these ownership sections of the register are usually out
of date. The ownership will only be established when the land is
registered with the Land Registry, usually when the land is sold.
The parish council will investigate the option of adopting the land.
7. Reports Written reports from Dist Cllr Perry-Warnes and PCSO Jonas
were read to the meeting. Copies are attached to these minutes.
8. Financial Matters.
End of Year submissions for Audit. There were no comments from the
internal auditor. After answering all the questions in Section 2 of the
Annual Return and approving the accounting statement the return was duly
The renewal of the insurance was due and the committee agreed that the
Village sign (now owned by the Playing Field Assn) and the Speed Watch
device (no longer available) should be deleted from the Part C – All
Risks section and the photo copier (£600) and computer (£500) added.
A 10% discount is available from Zurich Insurance if a five year
agreement is entered into.
It was proposed by Cllr. Beeson that this discounted offer should be
accepted. This was seconded by Cllr. Bedell and approved.
The following invoices were approved and cheques signed:-
Zurich Insurance £517.20
Indigo Waste Glass collection £21.60
NALC Subscription £127.83
TT.Jones Street light maintenance £165.70
C. Warsop Internal audit £25
TT Jones Installation of three LED lanterns £1142.02
and maintenance of all lights.
9. Street Lights. It was agreed to ask TT Jones to go ahead with
providing the five year inspection certificate.
10. Planning. Land at Hall Close. Permission has been granted for
variation of condition 2 to make minor amendments to layout, design and
11. Fly Tipping. There has been another problem with fly tipping at the
Marl Pits.
It was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that a camera trap, costing no more than
£200 should be purchased and placed at the site. This proposal was
seconded by Cllr. Beeson and carried.
12. Correspondence.
* Electoral review. Final recommendations
* Grasshopper timetables
13. Matters for information or the next agenda.
There were proposals from the developers of Hall Close to alter the
railings at the car park putting in wooden rails and setting shrubs. The
full proposals should be available soon.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
8.43pm |
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 8th May 2017 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman) W. Beeson. P. Bedell, M. Godfrey.
S. Fulluck,
and seven members of the public. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies. J. Mack, M. Vicary, Dist Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes PCSO Jonas
2. To elect the chairman for the coming year.
It was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that Cllr. Cubitt should be appointed
chairman for the year. This was seconded by Cllr. Beeson and carried.
It was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that Cllr. Beeson should be appointed
vice-chairman. This was seconded by Cllr. Fulluck and carried
3. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
There were no comments or questions
4. Declarations of interest. None
5. The minutes of the Bodham Parish Council meeting held on Monday 13th
March 2017, having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr.
Bedell that they be accepted as correct.
This was seconded by Cllr. Godfrey and approved. The chairman then
signed the minutes.
6. Matters arising from the minutes. Item 9. Bodham Common. The clerk
reported that Cllr. Annie Claussen-Reynolds had contacted Denise Bales,
the Senior Legal Orders Officer at Norfolk County Council regarding
ownership of the common. In the register of commons it comes under Unit
CL21, the owners being “the Trustees of the Poor for the Parish of
Bodham” however these ownership sections of the register are usually out
of date. The ownership will only be established when the land is
registered with the Land Registry, usually when the land is sold.
The parish council will investigate the option of adopting the land.
7. Reports Written reports from Dist Cllr Perry-Warnes and PCSO Jonas
were read to the meeting. Copies are attached to these minutes.
8. Financial Matters.
End of Year submissions for Audit. There were no comments from the
internal auditor. After answering all the questions in Section 2 of the
Annual Return and approving the accounting statement the return was duly
The renewal of the insurance was due and the committee agreed that the
Village sign (now owned by the Playing Field Assn) and the Speed Watch
device (no longer available) should be deleted from the Part C – All
Risks section and the photo copier (£600) and computer (£500) added.
A 10% discount is available from Zurich Insurance if a five year
agreement is entered into.
It was proposed by Cllr. Beeson that this discounted offer should be
accepted. This was seconded by Cllr. Bedell and approved.
The following invoices were approved and cheques signed:-
Zurich Insurance £517.20
Indigo Waste Glass collection £21.60
NALC Subscription £127.83
TT.Jones Street light maintenance £165.70
C. Warsop Internal audit £25
TT Jones Installation of three LED lanterns £1142.02
and maintenance of all lights.
9. Street Lights. It was agreed to ask TT Jones to go ahead with
providing the five year inspection certificate.
10. Planning. Land at Hall Close. Permission has been granted for
variation of condition 2 to make minor amendments to layout, design and
11. Fly Tipping. There has been another problem with fly tipping at the
Marl Pits.
It was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that a camera trap, costing no more than
£200 should be purchased and placed at the site. This proposal was
seconded by Cllr. Beeson and carried.
12. Correspondence.
* Electoral review. Final recommendations
* Grasshopper timetables
13. Matters for information or the next agenda.
There were proposals from the developers of Hall Close to alter the
railings at the car park putting in wooden rails and setting shrubs. The
full proposals should be available soon.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 13th March 2017 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. J. Mack (chairman) P. Cubitt, W. Beeson. P. Bedell, M.
Dist Cllr, A. Claussen-Reynolds, Mr. Steffan Aquarone and one member of
the public.
J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies. S. Fulluck, M. Vicary, County Cllr. D. Ramsbotham Dist
Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes PCSO Clarke
2. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
A written question from a member of the public asked - “In view of the
decision to allow the Wind Turbine on Pond Farm what financial benefit
will the Bodham Parish receive from the decision and when will it
Cllr. Mack replied that the approval would not be finalised for sixty
days. If, after this period, if the project is still viable, the turbine
will be erected and further details given at this time.
3. Declarations of interest. Cllr. J. Mack declared an interest in item
4. The minutes of the Bodham Parish Council meeting held on Monday 12th
January 2017, having been previously circulated, it was proposed by
Cllr. Bedell that they be accepted as correct.
This was seconded by Cllr. Godfrey and approved. The chairman then
signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the minutes. There were no matters arising
6. Reports There were no reports
7. Planning:-
PF/16/1681 Walnut Farm, The Street, Bodham. Conversion and extension to
attach garage to form annex and erection of rear extension. Application
approved by NNDC
PF/14/0925 Appeal ref. Y/2620/W/15/3134132 Erection of Wind Turbine and
associated buildings at Pond Farm, Bodham A public enquiry on 2nd. March
2017 decided to allow the appeal
8. Financial matters.
Bank balance at 13th March 2017 £11706.89
The following outstanding invoices were approve and cheques signed.
P. Bedell Poster (Post office) £7.50
Community Heartbeat Defibrillator battery £282.00
J. Stibbons Salary/expenses (Sept/Feb) £1101.46
HMRC PAYE £223.49
It was agreed to appoint Mrs. C. Warsop as internal auditor for the
financial year to March 31st 2017
9. Bodham Common.
Further investigation has shown that the common does not have Trustees
in place. Administration has been undertaken by the Bodham parish
council in the recent past. It was agreed that the Parish Council should
formally try to adopt the Common. County Councillor Claussen-Reynolds
will request information from Norfolk County Council. A similar
situation arose in Saxthorpe recently and they are to be contacted for
10. Correspondence
Cozens – Offer of lighting maintenance – a written quotation is to be
C. Ringer – notified the council of a fly tipping incident at the
11. Matters for information only or the next agenda.
It was noted that the manhole, opposite The Pightle, in Rectory Road was
flooding Highways to be informed.
Mr. Larkin was thanked for clearing the fallen tree from the path to the
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 12th January 2017 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman) W. Beeson. P. Bedell, M. Godfrey.
County Cllr. D. Ramsbotham and two members of the public. J. Stibbons
The meeting opened at 7.31pm
1. Apologies. Cllrs. J. Mack S. Fulluck, M. Vicary, Dist Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes
PCSO Clarke
2. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
It was noted that Hall Close phase 2 is to start in the new year. This
is for sixteen houses and two
bus shelters.
3. There were no declarations of interest.
4. The minutes of the Bodham Parish Council meeting held on Monday 14th
November 2016,
having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Beeson that
they be accepted as correct.
This was seconded by Cllr. Bedell and approved. The chairman then signed
the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
Bodham Common is not registered with the Land Registry. The Minutes for
1972 are to be traced in
an attempt clarify the situation.
6. Reports
Written reports from Dist. Cllr Perry-Warnes and PCSO Clarke were read
to the meeting.
Copies are attached to these minutes.
County Cllr. D. Ramsbotham.
The enquiry into the Kings Lynn incinerator is completed.
Devolution is not going ahead as five of the seven councils involved
were against the proposals.
The Vegetable Hut on the main road has been removed and the plot will be
7. Planning:- (1)
PF/16/1434 Rookery Farm, W. Beckham. Variation of condition 2 of
permission PF/15/0423 to raise
roof height to facilitate additional first floor within outbuilding.
Permission granted.
PF/16/1681 Walnut Farm, The Street, Bodham. Conversion and extension to
attach garage to form
annex and erection of rear extension. The Parish Council had no
objection to this application.
Planning (2) As from April 2017 all comments/objections to planning
applications must be
received by the planning officer within 21 days of the date of the
notification. Any comment
received after this date will be ignored.
All future planning applications will be sent from NNDC to the clerk by
e-mail with attachments of
the detailed plans. These will be forwarded to parish councillors.
It was agreed by the members present that, after consideration of the
proposals submitted to
them,all councillors would reply to the clerk with their observations.
If the application was considered to require full discussion then a
meeting should be called.
If a formal meeting of the council was not considered necessary by a
majority of the councillors the clerk would be given authority to reply.
Comments by Parish Councillors should be sent to the clerk by e-mail so
a written record can be kept.
8. Financial matters.
The following outstanding invoices were approve and cheques signed.
TT Jones Street light maintenance £165.70
Indigo Waste Glass collection £35.52
CPRE Subscription £35
9. Bodham Common. - The common is not registered with the Land Registry.
It was agreed to examine the minutes of meetings held around 1972 to try
and discover where the deeds were held.
10. Street Lights. It was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that five street
lights should be replaced with LED lanterns, starting with Roseacre and
Hart Lane.
Another five should be replaced in the coming financial year This was
seconded by Cllr. Godfrey and carried.
11. Correspondence
The Mobile Post office will be at the Village Hall every Tuesday between
12.30 and 14.30
The Consultation on the Electoral review Draft Recommendations will
close on 30th January 2017.
12. Matters for information only or the next agenda.
Garden waste has been left at the Marl Pits.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
8.31pm. |
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 14th November 2016 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. J. Mack,(chairman) P. Cubitt, W. Beeson. S. Fulluck, M.
and three members of the public. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies.
Cllr. P. Bedell, M. Vicary,County Cllr. D. Ramsbotham Dist Cllr. G.
Perry-Warnes PCSO Clarke
2. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
It was noted that Tenders for Hall Close phase 2 are to start in the new
year. This is for sixteen houses and
two bus shelters.
3. There were no declarations of interest
4. The minutes of the Bodham Parish Council meeting held on Monday 12th
September 2016, having been previously circulated, it was proposed by
Cllr. Fulluck that they be accepted as correct.
This was seconded by Cllr. Godfrey and approved. The chairman then
signed the minutes.
5. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
6. There were no reports from Police, County or District Councillors.
7. Planning:-
PF/16/1434 Rookery Farm, W. Beckham. Variation of condition 2 of
permission PF/15/0423 to raise
roof height to facilitate additional first floor within outbuilding.
There was no objection to this application.
8. Financial matters.
Community account balance at 14th November 2016 was £12293
The budget for the financial year 2017-2018 was discussed. This showed a
build-up of reserves to cover the replacement costs of street lights,
some of which are coming to the end of their life.
It was proposed by Cllr. Cubitt that the precept for 2017-2018 should be
set at £8000. This was seconded by Cllr. Godfrey and approved.
The following invoices were approved for payment:-
T T Jones Electrical Street lights £165.22
F. Harmer Grass cutting £40
Village Hall Assn. Room hire £72
9. Bodham Common.
Following a request by High Kelling Church for trees on their boundary
to be trimmed if was agreed that Bodham Parish Council would not pay for
this to be done. However the parish council had no objection to this
trimming taking place if it was felt necessary.
10. Car Parking.
The abandoned Freelander still has not been moved. The Police are to be
contacted again.
11. Correspondence.
* A Notification of an application for a Modification order to the
footpath from Bodham Common to Bodham Woods.
* Letter of thanks from Bodham PCC for donation to church.
12. Matters for information only or for the next agenda..
A bush is restricting the flashing sign on the main road when
approaching the village from Holt.
Highways are to be informed.
A quotation from TT Jones for replacement of some of the obsolete lights
is to be discussed at the
next meeting.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
8.46pm. |
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 12th September 2016 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman) P. Bedell, W. Beeson. S. Fulluck,
M. Godfrey.
County Cllr. D. Ramsbotham and two members of the public. J. Stibbons
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies. Cllrs. J. Mack, M. Vicary, Dist. Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes,
PCSO Clarke.
2. Comments and Questions from members of the public.
The footpath from the Village Hall to the Playing Field is still not
fully trimmed back. It was proposed by Cllr. Godfrey that the parish
council should pay Mr. Harmer to do the work. This was seconded by Cllr.
Beeson and approved.
All the weed growth has been cut round the fishing pond. The pole with
the Life Buoy attached has been vandalised and thrown in the water. The
mower shaft was damaged while cutting the grass and it was agreed to pay
for the damage.
3. To receive declarations of interest Cllr. Bedell declared an interest
in Item 9, Playing Field
4. The minutes of the Bodham Parish Council meeting held on Monday 11th
July 2016, having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr.
Bedell that they be accepted as correct. This was seconded by Cllr.
Beeson and approved. The chairman then signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the minutes. The owners of the green Free-Lander
are aware that it must be moved.
6. Any reports from Police, County or District Councillors.
County Cllr. D. Ramsbotham.The conservatives now have overall control of
the council. The Highways Partnership grants end on 16th December.
First Responders could be the fire service, with an ambulance to follow.
Fire crews are now fully trained.
It is now possible to register with Highways in order to report
The Vegetable Hut on the A148 is still in place. The Parish Council
would like to have it removed.
Dist. Cllr G. Perry-Warnes.The following points were noted from the
written report submitted.
North Norfolk District Council has rejected the proposed devolution
The next round of applications for Big Society Grants closes on 7th
The full report is attached to these minutes.
7. Planning:-
PF/16/0797 Amendment. Annex, Stone Lodge, Lower Bodham
The parish council have no objection
PF/16/1107 Provision of eight static caravan pitches and seasonal siting
for 30 touring caravans at Woodlands Caravan Park, Holt Road, Upper
Sheringham. The Parish Council have no objection.
PO/15/1532 for information Appeal erection of two dwellings at 28,
Pineheath Road, High Kelling
PF/16/1196 Formation of vehicle access to Cromer Road and porch
extension to front if dwelling 14, Cromer Road, Bodham
The parish council have no objection
8. Mobile Post Office. The dates and time of the new Mobile Post Office
are yet to be
announced. It could park beside the Village Hall or in the car park
although there could be difficulty with residents parking in the car
park. A notice is to be placed in the Parish Magazine asking residents
not to use the car park when the hall is in use.
9. Financial matters. (Cllr. Bedell, having declared an interest, left
the meeting.)
Community account balance at date of meeting:- £6025.59
It was proposed by Cllr.Beeson that a grant of £600 should be given to
the playing field and a grant of £300 to the Church. This was seconded
by Cllr. Cubitt and approved by the members.
The following cheques were signed:-
Mazars Audit £120
Sharprint Copier service £137.34
J Stibbons Salary and expences (June to August) £559.66
HMRC PAYE £111.60
Playing Field Grant £600
Bodham Church Grant £300
J. Turvey Maintenance (fishing) £50
10. Correspondence.
* Local Government Boundary Commission electoral review. Noted
* North Norfolk Parish and own Councils forum Noted
* Marie Curie – asking for donation.
Donation requests are to be considered at the end of the financial year
11. Matters for information only or the next agenda.
There was nothing on this item.
There being no further business, the chairman closed the meeting at 8
37pm |
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 11th July 2016 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. P. Cubitt, (chairman) P. Bedell, S. Futtuck, M. Vicary,
PCSO Clarke and three members of the public. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
1. Apologies. Cllrs. J. Mack, W. Beeson. County Cllr. D. Ramsbotham
2. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
It was pointed out that the School footpath was becoming very overgrown.
Letters are to be sent to the house-holders whose gardens back on the
School lane asking them to trim their hedges.
3. To receive declarations of interest None
4. Minutes.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 9th May 2016
having been previously circulated were approved by the members present
and signed by the chairman.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
The form requesting information on the footpath from Bodham Common to
Bodham Woods has been completed and returned.
6. Any reports from Police, County or District Councillors.
PCSO Clarke reported there have been 6 calls to the police since the
last meeting. From these TWO crimes have been recorded. Both of which
are thefts of plants from the same garden in Sayer Court. Progress has
been made in tracing the owner of the abandoned Land Rover Free-lander
which has been left in the car park. Enquiries are on-going.
7. Planning:-
Ref PF/16/0669 Erection of summer house Cherry Tree Chapel, Cromer Road.
The parish council has no objection to this application.
Ref PF/16/0797 Construction of a Single storey annex at Stone Lodge,
Kelling Road, Lower Bodham. It was felt that the proposed
extension was too large for the size of the existing property but the
parish council decided not to object to this application.
Ref PF/16/0847 Variation of condition, alteration to garage. 1, John
Williams Way.
There was no objection to this application.
NNDC Decision Notice–Permit new access drive and replacement of roof
tiles at Hurricane Farm.
8. Meeting Dates.
It was agreed at an earlier meeting that the trial of holding meetings
on alternate months should be further discussed.
It was proposed by P.Bedell that Bodham Parish Council should continue
to hold meetings on alternate months. This was seconded by M. Vicary and
9. Financial matters.
Community account balance at date of this meeting was £8498.39
Invoices were approval and cheques signed for the following:-
Indigo Waste Glass collection £98.40
Jones electrical Street light maintenance £165.70
NNDC Dog Bins £386.88
J. Stibbons Salary and expenses £522.65
HMRC PAYE £111.60
Aylsham Computers Equipment purchase £494.80 (reimbursed by Gov. Grant)
10. Tree preservation order
A tree preservation order Ref TPO/16/0917 Land at High Kelling. Has been
put in place.
It was noted that this Preservation Order includes Bodham Common
A check of the Common Boundary is to be made.
11. Correspondence.
* From Church Warden, All Saints Church, High Kelling stating that two
tree branches are over hanging the churchyard but growing on land which
is thought to be Bodham Wood. It asks if Bodham Parish Council are
responsible for these trees. More enquiries will be necessary.
* From NCC. Enquiring if Bodham Parish Council wish to pay for street
lights at the new development at Hall Close. It was proposed by Cllr
Bedell that lights should not be installed. This was seconded by Cllr.
Vicary and carried.
* TT Jones – Annual street lights clean and visual inspection report
detailing defects
12. Matters for information only or the next agenda.
Safety inspections of the Defibrillator have to be carried out by the
Parish Council in future.
The clerk was delegated to carry out these inspections.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
DRAFT Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 9th May 2016 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. J, Mack, (chairman) P. Bedell, P. Cubitt, S. Fulluck,
M Godfrey, M. Vicary,
and three members of the public. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.32pm
1. Apologies.
Cllr. W. Beeson, County Cllr. D Ramsbotham, Dist Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes,
PCSO. G. Clarke
2. Elect of Chairman and Vice Chairman for the coming year.
It was proposed by P. Bedell that J. Mack should continue as chairman.
This was seconded by M. Vicary and approved. Mr Mack thanked the
committee for their support. Mr. Mack then signed the necessary
acceptance of office form.
It was proposed by M. Vicary the P. Cubitt be elected vice chairman.
This was seconded by S. Fulluck and carried.
3. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public. None
4. Declaration of interest. None
5. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14th March 2016, having
been previously circulated, were approved as an accurate record and
signed by the Chairman.
6. Matters arising from the minutes.
Better Broadband is now connected to some properties in the parish.
7. Any reports from Police, County or District Councillors.
A written report from the Police confirmed there had been no crimes
during the previous quarter.
8. Financial matters.
Community account balance at date of meeting:- £8498.39
The accounting statement and annual governance statement for 2015/2016
for submission to the external auditors were discussed and approved.
They were then signed by the Chairman and RFO.
It was proposed by M. Godfrey that the following invoices due for
payment should be
approved. This was seconded by P. Cubitt and carried. Cheques signed:-
#387 Environment Agency Drainage rate £17.40
#388 Zurich Insurance £498.88
#389 Jones electrical Street lighting £274.60
#390 C.P.R.E. Subscription £36
#391 N.A.L.C. Subscription £123.74
9. Correspondence.
* Query re footpath between Bodham Common and Bodham Woods.
The Parish Council has been asked to enquire if anyone uses the footpath
between Bodham Common and Bodham Woods. P. Bedell has agreed to
* Electricity poles within the village. A parishioner had asked if the
Parish Council would approach Thompson Broadbent as they were offering
to re-negotiate the wayleave for electricity poles. If possible the
cables should be ro9uted underground to improve the appearance of the
village. It was pointed out that way-leave was granted to owners of the
property on which the pole was situated and as the parish council do not
own any such property this offer could not be persued. It was also noted
that a previous quotation – obtained about eight years ago – for placing
the cables underground was for £1000 per pole. It was felt the cost
would now be prohibitive.
* Anglian Water pollution reduction. Anglian Water have a new campaign
called “Spot, Report and Stop” to ensure sewage pollution incidents are
dealt with as quickly as possible to minimise the impact on the
* Donation request from Magpas Helimedi This item will be discussed at
the November meeting when donations are decided.
10. Matters for information only or the next agenda.
It was noted that Your Norfolk are providing “No Speeding” stickers to
be placed on wheelie bins.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
DRAFT Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 9th May 2016 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. J, Mack, (chairman) P. Bedell, P. Cubitt, S. Fulluck,
M Godfrey, M. Vicary,
and three members of the public. J. Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.32pm
1. Apologies.
Cllr. W. Beeson, County Cllr. D Ramsbotham, Dist Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes,
PCSO. G. Clarke
2. Elect of Chairman and Vice Chairman for the coming year.
It was proposed by P. Bedell that J. Mack should continue as chairman.
This was seconded by M. Vicary and approved. Mr Mack thanked the
committee for their support. Mr. Mack then signed the necessary
acceptance of office form.
It was proposed by M. Vicary the P. Cubitt be elected vice chairman.
This was seconded by S. Fulluck and carried.
3. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public. None
4. Declaration of interest. None
5. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14th March 2016, having
been previously circulated, were approved as an accurate record and
signed by the Chairman.
6. Matters arising from the minutes.
Better Broadband is now connected to some properties in the parish.
7. Any reports from Police, County or District Councillors.
A written report from the Police confirmed there had been no crimes
during the previous quarter.
8. Financial matters.
Community account balance at date of meeting:- £8498.39
The accounting statement and annual governance statement for 2015/2016
for submission to the external auditors were discussed and approved.
They were then signed by the Chairman and RFO.
It was proposed by M. Godfrey that the following invoices due for
payment should be
approved. This was seconded by P. Cubitt and carried. Cheques signed:-
#387 Environment Agency Drainage rate £17.40
#388 Zurich Insurance £498.88
#389 Jones electrical Street lighting £274.60
#390 C.P.R.E. Subscription £36
#391 N.A.L.C. Subscription £123.74
9. Correspondence.
* Query re footpath between Bodham Common and Bodham Woods.
The Parish Council has been asked to enquire if anyone uses the footpath
between Bodham Common and Bodham Woods. P. Bedell has agreed to
* Electricity poles within the village. A parishioner had asked if the
Parish Council would approach Thompson Broadbent as they were offering
to re-negotiate the wayleave for electricity poles. If possible the
cables should be ro9uted underground to improve the appearance of the
village. It was pointed out that way-leave was granted to owners of the
property on which the pole was situated and as the parish council do not
own any such property this offer could not be persued. It was also noted
that a previous quotation – obtained about eight years ago – for placing
the cables underground was for £1000 per pole. It was felt the cost
would now be prohibitive.
* Anglian Water pollution reduction. Anglian Water have a new campaign
called “Spot, Report and Stop” to ensure sewage pollution incidents are
dealt with as quickly as possible to minimise the impact on the
* Donation request from Magpas Helimedi This item will be discussed at
the November meeting when donations are decided.
10. Matters for information only or the next agenda.
It was noted that Your Norfolk are providing “No Speeding” stickers to
be placed on wheelie bins.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
8.34pm. |
Bodham Annual Parish Meeting 2015 - Minutes of the
Bodham Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 11th May 2015.
Present:- Mr. J. Mack (chairman) and ten members of the public
1. Apologies:- County Cllr. M. Baker. Dist Cllr. D. Ramsbotham.
2. The Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on 12th May 2014 were approved
as correct and signed by the chairman.
3. Chairman’s report.
The chairman thanked John Stibbons for tasking over as parish clerk. He
also thanked the members of the parish council for their support.
There have been a few changes to the parish council during the year. Mr.
H. Bruford resigned as chairman and was sincerely thanked by the meeting
for all he had done.
Mrs B. Emery was thanked for all the work she had done during her time
as clerk.
Plans for Hall Close were now passed and work should start in the
The Village Hall and Playing Field committees were thanked for all their
hard work. The Parish Council supports the Church and the Playing field
with grants.
Some allotment holders have indicated that they would like to form an
Allotment Committee.
Unfortunately. The shop closed during the year.
The income of the Parish Council was up by £600 and payments were down
by £375. This left a surplus at 31st March of £5309. A reserve will need
to be maintained because street lights will need replacing as some are
nearing the end of their useful life. Recycling credits were up during
the year but these may not be maintained if the future.
4. Reports from Village organisations/Clubs.
The church and churchyard are being kept tidy and there have been many
£10500 was spent during the year on repairs and it is estimated that the
badly needed roof repairs in the near future are likely to cost £75,000
to £80,000. Future finances are problematic.
The Parish Council were thanked for their contribution.
Village Hall. The finances are in a satisfactory position and fees
covered expenses in 2014.
The hall committee sponsored the re-painting and insurance of the
village sign.
Work on the floor of the village hall was carried out during January.
Playing Field. The playing field is in good condition. Income is keeping
ahead of running costs.
A serving hatch has been installed in the pavilion
The pitch is used by East Coast Warriors. There were no fireworks in
2014 and unfortunately there was some vandalism to the Skate Park.
Croquet Club. Founded in 2002 and has fifteen members. During the year
£950 was spent on lawn maintenance. There will be a news letter at the
end of the month.
5. Business from the floor
It was noted that the Marl Pit was overgrown with weeds.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
Minutes taken by J. Stibbons (parish clerk)
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 14th March 2016 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. W. Beeson, (chairman) P. Bedell, P. Cubitt, S. Futtuck,
M. Vicary,
County Cllr. D. Ramsbotham, and one member of the public. J. Stibbons
The meeting opened at 7.32pm
1. Guest speakers and members of the public.
County Cllr. Ramsbotham The budget for 2016/2017 has been set showing a
3.9% increase in rates. Grants to local councils are being reduced. NCC
aims to have no children at risk and the public are asked to identify
and respond to any known cases.
The Parish Partnership will continue next year.
District Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes. A written report from Cllr Perry-Warnes
(see attached)was read to the meeting.
Mr. Turvey suggested that a gate should be placed at the Marl pit Lane
to stop fly-tipping and netting of fish, which is a problem at the
2. Apologies.
Cllrs. J, Mack, M Godfrey, Dist Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes, PCSO Clarke
3. Declaration of interest. Cllr. Beeson declared an interest in item 7
4. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th January 2016, having
been previously circulated, were approved as an accurate record and
signed by the chairman.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
( Item 1) A reply from NCC Highways concerning the request for a “No
Right Turn” sign to be placed on the A148 before the Weybourne road
junction was read to the meeting. Highways did not feel there was any
need for a sign at this junction.
6. Councillors reports.
It was reported that The Loke had become very muddy due to tractors and
the wet weather.
It was questioned why the precept had remained the same as the previous
year but there had been an increase in the contribution shown in the
council tax.
This was caused by the reduced central government grant, which would
continue to decrease in the coming years.
7. Planning.
Ref PF/16/0090 Erection of two storey extension to Farmhouse and
alterations to outbuildings at Franklin’s Farm, Hart Lane, Bodham.
Mr. Beeson declared an interest in this item and left the meeting.
Mr. Cubitt was invited to take the chair.
After considering the plans the committee asked Mr. Beeson to return to
the meeting for further clarification. He confirmed that this
application was purely to improve his own dwelling and was not part of a
business plan.
It was proposed by Mr. Cubitt that the parish council should have no
objection to this application. This was seconded by Mrs. Vicary and
Mr. Beeson then returned to the meeting and resumed as chairman
8. Finance
Balance current a/c at 14/3/2016 £8199.11
The following invoice were approved for payment:-
E-on (street lights) D/D £45.65
J. Stibbons clerks salary and expenses £525.27
NNDC Election costs £55.62
HMRC PAYE £111.60
It was agreed to appoint Mr. L. Watson as internal auditor for the
financial year 2015/16.
9. Correspondence.
* A letter of thanks from Bodham P.C.C. for the donation of £300
* Better Broadband. An update of the possible time table for connection
which was probably early June
* N.C.C. Local List for Validation of Planning Applications Draft
* Red Hart Inn entered on the District Councils Assets of Community
Value list for a period of five years.
10. Matters for information only or the next agenda.
It was noted that the next meeting to be held on Monday 9th May 2016
Approval of accounts for Audit will be required at this meeting.
The Annual Parish Meeting will also be held on this date.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
8.43pm. |
January 2016
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council on Monday
11th January 2016 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. W. Beeson, (chairman) P. Bedell, P. Cubitt, S. Futtuck,
M Godfrey, M. Vicary, PCSO Clarke and two members of the public. J.
Stibbons (clerk)
The meeting opened at 7.33pm
1. Guest speakers and members of the public.
A parishioner passed out copies of observations and disagreements he had
concerning the way the decision had been taken to change from monthly
meetings to bi-monthly meetings. He felt that this should have been an
agenda item. He commented that the minutes recorded that the subject was
discussed at length when in fact the whole meeting only lasted 30
The chairman summarised how the decision was taken. All work could be
covered with meeting every alternate month and planning applications may
be viewed on the NNDC website with comments by e-mail. It was decided to
continue bi-monthly meetings until July when this subject can be
discussed further and a vote taken.
It was also reported that the land behind the bus shelter was very muddy
and needed attention. Victory Housing are to be contacted to ask if they
will spread shingle.
PCSO Clarke. Reported that there had been five calls to the Police in
the last period but no crimes committed. He has visited Weybourne Road
three times to carry out a traffic survey. His conclusion was that the
road traffic signs appears to be working.
Cllr Godfrey suggested that a request should be made to Highways for a
“No Right Turn”sign to be placed on the A148 before the Weybourne road
2. Apologies.
Cllr. J, Mack, County Cllr. D. Ramsbotham Dist Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes,
3. Declaration of interest. None
4. Minutes
Item 6 in the minutes was amended to read “This was discussed by the
members” the words “at length” being removed. The minutes were then
approved by the members present and signed by the chairman.
5. Matters arising from the Minutes.
Cllr. Beeson suggested that some woven fencing should be attached to the
front of the Paper Bin. This could be removed and replaced when the bin
was emptied. M.H.White are to be contacted to ask for approval.
6. Councillors reports. None.
7. Finances.
Copies of the cash book to date were handed to the members.
The balance in the current account is £9210 at 11th January 2016.
This shows a useful surplus which is being set aside for replacement of
street lights in the future as agreed in the budget.
The following payments were approved and cheques signed.
E-on Street lighting D/D £45.65
TT Jones Street lighting chq, no 381 £197.45
J. Turvey Maintenance - fishing lake chq.no382 £40
8. Correspondence.
A letter and details from North Norfolk District Council Planning
department stating that an application had been made for a Lawful
Development Certificate (LDC) for Hurricane Farm, Lower Bodham. This
application has been submitted to regularise the use of the buildings as
wholly residential and for confirmation that the condition on permission
19891482PF is not enforceable. The Parish Council will be notified of
the outcome of this application in due course.
9. Matters for information only or the next agenda.
* The telephone has been removed from the box. BT are to be contacted to
ask if the box can also be removed.
* The clerk reported that the ACV application concerning the Red Hart
will be completed by NNDC when they have had confirmation from the Land
Registry of the new owners.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
8.33pm. |
December 2015
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 14th December 2015 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. J. Mack (chairman), W. Beeson, P. Bedell, P. Cubitt, M
Godfrey, M. Vicary, County Cllr. D. Ramsbotham, J. Stibbons (clerk) and
three members of the public.
The meeting opened at 7.32pm
1. Guest Speakers.
County Cllr. Ramsbotham reported that the Norfolk County Council budget
for 2016/17 was showing a saving of £245Million over the next five
years. A further £111 million will need to be found. An increase in the
council tax could be up to 3.9%
More emphasis will be placed on care for the elderly in their own homes
with a reduction in residential care.
The Norwich northern bypass will be completed by 2018. It will finish at
Taverham Nurseries.
2. Apologies.
Dist Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes, PCSO Clarke.
3. Declaration of interest. None
4. Minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 9th November,
having been previously circulated, were approved as an accurate record
and signed by the chairman.
5. Matters arising from the minutes
Cllrs Beeson and Bedell have looked again at putting a planter in front
of the paper bank bin. This is to be investigated further as the bin may
swing when being emptied and damage the screening.
6. Councillors reports.
There were no reports from Parish Councillors.
Cllr. Vicary suggested that as the agendas were usually not very large
was it necessary to have a
parish council meeting every month. This was discussed at length by the
members and it was decided to meet in January, March, May, July
September and November in 2016. If there was a matter that required an
immediate answer then an extra meeting could be called, four clear days
notice is all that would be required.
7. Planning.
Application reference PF/15/1623. Erection of one dwelling and garage
(Revised scheme 15/0997 refers) Plot 1. John William Way, Bodham.
The parish council supported this application.
8. Better Broadband.
A new communications cabinet is to be installed at the rear of the
grassed area outside The School House in the near future to serve
residents and businesses in the immediate surrounding area.
People can check to see which cabinet they are served from and the
available speeds, using the link:
A small number of properties in the county who have broadband
connections of less than 2Mbps and are unlikely to receive a fibre
connection in the near future can apply for a subsidy towards the
installation and set-up of a satellite broadband solution.
9. Finance.
Balance current a/c at 14/12/15 £10,015.15
Payment made E-ON Direct debit £45.65
Cheques signed Photo-copier £78.74
J. Stibbons (salary and expenses) £520.74
HMRC £111.60
Bodham Village hall hire of hall £132.00
10. Fishing Lake.
There is good fishing at the moment. The post and life ring will be
installed in the next few days.
11. Correspondence.
* NNDC returning officer There have been no requests for an election to
fill the vacancy on the parish council. The members are now free to
co-opt a suitably qualified person to fill the vacancy.
Mrs. Sarah Fulluck has indicated that she is willing to serve as a
It was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that Mrs Fulluck be co-opted. This was
seconded by Cllr. Vicary and approved. Mrs Fulluck then completed her
Register of Members Interests and Acceptance of Office.
* A letter of thanks was received from the Playing field Committee for
the recent donation.
* A Christmas card was received from Cllr. Annie Claussen-Reynolds,
chairman of NNDC.
* A letter from Mrs Digby saying that the 30mph flashing sign opposite
the former school is not working correctly. Highways to be informed.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
8pm |
November 2015
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council on
Monday 9th November 2015 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Cllrs. J. Mack (chairman), W. Beeson, P. Bedell, P. Cubitt, M
Godfrey, A. Green,
J. Stibbons (clerk) and three members of the public.
1. It was agreed that this part of the meeting should be open for public
comments and observations.
It was reported that rubbish and rubble had been left on the bonfire
site at the allotments. It is impossible to burn the garden rubbish and
the area is becoming infested with rats.
A written report from Dist. Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes was read to the
NNDC have received notice of an appeal against the refusal of permission
for the erection of a wind turbine at Pond Farm. The Planning
Inspectorate has introduced an online appeals service which can be used
to comment on this appeal.
NNDC is seeking confirmation that ownership of the Red Hart has
transferred to New River Retail before entering it onto the District
Council's Assets of Community Value List for 5 years.
The meeting opened at 7.32pm
2. Apologies.
Cllr. M. Vicary, County Cllr. D. Ramsbotham, Dist Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes,
PCSO Clarke.
3. Declaration of interest. P. Bedell declared an interest in item 9
(grant to playing field).
4. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 12th
October, having been previously circulated, were approved as an accurate
record and signed by the chairman.
5. Matters arising from the minutes
Item 5 Screening of paper bin. Cllrs Beeson and Bedell have visited the
site and suggested that a planter of approximately five feet long and
two feet wide should be put in place and planted with Laurel or similar
hedging. This can then be removed if there is a need for access.
6. Councillors reports. There were no reports from councillors.
7. The Red Hart Inn. This item had been covered in the report from Dist
Cllr. Perry-Warnes.
8. Finance. After considering the budget for 2016-2017, which was
approved, it was agreed not to increase the precept. This will remain at
£7500 for 2016-2017.
It was proposed by Cllr. Godfrey that a grant of £600 should be given to
the playing field committee to help with the ever increasing insurance
costs, which for this year are £1538
This proposal was seconded by Cllr. Cubitt and carried.
It was proposed by Cllr Green that £300 should be donated towards the
upkeep of the churchyard. This was seconded by Cllr. Bedell and carried
Cheques approved and signed were: -
Grant to Playing Field £600
Donation to Church £300
9. Fishing Lake.
A lifesaving ring has been purchased and will be installed on a post by
Mr Turvey.
10. Correspondence.
A letter of resignation from Cllr. Ann Green was read to the meeting.
The members of the committee thanked Mrs Green for all her hard work and
wished her well in the future.
Notification of a deadline for registering footpaths was discussed.
It was agreed to register the footpath from the rear of the old school,
behind the houses in Cromer Road to the Village Hall car park.
A planning application, received after the agenda was published, for the
erection of two dwellings on land adjoining Pineheath Road, High Kelling
was discussed by the members.
The Parish Council had no objection to this application.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
October 2015
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council on Monday
12th October 2015 at Bodham Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.
Cllrs. W. Beeson, (chairman), P. Bedell, P. Cubitt, M Godfrey, A. Green.
J. Stibbons (clerk) and five members of the public.
The chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm
1.Guest speakers and public comments and observations.
* It was noted that phase two of Hall Close had been approved but due to
a lack of money no work had started yet. A start should be made later in
the year.
* The direction posts at the bottom of Weybourne Road need to be moved
to make it more obvious that this is access only.
* The council were asked if donations could be made to the church and
playing field. It was agreed that this would be discussed at the next
2. Apologies. Cllrs. J. Mack, M. Vicary,
County Cllr. D. Ramsbotham, Dist Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes, PCSO Clarke
3. Declarations of Interest. None
4. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14th September,
having been previously circulated were approved by the members and
signed by the chairman.
5. Matters arising from the minutes. It was reported that the strimmer,
chainsaw and other pieces of equipment had been sold for £280 and the
cheque paid into the bank.
Paper bin – a letter from Julie Peters was read to the meeting.
Screening of the site was discussed further but no decision reached. It
was stated that the paper bin was very slow to be emptied, sometimes
taking up to eight weeks. Whites are to be contacted to see if they will
empty every three weeks or a larger container be supplied.
6. Councillors reports.
The Parish Council would like to thank Julia Peters for maintaining the
school footpath and clearing round the village sign.
Since the last meeting the police have monitored traffic using Weybourne
Street lights in Weybourne Road and Cromer Road need attention. TT Jones
to be informed.
7. Red Hart Inn.
The application form to have the Red Hart become as Asset of Community
Value has been received by North Norfolk District Council and is being
The area on which the village hall stands has no connection with the Red
8. Finances.
The Treasurers account balance is £10497.33
The following invoices were approved and cheques signed: -
No.371 T.T. Jones Electrical Street lighting £162.85
No.372 J. Stibbons Planning map and lifebuoy £55.54
No.373 Indigo Waste Bottle bank £36
9. Fishing Lake.
Justin Turvey has now removed weeds from half the pond and it is now
possible to fish.
The Parish Council thanked Mr. Turvey for all his hard work.
The lifebelt is ordered and should be delivered within the next week.
10. Correspondence.
A late planning application was included in this item.
Application ref. PF/15/1383 Erection of replacement porch at 7, Cromer
The Parish Council supported this application.
Gresham parish council- asking for information regarding the removal of
their signs from the main road advertising the Gresham car boot sales.
It was noted that signs put out by Bodham playing field had also been
removed in the past. This was action taken by Highways because the signs
were on the verge (highways property)
The Bodham signs had been retrieved later from the Aylsham depot.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next meeting of Bodham parish council will be on Monday 9th November
2015 |
September 2015
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 14th September 2015 at Bodham Village Hall commencing
at 7.30pm.
Cllrs. J. Mack (chairman), P. Bedell, P. Cubitt, W. Beeson, M Godfrey,
M. Vicary,
Dist. Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes, PCSO Clarke. J. Stibbons (clerk) and three
members of the public.
1. It was agreed that this part of the meeting should be open for public
comments and observations.
Police .Holt station has had a reduction of staff, consequently
there are now not enough staff to continue regular visits to the parish.
There was one reported crime and one suspicious circumstances reported
during the last quarter.
Cllr. Godfrey commented that the Weybourne Road is being used as a
“rat run”. The police asked for a local record of the number of
vehicles. The police can then take action.
Mr. Bruford. Commented that there were three councillors who did not
attend the last parish council meeting and no apologies were given. The
members explained the reasons for non-attendance.
Dist Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes - The council to considered the impact of
paying the Living Wage of £9 per hour before its proposed introduction
in 2020. It was decided to delay this decision until further analysis
had taken place.
The council is embarking on a three-year project to compile a new
Local Plan to cover development policies and land allocations for the
period to 2036. A Local Development Scheme is required which sets out
the timetable and the periods of consultation. The first requirement is
to formally announce the intention to compile a new Local Plan and to
seek representations regarding its scope. This is now under way.
2. Apologies. Cllr. A. Green County Cllr. D. Ramsbotham
3. Declarations of interest. There were no declarations of
4. Minutes. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on
Monday 13th July, having been previously circulated, were approved by
the members and signed by the chairman.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
An offer of £250 has been made for the hand tools. It was decided to
delay a decision to see if a higher offer could be obtained.
6. Councillors reports.
Fly tipping reported on Weybourne Road where garden rubbish is being
dumped on the verge.
The light outside Morgan’s Way is not working. Victory Housing to be
It was suggested that the entrance to the village needs improving.
The paper bin could be screened either with panels or trees. Cllr.
Bedell will obtain a quote for fencing is to be obtained.
7. The Red Hart Inn.
The Red Hart has been sold to New River Retail (UK) Ltd. which has
bought two hundred public houses and is developing the land. The present
landlord has a lease for ten years.
It was proposed by Cllr. Bedell that the Parish Council should apply
to North Norfolk District Council for nomination of The Hart as an Asset
of Community Value (ACV) This was seconded by Cllr. Godfrey and
unanimously approved.
8. Finances.
The Audit for 2014-15 is now complete and has been signed off.
Direct Debit Eon Electricity September 2015 £45.65
Cheques signed:-
SLCC annual subscription £103
J. Stibbons (salary and expenses) £523.09
HMRC PAYE £111.60
9. Fishing Lake
It was proposed by Cllr. Godfrey that a Life-saving buoyancy ring should
be purchased for the fishing lake. This was seconded by Cllr. Vicary and
10. Correspondence.
Requests for donations from The Norfolk Hospice and Citizens Advice
It was decided to leave all considerations for donations until the
end of the financial year.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 12th October
2015 |
July 2015
DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 13th July 2015 at Bodham Village Hall.
PRESENT. Mr. P. Bedell Mr. M Godfrey, Mrs. A. Green, Mrs. M Vicary,
County Cllr. D. Ramsbotham Dist. Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes and two members
of the public.
The meeting opened at 7.35pm.
As the chairman and vice-chairman were not present the members elected
Mr. P. Bedell to chair the meeting,
C. Cllr. D. Ramsbotham reported that at the County Hall AGM Mr. George
Knobbs was appointed leader of the council.
The budget for 2015/16 was finalised. Costs are up and grants from
central government are down, by 15%. Savings of £245 million must be
High speed broadband should be available in Bodham by 2017.
Dist. Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes Fly tipping is costing at least £100 to
clear in each case.
The Selbrigg Wind Turbine report should be ready by 23rd July.
Mr. J. Turvey. Weeds will need clearing at the Marl Pits but at the
moment the fish are spawning.
The Red Hart will be asked to sell fishing permits.
It was reported that a dog had chased a child on the allotments. The
police are to be notified.
From a comment concerning rabbits on the allotment the chairman pointed
out that no shooting was allowed in this area.
Mr. H. Bruford. Work on the 16 houses in Hall Close was due to start in
the summer of 2015 but as yet no start date is available.
4. THE MINUTES of the meeting held on Monday 8th JUNE 2015, having been
previously circulated were approved by the members present and signed by
the chairman.
The road signs left in Hart Lane have now been removed.
It was agreed to discuss the sale of the equipment (i.e. chain saw,
brush cutter etc.) at the next meeting.
It was decided that life-saving equipment for the Marl Pits fishing lake
should be emergency lifelines rather that a ring. The cost of a cabinet
to hold the throwing lines is to be investigated.
6. COUNCILLORS REPORTS There were no reports.
Invoices approved for payment were:-
Photo copier maintenance £551.21
T.T. Jones Electrical £162.61
The direct debit of £47.17 for electricity was noted
Ref PF/15/0792 Extension of North end of former barn, change of use of
land from agriculture to use in association with holiday accommodation
at Manor Farm, Manor House Road, and Lower Bodham.
The Parish Council had no objection to this application.
Ref PF/15/0186 PERMISSION has been granted for the Erection of
two-storey and single-storey and two storey side extension at Franklins
Farm, Hart Lane, Bodham.
Ref PF/15/0423 PERMISSION has been granted for the Conversion of barns
to five holiday accommodation units, swimming pool, building/office and
installation of tennis court at Rookery Farm, The Street, Bodham
Dudgeon Community Support Fund. Noted
Launch of new Love Food Hate Waste network. Noted
JJ Jones, quotation for replacement of light fittings, £338.16 + VAT per
The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council will be held on Monday 14th
September 2015 at Bodham Village Hall, starting at 7:30pm.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
Minutes taken by J. Stibbons (Parish Clerk) |
June 2015 - DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish
Council on Monday 8th June 2015 at Bodham Village Hall commencing at
PRESENT. Mr. J. Mack (chairman), Mr. W. Beeson, Mr. M Godfrey, Mrs.
A. Green, Mrs. M Vicary, Dist. Cllr. G. Perry-Warnes and two members of
the public.
1. It was agreed that this part of the meeting should be open for public
comments and observations.
Mrs. Georgie Parry-Warnes, the new District Councillor was introduced.
Being a new councillor she is on a steep learning curve but is willing
to help the parish council in any way she can.
Mr. Justin Turvey reported that there was no lifesaving apparatus at the
Marl Pit. It was agreed to purchase a lifesaving ring.
Mr. Bruford that he had received a letter agreeing that it is in order
for the council to sell the hand tools and re-use the money from the
sale. The tools are in store and the best price is to be negotiated.
2. Apologies Mr. P. Bedell, Mr. P. Cubitt, Mr. D. Ramsbotham (NCC)
3. Declarations of Interest. There were no declarations of interest.
4. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 11th May,
having been previously circulated, were approved as an accurate record
and signed by the chairman.
5. Matters arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising.
6. Councillors Reports.
A “No Road Markings” sign has been left at Hart Lane. Mrs. Green is to
contact the contractors.
The grass needs to be cleared round the Marl Pit. A qualified person
should be employed twice a year to clear the edges.
It was agreed to sell all the hand tools and have the Marl Pit strimmed.
7. Finances. The meeting approved the following accounts to be paid as
soon as the new cheque book arrives.
* Environment Agency £16.90
* J Stibbons (salary and expenses March-May) £447.13
* HMRC PAYE deductions £111.60
8. Allotments. All allotments are now let. A map showing the tenants of
each plot was handed to the members present.
9. Vehicle Activated Signs. (VAS) There is interest in having a VAS.
Cost is £5000 but a 50% grant may be available. Neighbouring villages
are to be approached with a view to sharing the equipment.
10. Correspondence. TT Jones report on the street lamps. Three lights
near Roseacre are obsolete. A Quotation for replacement is to be
obtained so the costs can be included in the next budget.
It is not intended to replace these lights until they fail completely.
12. The next parish council meeting will be on Monday 13th July 2015
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
Minutes taken by J. Stibbons (clerk) 10th June 2015 |
May 2015 - Minutes of the meeting held by Bodham Parish Council on
Monday 11th May 2015 at Bodham Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.
PRESENT. Mr. J. Mack (chairman), Mr. P. Bedell, Mr. W. Beeson, Mr. P.
Cubitt, Mr. M Godfrey, Mrs. A. Green, Mrs. M Vicary, , and five members
of the public.
APOLOGIES Mr. D. Ramsbotham (NCC)
1. All returned members of the Parish Council signed a Declaration of
acceptance of Office and were asked to complete a Registration of
Interests form to be returned to NNDC Monitoring Officer.
It was proposed by Mr. P. Bedell that Mr. J. Mack be appointed as
Chairman. This was seconded by Mrs. A. Green and carried.
It was proposed by Mrs A. Green that Mr. W. Beeson be appointed Vice
chairman. This was seconded by Mr. Godfrey and carried.
There was a discussion regarding the Marl Pits which are becoming
clogged with weeds and not being used very much. Mr. Justin Turvey
agreed to take over as Bailiff and this was agreed by the meeting. A
payments book will be provided and reasonable expenses will be paid.
Fishing will be free to village residents.
5. MINUTES. The minutes of the Bodham Parish Council meeting held on
Monday 13th April 2015, having been previously circulated were approved
by the meeting and signed by the chairman.
Allotments. The three new plots have been marked out. These now have new
tenants and the remaining vacant plot has been taken. An up-to date map
will be drawn with each plot numbered.
Flashing Signs. NCC can provide flashing vehicle activated signs (SAM2)
displaying the speed of an approaching vehicle. The signs will become
the property and responsibility of the Parish Council. Specific sights
will be agreed between the community and an officer of NCC. They can
only be at one site for four weeks and must not return to that site for
eight weeks. Members felt this was unsatisfactory and efforts should be
made to have a permanent sign.
7. REPORTS. Mick Godfrey reported that there was still a problem with
Weybourne Road being used as a “Rat Run”. Police are to be contacted.
Balance in bank £5309.26
The accounts, prepared for the Auditors, were approved by the meeting
and signed in the relevant places by the chairman and RFO.
9. INSURANCE. The quotation from Zurich Insurance of £480.45 for the
coming year was approved. A cheque for this amount was duly signed
It was noted that there is now no cover in place for the use of power
tools and Mr. Bruford agreed to hold them all at his property and try to
negotiate a price for their sale. Enquiries will be made to establish if
the money from the sale can be used for other village improvements as a
grant was given for the original purchase.
10. PLANNING. The Parish Council had NO OBJECTION to planning Ref.
PF/15/0423 Conversion of Barns to five holiday accommodation units,
swimming pool, office and tennis court at Rookery Farm, Bodham.
12. MATTERS FOR INFORMATION. The next meeting of Bodham Parish Council
will be held on Monday 8th June 2015 at 7.15pm
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
J. Stibbons (clerk) 12/5/15 |
April 2015
PRESENT: Mr. W. Beeson - Chairman. Mr. P Cubitt, Mrs A. Green. Mrs.
M. Vicary, Mr. M. Godfrey Mr. J Stibbons – Clerk. Six members of the
Mr. H. Bruford read a thank you letter from Mrs. B. Emery for the
flowers presented to her on her retirement.
Broadland Housing – a start date is not yet available as they are still
raising finance.
A request was made for a temporary flashing sign on the A148 reading
“YOUR SPEED IS..” Highways are to be contacted.
Sketch of vacant allotments was made available. People on the waiting
list are to be informed.
Mr. J. Mack, Mr. J. Perry-Warnes (NNDC) Mr. Ramsbotham (NCC)
To agree the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9th March 2015
It was notes in item 9 (Planning) Installation of Wind Turbine at
Hempstead. The wording was unclear and was amended to read that the
proposal to object to the planning application was carried with five in
favour and none against.
The minutes were amended and approved by the meeting. They were then
signed by the chairman.
The list of nominees for the Parish Council election was on 7th May was
handed to the meeting. As there are only seven names there will be no
A written report from the Police said there were no crimes reported
during the period, but they asked the Parish Council to highlight the
fact that there had been a number of thefts from out buildings. Any
suspicious activity should be reported.
Mr. Cubitt said tools and a chain saw had been stolen from Manor Farm,
why was this not included as a crime in the figures?
There were no reports.
The following payments were approved:-
NALC subscription £119.14
T T Jones Electrical £162.85
Indigo Waste £35.40
E-on £33.87
It was agreed that PAYE deductions should continue to be paid by
standing order.
N. Lamb, M.P. A148 Lodge corner, attached interim correspondence from
Norfolk County Council.
E-on. Notice of change of contract rates. The current price of 9.20p per
kWh is increasing to 12.40p per kWh. It was agreed that this increase
should be queried and if necessary changes to an alternative supplier
Application No. PF/14/0925 Refusal of permission to erect a wind turbine
with hub height of 40m at Pond Farm, Bodham.
The annual Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 11th May at
Bodham Village Hall. This meeting will immediately follow the Annual
Parish Meeting which is to be held at 7.00pm
March 2015
PRESENT: Mr. J. Mack – Chairman. Mr. W. Beeson, Mr. P. Cubitt, Mrs.
M. Vicary, Mrs. A. Green. , Mr. J. Perry Warnes (NNDC). Five members of
the public.
The above was agreed. Mr. Perry-Warnes (NCC) reported that there are
grants available for recreation activities. Applications to be made to
Mr. Bruford thanked the work done for the parish by Mrs. B. Emery, the
retiring clerk. Mrs. Emery had been clerk for almost fifteen years. She
had served the parish well and he had much pleasure in presenting her
with a bouquet of flowers. The committee all echoed their thanks and
showed their appreciation with a round of applause.
Mrs. Emery replied that she had really mixed feelings as she had been
a clerk for thirty years and had family connections with the area as her
grandfather and great grandfather were born in Beckham. She had enjoyed
her time as clerk to Bodham parish council.
Mr. Fielding was present to answer any questions concerning the
planning application for a wind turbine at Selbrigg, in Hempstead. The
MOD had allowed ten turbines to operate in the area and eight places had
already been taken up. With the Pond Farm turbine and the Selbrigg
application this allocation would be filled. Access to the National Grid
is limited and more applications are unlikely.
The position will be sixty four meters above sea level and the grid
connection will be at Beckham. Expected output to be 560Kwts
It was reported that a street light on Cromer Road was not working. The
clerk to contact T.T.Jones
2. APOLOGIES Mr. D. Ramsbotham (NCC) PCSO Clarke
Mr. Beeson declared an interest in item 9
Mr. Mack declared a personal interest in item 9
The above having been circulated beforehand were agreed as a true record
and signed by the chairman.
There were no matters to report
i. Income HMRC VAT refund £485.09
ii. Direct Debits paid E-on £33.87 (11/2/15) £30.60 (12/3/15)
iii. Invoices to agree for payment and retrospective payments
(Feb. Payments) Ellis Timber £80.78 B. Emery (salary) £239.60 HMRC
(March payments) Jones Electrical £237.72 B. Emery (final salary) £82.96
Indigo Waste £16.80 H. Bruford £35 CPRE £35 Norfolk a2z £45
iv. It was agreed that J. Mack, W Beeson and J. Stibbons (clerk) should
be appointed cheque signatories.
Ms. Peters enquired if the vacant plots on the allotment had been let.
The strip released by Mr. Digby will need to be measured and the three
plots marked out. This will be done in the next few days.
CPRE renewal of membership. It was proposed by Mr. Beeson that
membership should be continued. This was seconded by Mrs Green and
approved. A cheque for £35 was signed.
Application PF/14/1669 Installation of Wind Turbine at Hempstead.
There were differing views expressed during the discussion of this
Mr. Beeson proposed that the Parish Council object to this application
firstly because developments of this type will cause an impact on the
Cromer Ridge landscape and also because of the proximity of Baconsthorpe
Castle. There were five in favour of the proposal to object to the
application and none against.
Application PF/15/0186 Extension at Franklins Farm.
Mr. Beeson, having declared an interest left the meeting.
The Parish Council supported this application
Next meeting Monday 13th April 2015 Bodham Village Hall 7:30pm.
It was agreed that the meeting in May would be on Monday 11th May,
not Tuesday 12th May as published.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at
February 2015
PRESENT: Mr. J. Mack – Chairman. Mr. W. Beeson, Mr. P. Cubitt, Mrs.M.
Vicary, Mrs. A. Green. Mr. D. Ramsbotham (NCC), Mr. J. Perry Warnes
(NNDC). Four members of the public.
The above was agreed. Mr. Ramsbotham (NCC) reported that County Hall
will be setting the budget next week. Cuts are likely for next five
A street light is on continually at top of Weybourne Rd and traffic are
still using the road as a short cut. Mr. Mack said, the Clerk will deal
with lights and traffic problem is a police matter.
Mrs. Perry Warnes reported to say that the NNDC are setting it’s budget.
Mr. Bruford reported that building is due to start in Hall Close in the
Mr. Bedell asked if, like West Beckham, Bodham would receive a donation
for having the solar panel farm. Mr. Mack replied that an offer of a
financial donation had been put forward with plans for the wind turbine.
Mr. Turvey told us that he had been unable to make any progress with
plans for a community shop.
The Clerk Mrs. B. Emery was absent due to illness. Mrs. A. Green (Cllr)
offered to take the minutes. This was agreed.
The above having been circulated beforehand were agreed as a true record
and signed by the Chairman.
It was noted that all the equipment for use on the Common is with Mr. JP
Thanks was extended to Mr. Vicary for promptly replacing three fence
panels on the car park. The cost of the wood was £80.87 – invoice to be
sent to the Clerk.
6. COUNCILLORS REPORTS – Nothing to report.
7. FINANCE – No report given.
8. CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing to discuss.
9. PLANNING – The Hempstead wind turbine would be discussed at the next
10. TO RESOLVE TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC FOR ITEM 11. This item not needed
as a decision had been made immediately after an interview held before
the meeting, as the second candidate had withdrawn owing to illness.
Mr. John Stibbons had been interviewed before the meeting. No discussion
was needed outside of a proposal by Mr. W. Beeson that the position
should be offered to Mr. Stibbons, this was seconded by Mrs. M. Vicary.
All agreed.
Bodham Village Hall 7:15pm for 7:30pm Monday 9th March 2015.
MAY 2014
PRESENT: Mr. H. Bruford – Chairman. Mr. J. Mack – Vice Chairman. Mr. J.
Shrive, Mr. W. Beeson, Mr. C. Ringer. Mrs. B. Emery (Clerk) Mr. J. Perry
Warnes (NNDC)
Harry Bruford was nominated and proposed for Chairman by Mr. J. Mack.
Seconded by Mr. J. Shrive. This was agreed unanimously. Mr. Bruford
The Chairman then signed the declaration countersigned by the Clerk.
Mr. J. Mack was nominated and proposed for Vice Chairman by Mr. C.
Ringer seconded by Mr. H. Bruford. Agreed by all.
Police – apologies were given and a report sent to the Clerk.
Mr. J. Perry Warnes (NNDC) – reported with updates on previous matters.
Mr. D. Ramsbotham (NCC) No report sent.
Mr. M. Godfrey and Mr. JP Ringer. Both accepted.
Mr. C. Ringer declared a personal interest in Item 9. The Clerk
confirmed that there was no need to leave the meeting as it wasn’t a
prejudicial interest.
The above minutes having bee circulated beforehand were agreed as a true
record and signed by the Chairman.
8. ONGOING MATTERS FOR REPORT from the minutes.
Broadland Housing.- Mr. C. Ringer is meeting a Mr. Andrew Savage on 22nd
May to find out what the future plans are. A report will be given at the
next meeting.
After discussion it was agreed to determine the areas of plots let and
defer decision to the next meeting.
The Clerk read out details and explanations from Ms. Steventon of NNDC
that everything had been looked at and satisfactory explanations had
been given by the owner of the land. There was still concern over a fork
lift truck being used for loading lorries. This was reported by Mr.
Beeson. The Clerk would report to NNDC.
11. CLOTHES BANK report.
There had been no further action on the above. NNDC, Victory Housing and
Barnardos had all denied having had dealings with this particular
clothes bank. The Clerk would look into trying to get it removed.
The Clerk gave out the latest Highway Ranger report.
Mr. C. Ringer reported that the bench detailed for the Marl Pit would be
installed during the half term week.
i. Income – M. Whites recycling £27.40
ii. Direct Debits paid:
e.on energy £32.78 paid 12th May direct debit.
iii. Invoices to agree for payment:
Zurich insurance £480.72
Barbara Emery (Clerk’s Salary) £235.77
iv. Payments made online:
HMRC May £52.40
v. To accept the final accounts for the year ended 31st March 2014.
It was proposed by Mr. C. Ringer, seconded by Mr. H. Bruford that the
final accounts be accepted and signed. Agreed unanimously.
Highways report
NNDC report on Drakes Patch.
Application: PF/14/0508 – Erection of 1.82m boundary fence at 1 Rose
Acre. No objection.
Decisions: Granted to PF/14/0247 at Selbrigg Pond Kelling Rd. Dredging
Monday 9th June 2014. Bodham Village Hall 7:30pm. Councillor surgery
from 7pm.
Above confirmed.
Signed……Harry Bruford………….Chairman.
Date………9th June 2014…………..
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